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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

That's fucking dreadful and a reflection on the depths that rolling 24 hour news channels have to plumb. For example...

The NUJ should expel members who act with such a lack of morality.

Back in the day, the individual chapels used to. Problem is that once Murdoch broke the print unions and damaged the journo unions, the "race to the bottom" began, and papers found themselves publishing all sorts of wank that they'd seen as beneath them a few years before. :(
Well, I hope everyone on the boards is ok. As usual our media is doing a lousy job of reporting anything overseas. I haven't checked Fox, but I imagine they're playing up the terrorism angle to the hilt--the better to oppress us with. I'm glad that the hotels nearby opened their doors to survivors. I've seen enough of most hotel management to think that wouldn't always happen.
People here won't need reminding that a prime objective of Daesh is polarising populations and that the vast majority of their victims are muslims. People not here may well need reminding.
:confused: How is targeting teenagers at a concert polarising? Even your average daesh sympathiser will see it as a bad move.
All kinds of fake news was doing the rounds on Twitter, not even an hour after the attack. These callous fuckwits need to get in the sea.
:confused: How is targeting teenagers at a concert polarising? Even your average daesh sympathiser will see it as a bad move.

As far as I can tell, the objective is to polarise in that people are supposed to start hating and resenting muslims as a consequence, especially (for want of better terms) "moderate"/"westernised"/"secular" muslims.

This is an awful thought for me (having worked a lot in schools and FE in Manchester and around): Imagine those places today, imagine how young muslims will be feeling. If they are being or think they are being ostracised or blamed, it will increase their isolation. Daesh scum don't want cohesion. That's what I mean by polarisation.

The objective (I'm going from memory here) is to do away with "grey" areas.

It's classic Us / Them "clash of civilisations stuff - the like of which the far and hard right get bang into ASAP (as they have this time around predictably). They willingly do the spade work of terror. Britain First and that hopkins woman may as well be on the payroll.
The intent is to stir up antagonism towards Muslims in general, feed into an "us and them" mentality, and encourage further radicalisation among Muslim communities.
Vast, vast majority of muslims will be as outraged by this as anyone else. And you know the local mosques will chip in to help the community come together. its not 'polarisation' at best a handful of wronguns will be impressed by this.
:confused: How is targeting teenagers at a concert polarising? Even your average daesh sympathiser will see it as a bad move.


It is a very simple, devastatingly effective strategy. And one that every one of us will be living with for many years to come.

Every outrage provokes an anti-Muslim backlash... which feeds further alienation/radicalisation. And if the backlash is (almost universally) felt by 'innocent', 'moderate' Muslims (ie anybody who is not an outright supporter of the Jihadis - and in their eyes even more 'deserving' of death than even the Infidel) then the Daesh love that even more.

Been working for them for a long time.
NEW casualty bureau number from police. Please use 0800 096 0095 from now on, other numbers no longer in use.

Source: GMP, MEN
Vast, vast majority of muslims will be as outraged by this as anyone else. And you know the local mosques will chip in to help the community come together. its not 'polarisation' at best a handful of wronguns will be impressed by this.
Recent election/referendum rhetoric and results would suggest otherwise.

I know it's not been just about terrorism, but it's been a key element.
Vast, vast majority of muslims will be as outraged by this as anyone else. And you know the local mosques will chip in to help the community come together. its not 'polarisation' at best a handful of wronguns will be impressed by this.
That won't necessarily stop the (far/alt) right from tarring all Muslims with the same brush, and for right wingers in general to make demands that Muslim communities "do more" to deal with Daesh and others that commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam - demands they will not be capable of meeting, especially when it's likely to be "never enough".
Besides, let's not forget that the vast (95%) majority of victims of these fascist cunts are themselves Muslims.
One thing that has always struck me about these atrocities committed in the name of Islam, from Paris to London in 2005, way back to the WTC and Pentagon attacks, is how Muslims were also among the victims of those attacks, indeed one of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo murders was a Muslim copy editor.
One thing that has always struck me about these atrocities committed in the name of Islam, from Paris to London in 2005, way back to the WTC and Pentagon attacks, is how Muslims were also among the victims of those attacks, indeed one of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo murders was a Muslim copy editor.
yeh but i suppose daesh would say either they're the wrong sort of muslim or never mind, they're in heaven now.
Telegraph, for their sins, are reporting that an 8 year old girl from the Preston area is among the dead and the girls school appear to be confirming it.

Her mother and sister are among the injured.
yeh but i suppose daesh would say either they're the wrong sort of muslim or never mind, they're in heaven now.
Indeed - either they're not really Muslim/the wrong kind of Muslim and thus fair game, or they are among the martyrs and now in paradise.
This was pretty much bound to happen whether they are actually responsible or not.
Indeed, opportunistic/inspired/etc - the inconsistencies between the Daesh claim and the actual circumstances suggest those issuing the claim did not plan this in any detail, if at all.
One thing that has always struck me about these atrocities committed in the name of Islam, from Paris to London in 2005, way back to the WTC and Pentagon attacks, is how Muslims were also among the victims of those attacks, indeed one of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo murders was a Muslim copy editor.

Around 50 Muslims (excluding the terrorists) died in the twin tower attacks.
That won't necessarily stop the (far/alt) right from tarring all Muslims with the same brush, and for right wingers in general to make demands that Muslim communities "do more" to deal with Daesh and others that commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam - demands they will not be capable of meeting, especially when it's likely to be "never enough".

See it different, I think there was a bit of romantic sympathy for AQ when it started kicking off which allowed the nutter elements to ferment, even IS when the Syria started off, but I'm getting a vibe of recognition that this shower is more of a problem than a solution to anything. The far right will be looking through the kaleidoscope more darkly, but they are just about to fall in on themselves due to 'shock' election after the referendum. Or are you really thinking last night is going to win UKIP et al seats?
:confused: How is targeting teenagers at a concert polarising? Even your average daesh sympathiser will see it as a bad move.

Presumably to capitalise on the device it backlash. The anti-Islamic religion of peace memes and alike. I know it's not rational but IS only has this to use after this.
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