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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

For me, I think it's hit me me harder because having a 5 year old daughter and being able to see the years just around the corner where stuff like this concert will* fill her life and to know that girls just like the one she's fast becoming were not random victims but deliberate targets...fuck...you know? It's like the whole of my world has just been targeted.

*might, though not if I have my way. I'm lobbying hard for climbing, nature, bugs, science and stuff like that! :)
There is a lovely guy called Martyn (his brother was quoted earlier on this thread posting about harassment from journalists) who I follow on twitter, who hasn't been heard from since the concert last night. Fearing the worst :( was crying this morning reading the news.
For me, I think it's hit me me harder because having a 5 year old daughter and being able to see the years just around the corner where stuff like this concert will* fill her life and to know that girls just like the one she fast becoming were not random victims but deliberate targets...fuck...you know? It's like the whole of my world has just been targeted.

*might, though not if I have my way. I'm lobbying hard for climbing, nature, bugs, science and stuff like that! :)

Same here - 13yo with two others running up fast behind. Mine appears to be allergic to sunlight and fresh air*, and taking sage advice from her old Dad.

*Medeival battlefields, barely existing castles, desolate hill-tops and the pissing rain.

Thinking really hard today about parents looking for their kids and not finding them. Fucking heartbreaking.
The people who want a caliphate must be denied the outcome they want.

The people who want a Christian crusade against them must be deprived of the outcome they want.

They're both the religious right. I don't want to try to understand either of them. Fuck them. By being as secular as possible. That means concerts, going out, wearing skimpy clothes if you like, kissing in public, closing all faith schools, telling people who say this is a Christian country to fuck off, offending them if necessary,and any mixture of lighthearted and more serious acts and measures it takes.

Far too easy for me to say, hundreds of kilometres away. But take some notice of what happened after the Madrid metro bombs: Spain, which you might think would have gone all crusadery only too easily, didn't by-and-large. We carried on going out and dancing ourselves silly.

I hope they hate seeing the country where they hope to kick off their caliphate being just as fun as ever. And the fash, who vainly tried to capitalise on the bombings for another bash at 'the Moors', still nowhere.

Still, eight year olds! It doesn't make for rational thought.
Obviously, there has always been spin and disinformation during these sorts of incidents, but this situation seems new to me. I can't think of a precedent for what looks like a number of different individuals trolling this for the lulz. Its as if the reports of 'fake news' during the US election have given them a sense of licence to post on the internet whatever malicious shit comes into their heads . Plenty of mainstream media also seem to have then been completely inept at fact checking material once it has gone viral.
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Yep. Normally quite good at mentally firewalling off news events I can do nothing about, try and rationalise, but just listening to LBC, on here, doing stuff around the house, fucking fuming and a bit choked up.

Yep same here. Probably because it seemed a little close to home. Me and my 9 year old quite often have a dance to a bit of Ariana Grande (my tag line is a lyric from one of her songs) and I've sat on the sofa watching Sam and Cat with her many times. If I could have got tickets for the o2 (they sold out pretty quickly), we could well have been looking forward to the gig on Thursday. To think of my daughter witnessing any of this shite has freaked me out a bit.
Christ. The first two kids named are from Preston, and the 8 year old went to school round the corner from my kids school.

My girlfriend lives in Whalley Range. All a bit close to home.
Nor me - I can understand the good intentions behind the sharing of it, but what people aim to achieve by posting the original fake bewilders me, other than someone is maliciously trying to stir up further panic.
Small people wanting to feel big by causing a disruptive effect in order to make their pathetic little lives feel "special".
Don't bother reading the comments...

Made the mistake of visiting Breibart as you do 34k comments and climbing rapidly on their main live feed - very , very dispiriting all the hate spewing out there - you feel like the bomber(s) knew exactly what they were doing.
Made the mistake of visiting Breibart as you do 34k comments and climbing rapidly on their main live feed - very , very dispiriting all the hate spewing out there - you feel like the bomber(s) knew exactly what they were doing.
I used to be a habitual Breitbart reader, just to see what "the enemy" was up to. Their comments are a putrid cesspool at the best of times, even by the usual standards of internet commenters.
People with school-age children, are you planning to talk about this with them ? What do you do? I wouldn't know at all, seems impossible.
People with school-age children, are you planning to talk about this with them ? What do you do? I wouldn't know at all, seems impossible.
I'm wondering this myself bimble - I half-expected The Girl to come home having had a minute's silence. She'll certainly get the lowdown tomorrow from all her classmates and I was wondering if it had better be me to try and explain the unexplainable rather than have other parents' takes - whatever they may be - get to her first.
People with school-age children, are you planning to talk about this with them ? What do you do? I wouldn't know at all, seems impossible.

I'm considering slipping it in between a detailed account of twentieth-century European history, focusing on the early 1940s, and a realistic assessment of the impact on climate change of repeatedly switching off all the lights in the house, while others are trying to use them.
When the bataclan attack happened pickles school talked about it in assembly and in class. I'm sure they're going to do the same today too.

For me (she's 6) whether I like it or not this is the world she knows and I want to help her make sense of it as much as she can, not to understand the motives as such, more that shit like this does and will happen and how she can best navigate her world. So, like last time, I'll take her lead and answer any questions to the best I can in a way she understands.

Though doing it without using the words fucking, cunts and anything else is really hard.
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