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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

I remember someone in Belfast (I'll have to say no more, as I don't want to out anyone) saying that in the old days people in West Belfast would leave their front doors unlocked at night, so that volunteers running from your lot would be able to escape. This person was telling me this to highlight the contrast between then and now: by the time I heard this story, everyone in WB was keeping their front doors firmly locked at night.

Its was also one of the signs the game was up as doors traditionally open were locked as people were tried of the "war"

Once in west germany politely knocked on some unfortuante germans front door when he opened we ran through his house to escape a rather angry panzer battalion we had annoyed.:D
I've actually been got by this. Normally pretty bloody stoic about these kinds of things, even when much closer to me personally, 7/7. But, fuck sakes, this is just so fucking awful I'm losing it and going to pieces a bit.

Fucking wanker.
what got to me were the footage i saw of who I presume to be parents standing and watching kids streaming down the stairs in panic. Imagine how that must feel, looking out for your kid in the crowd and not finding them. Horrific.
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Its was also one of the signs the game was up as doors traditionally open were locked as people were tried of the "war"

Once in west germany politely knocked on some unfortuante germans front door when he opened we ran through his house to escape a rather angry panzer battalion we had annoyed.:D
Hmmm. Well, the person who told me this story had it as a purely post-peace process thing. He wasn't a CR style loon, but he was no fan of Adams either.
Been working with primary school kids today, and I overheard a few of them talking about this attack. Talking about the number of casualties in a pretty flippant, neutral sort of way. Horrible to think of them growing up in a world where this is just a thing that happens sometimes.

Of course when I was their age there were IRA attacks happening, and I suppose we would have talked about them in much the same way. Targetting kids though, that's a kind of evil we never really had to contemplate.
Some conspiraloon that I occasionally skim on facebook for easy lolz is now ramping up the false flag trope with illuminate, blood sacrifices and bumping claims that these people are not actually dead. Sickening parasitical fucks.
If people can donate blood, donation centre in South Manchester is Plymouth Grove, Manchester M13 9LL. Opens at 9am.
Going from the swift i.d of the bomber to police raids I believe the police already had this person on their radar.

On the radio they said their was a list of approx 3000 people of "interest" presumably more than just liked one of choudrays facebook posts :hmm:.
Spooks dont have the resources to survill 3000 people constantly and even if they did its never ending apprantly it would be more worrying if the shitstain was completely unknown as he'd have no known accomplances:(
There are some people on twitter (who seem to know what they are talking about) saying that evidence points to ISIS's claims of responsibility being of the after the effect type, the kind where they claim ownership of the act as part of their propaganda but seem to not have known what was going on. Their official channels alluded to multiple bombs and not to a suicide attack, they say.
I don't know how much this matters, whether it was planned with direct contact or just 'inspired by'.
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