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Air Canada Boeing 767 returning to Madrid after landing gear fell off & entered engines.

Dumping fuel is for relieving the weight difference between max takeoff weight and max landing weight, not - as many people think - to get rid of an explosion or fire risk.

If it were a full emergency and immediate landing was required, they would just land overweight. It might damage the aircraft but is unlikely to result in catastrophic failure.
Thank you for that
Dumping fuel is for relieving the weight difference between max takeoff weight and max landing weight, not - as many people think - to get rid of an explosion or fire risk.

If it were a full emergency and immediate landing was required, they would just land overweight. It might damage the aircraft but is unlikely to result in catastrophic failure.
They can't be that bothered about landing weight because they're constantly offering everyone meals and snacks while in the air.

Not quite sure how I feel about a live feed of a potential accident mind you.
Not always, there was a case in the news a couple of weeks ago.

If you have time to dump any significant volume of fuel, then it's not a 'must land immediately' emergency. You can dump maybe 10,000 lbs of fuel a minute, maybe 50x the normal burn rate.

Take for example a 777X-9, with a MTOW of 775,000 lbs. Max landing weight is 587,000 lbs. If you've got a really serious problem, noone's going to wait 20 minutes to get rid, they're going to land ASAP.

However if they have the time and space to get rid of fuel, they will, either by dumping or burning it.
Good news that it was, in the end, quite uneventful. Must be a massive relief for every one.
So is it right - they lost a tyre on their nose gear which went into the left engine?

Relieved the landing seems to have gone well.
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Blatantly ignoring the "Flight mode" instructions.

Perhaps the pilots in here will tell me I’m wrong, but whereas I perfectly accept mobile phone signals could interfere with a plane’s instrumentations, I suspect such occurrences are both very uncommon and nowhere near critical when they do happen.

I would bet everything I own that nowadays there is at least one if not several phones that left on are not on flight mode on pretty much every single flight that takes place. Which is thousands a day/ millions per year. I can’t imagine the potential disruption they might cause to be much of a threat to the safe operation of airplanes, or we would have several crashes per year due to them.

Having said that, in an emergency landing you don’t want to take any fucking chances. I could understand someone wanting to broadcast a last goodbye message to their loved ones, but filming inside with no other purpose to show it later on social media or send it the press is particularly daft and vain.
I would bet everything I own that nowadays there is at least one if not several phones that left on are not on flight mode on pretty much every single flight that takes place. Which is thousands a day/ millions per year. I can’t imagine the potential disruption they might cause to be much of a threat to the safe operation of airplanes, or we would have several crashes per year due to them.

If it was a real problem all phones etc would be in a faraday cage and not in the passenger cabin.

does it matter? It was a tire problem.

The reason the Air Canada plane circled instead of dumping fuel is because their policy is not to dump over land.
just wanted to know...a few weeks ago a Delta Airlines 777-200 had to dump fuel over Los Angeles, It caused a mess and people had to go to hospital
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