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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

I'm not sure you've really grasped the nature of the modern jihadi, chuck. Tell you what, spend a spot of time reading about them so we're all on the same page when you come back.
Not sure you've grasped the nature of sarcasm either. Not sure the nature of modern jihadism has much time for the nature of either thee or me, so please let's just forget the oneupmanship and get on with it. I'm on limited broadband (yeh, and patience) so wtf are you on about? AFAICT yer modern jihadi is typically a petty criminal recruited in jail and focused on a goal. Which likely involves glory and maidens.
Nah, I'm simplifying. what did you mean?
mate , you've just literally said what I've been trying to put into words for the last few hours, more than anything of this type ive ever experienced has made me feel , so dis-heartend with the world, angry and emotional , been on the verge of tears this last hour.

targeting kids ffs :(

I wasn't angry until I consulted social media. The thing that depresses me is the ugly memes I see. However many terrorists there are, there's another (probably larger) group of people just as willing to use the death of an 8-year-old girl to inspire hatred and conflict. They just don't go to the trouble of actually blowing anyone up.

Does that make any sense? It may not. :(
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We're all inconsistent sometimes, nothing to worry about. But speculating is just something people do, long as it doesn't go off the wall I think it's a healthy way of trying to get a grasp on things.
It's probably a natural instinct as you say, to try to 'get a grasp', make sense of the senseless thing. But speculating on why that particular crowd means trying to imagine your way inside the mind of a young man for whom blowing himself to bits and taking a bunch of strangers with him seemed the logical thing to do.
I suppose the real question is just a big Why but Why an Ariane Grande concert is kind of easier for the brain to deal with.
Not sure you've grasped the nature of sarcasm either. Not sure the nature of modern jihadism has much time for the nature of either thee or me, so please let's just forget the oneupmanship and get one with it. I'm on limited broadband (yeh, and patience) so wtf are you on about? AFAICT yer modern jihadi is typically a petty criminal recruited in jail and focused on a goal. Which likely involves glory and maidens.
Nah, I'm simplifying. what did you mean?
Discounted sarcasm as thought lowest form of wit beneath this thread. See I was wrong. Oh well.
I am aware of that. I was just expressing my emotional response at the time. I think I'm reasonably educated over the issues and the background. If you felt no anger at all at any point, well, good for you.

You asked for "some use" for your "raging fucking anger". I answered accordingly trying to tell you, to make it obvious, I was not condescending.

If it makes you feel better to chuck sarcasm at me and to identify another nutter with mental health problems in Birmingham as if it hadn't occurred to you this problem might go beyond one single psychopath, well, that's your prerogative.
You asked for "some use" for your "raging fucking anger". I answered accordingly trying to tell you, to make it obvious, I was not condescending.

If it makes you feel better to chuck sarcasm at me and to identify another nutter with mental health problems in Birmingham as if it hadn't occurred to you this problem might go beyond one single psychopath, well, that's your prerogative.
That's enough patronising projection from you for me today, thanks. I think there's more pressing things to talk about right now.
That's enough patronising projection from you for me today, thanks. I think there's more pressing things to talk about right now.

I haven't patronised you one bit.

ISIS like to think they can affect political outcomes and people's opinions with their atrocities. They know fear and terror work well into making people abandon their values in the West. They know this leads more easily into an intrusive surveillance state and the abandonment of any pretence of values of liberty.

And that's the only place naked "raging fucking anger" is going to lead.

Don't ask the question if you don't like the answer. I tried to be nothing but civil to you.
I haven't patronised you one bit.

ISIS like to think they can affect political outcomes and people's opinions with their atrocities. They know fear and terror work well into making people abandon their values in the West. They know this leads more easily into an intrusive surveillance state and the abandonment of any pretence of values of liberty.

And that's the only place naked "raging fucking anger" is going to lead.

Don't ask the question if you don't like the answer. I tried to be nothing but civil to you.

Give it a rest ffs.
Discounted sarcasm as thought lowest form of wit beneath this thread. See I was wrong. Oh well.
Oh fuck off PM.
I'm usually ad idem with you but this time I'm twirling my finger in my ear and saying Quoi? At least can't we agree that this is an atrocity, and - tentatively - that the atrocity was targeted? Targeted at girls who were enjoying music and the pleasures of being young in their bodies?

Oh great, we're doing the predictable urban entropy thing. :rolleyes: At least it's later than page 6.
And, yanno, I think we mostly agree on the important things: the man who did this was an unmitigated shit and he deserved to die.
I haven't seen the je suis Manchester or my fb wall turning into the butchers apron as of yet. Is it now too commonplace?
My Facebook has been deactivated for several months, but if Twitter is anything to go by it tends to be people having "I <3 MCR" (as first wheeled out during the 2011 riots) as their avatar. I was toying with having the city's coat of arms on as my avatar but didn't get round to it. Bees (being a symbol of the industriousness of the city) are also popular, such as this:

In a way I think it's more creative than just using the flag of the nation that's under attack.
I like the bees too. A couple of variations have appeared from Mancs on my FB alongside uniiin jack hearts and I *heart* Mcr logos from others.
ISIS like to think they can affect political outcomes and people's opinions with their atrocities. They know fear and terror work well into making people abandon their values in the West. They know this leads more easily into an intrusive surveillance state and the abandonment of any pretence of values of liberty.

And that's the only place naked "raging fucking anger" is going to lead.
Or it might just be a moment's anger expressed on the internet amongst friends. And that's fucking it. No wildly extrapolated "this is where it will lead" theories needed.
I would have been on the far side of where you were standing. Amazed to see so many people there, we couldn't get close enough to hear the speakers.

I ambled up about half an hour before the start and the square was already full.. At the end I realised all the streets around had filled up too, never seen that square so full even at new year, took me ten minutes to shuffle out again, when I was struck by the number of foreign accents around, Spanish, Americans, Germans.

Your side was the gobbiest I must say. ;)
I ambled up about half an hour before the start and the square was already full.. At the end I realised all the streets around had filled up too, never seen that square so full even at new year, took me ten minutes to shuffle out again, when I was struck by the number of foreign accents around, Spanish, Americans, Germans.

Your side was the gobbiest I must say. ;)
The best bit was when we were all chanting "MAN-CHEST-ER!". But there was definitely a diverse mix of all kinds of people there, which is to be welcomed, especially considering what a cosmopolitan city we live in.
The best bit was when we were all chanting "MAN-CHEST-ER!". But there was definitely a diverse mix of all kinds of people there, which is to be welcomed, especially considering what a cosmopolitan city we live in.

Yes, I kinda suspected we would do that! I hope they put that on the news.

My highlight was that poem though, they ended Five Live's extended coverage with it this evening, was just special.
Oh fuck off PM.
I'm usually ad idem with you but this time I'm twirling my finger in my ear and saying Quoi? At least can't we agree that this is an atrocity, and - tentatively - that the atrocity was targeted? Targeted at girls who were enjoying music and the pleasures of being young in their bodies?

Oh great, we're doing the predictable urban entropy thing. :rolleyes: At least it's later than page 6.
And, yanno, I think we mostly agree on the important things: the man who did this was an unmitigated shit and he deserved to die.
You're one of the best posters on urban. But from my pov you're looking for a scrap, I don't know why. We don't seem to disagree. Let's move on in amity but speaking less French.
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