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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

So don't speculate. Unless you're going to speculate it was an idiot who could have picked anywhere, that's fine.

Not sure why. A feature of many of the recent attacks across the world is that the targets have been deliberately chosen, the Bataclan, Parc de Princes, the club in Florida etc. If nothing else the bomber must have known he was attacking teenage pop fans but that was fine for him.
Not sure why. A feature of many of the recent attacks across the world is that the targets have been deliberately chosen, the Bataclan, Parc de Princes, the club in Florida etc. If nothing else the bomber must have known he was attacking teenage pop fans but that was fine for him.
Not sure why. A feature of many of the recent attacks across the world is that the targets have been deliberately chosen, the Bataclan, Parc de Princes, the club in Florida etc. If nothing else the bomber must have known he was attacking teenage pop fans but that was fine for him.

And yeah, that.
I've actually been got by this. Normally pretty bloody stoic about these kinds of things, even when much closer to me personally, 7/7. But, fuck sakes, this is just so fucking awful I'm losing it and going to pieces a bit.

Fucking wanker.

mate , you've just literally said what I've been trying to put into words for the last few hours, more than anything of this type ive ever experienced has made me feel , so dis-heartend with the world, angry and emotional , been on the verge of tears this last hour.

targeting kids ffs :(
So don't speculate. Unless you're going to speculate it was an idiot who could have picked anywhere, that's fine.
ISIS don't have views on music, the body, how young girls should comport themselves, etc. And if they did, that would have absolutely nothing to do with the random target and it would be mischievous speculation to suggest otherwise.
Im sure he thought very carefully about his target. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was because they were decadent young women, dressed inappropriately, dancing to immoral pop music.
Killing them delivers a double whammy of dealing the prophet's vengeance on the the evil west, whilst delivering punishment on the sinners.
Im sure he thought very carefully about his target. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was because they were decadent young women, dressed inappropriately, dancing to immoral pop music.
Killing them delivers a double whammy of dealing the prophet's vengeance on the the evil west, whilst delivering punishment on the sinners.
Yeh? Maybe that was part of it, but we're all targets too, yer man was trying to get us to respond to his provocation
I wish I could find some use for this raging fucking anger I have.

Educate yourself. I don't mean this in any condescending way. It may be the good old MSM BBC but there are worse places than here.

Islamic State group: The full story - BBC News

Camp Bucca. University of ISIS.

"Fucking anger" and rage is understandable but rarely productive. It's almost always the emotion used as an excuse by the same small minded idiots (NOT accusing you of this) who prefer to have their own (white) version of ISIS in retaliation to ISIS.

Far more difficult is to spend hours reading up on several sources to understand the situation. And yes, I'm damn sure there are people here who can come up with better ones than I have offered.

Killing 8 year olds is only going to be applauded by psychopaths. And it all too readily brings to mind a response of revenge against "them". Which might even be ok if we know who "they" are. It might make even more sense if we know "why" they are.

I don't mean to disparage your anger. I only try to suggest a use where it might be turned, on reflection, into something more useful.

Because these are dangerous times.
I'm abroad on a crap internet connection. Please save me the bandwidth and name him. Who? Who is the mastermind behind all the jihadis?
I'm not sure you've really grasped the nature of the modern jihadi, chuck. Tell you what, spend a spot of time reading about them so we're all on the same page when you come back.
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