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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Hmm. It's a 777 wing part. Only two 777 wings have been lost anywhere near the sea. Therefore...

Not so fast?

Who he?


A student. Less of a student than our own 2*2hats.

"it's possible to buy these parts to confuse things"

Is he suggesting that someone might be buying flaperons and lobbing them into the Indian Ocean for lolz?

One would hope that someone would grass him up: "Hello, police? I've just had this weird guy in here trying to buy some 777 flaperons. Shifty eyes, dirty mac. Think you should check him out"

His stand-up's not too bad, tbf.
Is he suggesting that someone might be buying flaperons and lobbing them into the Indian Ocean for lolz?

At around $0.5M a pop. Not likely to be shipped by sea; such parts are usually air freighted as they are too valuable to be sitting around in a box doing nothing for weeks on end (larger airlines will refurb them in their own/sub-contractor machine shops where economically viable). So doubtful to have been lost overboard from shipping. If such parts drop off aircraft in flight then the incident has to be thoroughly documented, systems reviewed, an investigation conducted, directives published and followed. Someone in Boeing/the FAA/EASA would have a record.

Which would leave one in CT territory. Far more likely, I suspect, that this would be from MH370 and has circulated around the SIO for the last year than being part of some deception, though one has to consider all possibilities (which he is simply raising). Seems a bit of a long shot in the light of what we do know about global ocean circulation.

Interesting to note that the 777 flaperon was actually constructed by a division of Airbus for Boeing, so perhaps a little apposite (or ironic) that it should end up in one of their labs. Also, under French law the French authorities will automatically launch a criminal investigation in to MH370 if they have indeed recovered the first part of it on their territory (Reunion being a département of France, or more accurately a département d’outre-mer, or DOM). I don't think the lead investigator for the aviation aspect has effectively been designated yet (the Malaysians might choose to delegate it to a.n.other as per MH17).
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The flaperon is on it's way to Toulouse today, I think? No solid news for 24 hours at least, I guess.

More on this - the part is being loaded right now and scheduled to leave on AF671 just after 1800BST today:

Arrives Orly 0500, then being shipped to Toulouse Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Forensic tests are reported as planned to commence Monday morning. The suitcase that was reported as having been found in the same location as the flaperon is also being sent to France to be analysed in Paris.
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A revised simulation using the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model to compare the distribution of debris from impacts in the southern and northern portions of the 7th Inmarsat 'ping' arc suggests objects from the northern area (region of original brief ultrasound signals which may have come from the ULBs of the black boxes) are more likely to have reached the islands off the east coast of Madagascar in the timescale just observed:
''Plane seat'' found washed up on Reunion Island three months ago
Nicolas Ferrier barely gave the blue seat a second glance. As he carried out his daily patrol of the wild shores of Reunion, picking up debris from the jet black sands and giant boulders, it seemed to him like just another piece of rubbish – a bus seat, perhaps, or a hang glider’s chair.

“It wasn’t until Wednesday that it hit me what it could have been,” said Mr Ferrier, climbing off his BMX to speak to The Sunday Telegraph in the shade of a screwpine tree, overlooking the pounding surf. “It was probably part of that plane.”

He reckons he found suitcases and other stuff but just continued in his role of cleaning up the beach so he, as usual, just burnt them !!
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The Daily Mail had a picture of a plastic bottle of water with Chinese label, as well as some Indonesian cleaning fluid. Like there isn't thousands of tonnes of shite floating around in our oceans and these items could really only have got there through some terrible disaster.
Yeah they were probably lobbed off some ship. An aircraft door probably wasn't, but I was disturbed to discover a couple of other planes have vanished in that area and we've never heard about them...
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Seems an aircraft door has washed up on Reunion now, all coming together slowly...

"He said it was taken away by police in a box that was about one foot (30cm) square. Bowden said he approached the officers on Reunion and was told: "No comment." It was earlier thought that the object found was the door of a plane, but Bowden said that could now not be confirmed."

I love how in Sky News land, something can be confirmed and then not confirmed.
To get to the root of this mystery we really need a full passenger list, somebody was on that plane whom the chinese wanted to have vanish.
How do you know it was the Chinese and not the lizards?

The lizard people are capable of recalling their errant spawn back to the mothership remotely from anywhere on the planet without interfering with sensitive aviation electronics, so it was obviously the Chinese.
I love how in Sky News land, something can be confirmed and then not confirmed.

"For those of you just joining us, I can now confirm that the man who established that this debris we are now looking at is definitely the remains of Flight 370 has confirmed that there may be more questions still to be confirmed about what is still one of the greatest aviation mysteries of our time. I have also just been informed that my name is Kay Burley."
"For those of you just joining us, I can now confirm that the man who established that this debris we are now looking at is definitely the remains of Flight 370 has confirmed that there may be more questions still to be confirmed about what is still one of the greatest aviation mysteries of our time. I have also just been informed that my name is Kay Burley."

So, what's happening?

There was an initial meeting yesterday in Paris between the French investigators and representatives of the Malaysian government and airline where they agreed on how to proceed with the work.

The investigative procedures are reported as scheduled to start tomorrow afternoon when a group of technical experts from Boeing, the BEA, the NTSB, Malaysia and China will have gathered in Toulouse. They will all assist a French military crash investigation team (same folks who pieced together AF447) who are overseeing the work.
There was an initial meeting yesterday in Paris between the French investigators and representatives of the Malaysian government and airline where they agreed on how to proceed with the work.

The investigative procedures are reported as scheduled to start tomorrow afternoon when a group of technical experts from Boeing, the BEA, the NTSB, Malaysia and China will have gathered in Toulouse. They will all assist a French military crash investigation team (same folks who pieced together AF447) who are overseeing the work.

Thank you :)

So, they have a flaperon and some luggage to examine?
Malaysian Prime Minister is holding a press conference right now. Initial analysis suggests the flaperon is from MH370.

e2a: BBC initial report doesn't seem to be very clear as the distinction between a 777 part and the part positively being identified from MH370?

2e2a: seems to be confirmed from MH370, separate sources (CNN, France24).
The French prosecutor's statement seemed slightly less committed ("strong indication it is from MH370" apparently based on technical information* provided by Malaysia Airlines) but did confirm that detailed forensic analysis would commence tomorrow following the initial inspections performed today.

e2a: * the technical information referred to may be characteristic and unique markings specific to Malaysia Airlines maintenance procedures for this type.
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