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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

Morrissey took the opportunity to be a complete dick about things as usual, somewhat dribbling around the edges of what he would like to say.

Fuck off with your 'what we all say in private'.

He seems to have conveniently forgotten about Jo Cox with his line about 'Politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims'. There are many other examples down the years too, here and elsewhere.

Really puerile comment about what Andy Burnham said too.
I hope it was a one off.

Unfortunately it won't be. These attacks will be a fact of life for many years to come.

The use of bolts etc is just horrible, there should be some kind of fucking terrorist Geneva convention that bans it.

Why? These kids were not just the victims of this atrocity - they were the deliberate targets. If your aim is to spread abject terror, fear and rage then deliberately blowing up a load of young kids, using the most barbaric weaponry, is a perversely perfect way to get straight to the heart/soul/mind of anybody who has one.

From the Jihadist point of view this attack - and the response to it - is a massive success. One 'useful idiot' (I have no doubt the Jihadis discovered his name via the media, same as th erest of us) using a home-made bomb that probably cost a couple of hundred quid has created all this havoc.
so martial law before an election

strong and stable leadership


ffs the IRA blew up half of Manchester.. without troops being on the streets in the aftermath
Of course it's cynical.

And it's a decision only a government can take. Labour can't, because they aren't in power. So of course they can be framed as soft and yielding - and of course their leader is an IRA sympathiser, don't you know.

I really hope - and I hate saying this becuase it's fucking awful - this doesn't win the tories the election.
To be completely honest, I don't see what not selling arms to the Saudis would do, unless we were their only source of arms which we are not. Wouldn't it be something of an empty gesture. If they're going to buy them anyway why not buy British ones which helps the economy and there's tax revenue from that which benefits people from the UK.
DM is ecstatic.
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Comments along the lines of 'thank god Corbyns not in charge we'd be fighting terrorists by handing out flowers'.
A380 yeh, that's why they put a load of plod on the street yesterday, other days *since* the cuts, every time someone's stabbed for example, they take cops off their work and send them to walk the streets to show people the stable door's been shut. Weren't cops guarding soldiers at Buckingham palace just a couple of months back in case of attack?

The thing about Morrisey, is a just needs a better mental strategy to deal with these terrorist attack. He is getting too emotionally involved, the trick is not to see terrorism, blank it out, it happens and then forget about it as soon as possible. Also another way, is to think of terrorism as one would a natural disaster. For example if a ferry sank in a freak storm, it would be very sad and tragic if people died but one wouldn't feel angry at the sea. This is a better way to look at terrorism. If Morrisey employed these strategies people wouldn't think he was a total and utter racist. Awful generalisation he used as well, that was really disgusting.
To be completely honest, I don't see what not selling arms to the Saudis would do, unless we were their only source of arms which we are not. Wouldn't it be something of an empty gesture. If they're going to buy them anyway why not buy British ones which helps the economy and there's tax revenue from that which benefits people from the UK.
Are you serious?
Except they can't anymore because the government cut 20% of them. That's what the army are doing, trying to fill the gaps.
And if Corbyn points that out he will be accused of capitalising on suffering
To be completely honest, I don't see what not selling arms to the Saudis would do, unless we were their only source of arms which we are not. Wouldn't it be something of an empty gesture. If they're going to buy them anyway why not buy British ones which helps the economy and there's tax revenue from that which benefits people from the UK.
Oh just fuck off.
To be completely honest, I don't see what not selling arms to the Saudis would do, unless we were their only source of arms which we are not. Wouldn't it be something of an empty gesture. If they're going to buy them anyway why not buy British ones which helps the economy and there's tax revenue from that which benefits people from the UK.

Is it an "empty gesture" not to sell munitions to a brutal regime waging a vicious war killing thousands of people?
Is it an "empty gesture" not to sell munitions to a brutal regime waging a vicious war killing thousands of people?
I think we tried imposing regime change in the Middle East before. Also isn't Saudi Arabia home to Mecca Islam's most holy site, Allah has blessed it such, so can't it defend itself? Just thinking out loud really.
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Saw the Civil Nuclear Constabulary out in full force yesterday by one of the coastal power stations. Never seen them there before. They were sitting in their 4x4 watching dog walkers. It must be the most boring police job in the UK. "In 2016, I made no arrests, in 2015 I made no arrests, in 2014 I made no arrests, in 2013 I arrested that naked guy by the sand dunes. In 2012 I made no arrests, in 2011 I made no arrests, in 2010 there was that incident with the seagull. In 2009 I made no arrests, I mean I could go on..." :thumbs:
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