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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Pope declined to give the precise coordinates for GeoResonance's find, but said it was about 120 miles (190 kilometers) south of Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal. The search officials do have the exact location, he said.

The current official search area is in the southern Indian Ocean, and is being coordinated by the Australians. The site where GeoResonance says it found the wreckage is several thousand miles away in an area that was ruled out weeks ago.

Pope said his company began searching that area at a time when search efforts were in the Bay of Bengal. The search moved on, but his team sent their findings to officials repeatedly, he said.

Did officials ignore the company's findings?

According to GeoResonance, yes, its e-mails and phone calls to the official searchers went unanswered. That is one of the factors that pushed the company to release its findings publicly.

Pope says he did not want to share the findings publicly at first, but it was possibly the only way to get heard.

"We're a large group of scientists, and we were being ignored, and we thought we had a moral obligation to get our findings to the authorities," he said.

The strategy appears to have worked, according to Pope.

On the same day he released the findings, Malaysian officials reached out and listened to a 1½-hour technical presentation by his team. Malaysian acting Transportation Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Malaysia "is working with its international partners to assess the credibility of this information."

Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre, which is leading the multinational search, dismissed the claim. The officials are "satisfied" with data that show the plane likely is in the southern Indian Ocean, and not in the Bay of Bengal.

Was this a false lead too? From 4th March.

According to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) reported that instant, one of Vietnam rescue aircraft have discovered oil and debris in Malaysia and Vietnam at the junction of the sea.

In addition, the U.S. Embassy said the 2:43 U.S. military bases stationed in Thailand U-Tapao SOS signal was listening to some of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 emergency call, said the aircraft cabin facing disintegration driver call, they want a forced landing . U.S. troops are currently stationed in Thailand, Malaysia has been providing this signal.

The meeja is really swallowing the Georesonance crap.
They seem to be using some sort of Kirlian photography to reveal otherwise invisible information - which first involves printing the satellite images on old-school film !

Given the "technology" is claimed to have been originally designed to detect WMDs, this is starting to look very much like the fake bomb detectors.

And there's a substantial Ukrainian connection.

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Inmarsat was ready to play its part by making available free data transfers for a position reporting service.

"We are ready to work in collaboration with the world's regulators to adopt new standards and services that will make people feel very comfortable that this kind of MH370 disaster would not happen again," [Chief Executive Rupert Pearce ] said.

And now...

Detecting a dubious detection
GEORESONANCE? What would that be? Feedback's fruitloop-detector pinged when we read that, on 28 April, a firm by that name claimed to have found the wreckage of tragically missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Although inexpert in the company's field of mineral exploration, we were still surprised to read its claims at georesonance.com that "Subsurface deposits generate distinct electromagnetic fields that reflect physical and chemical properties of atoms [which] can be captured by airborne multi-spectral images."

Armed forces around the world have devoted highly secret but very large sums to detection of cigar-shaped metallic objects underwater, from the air. Water is recalcitrant in its opacity to electromagnetic fields (except for blue-green light, which it rapidly attenuates). Now this company claims success?

Our doubts were immeasurably strengthened when Graham Parkinson forwarded us an email discussion between Society of Exploration Geophysics members. Passing over for brevity the fruits of technically expert scepticism, Feedback was fascinated by a member's discovery that three years ago the same website was devoted to "Geo-Resonance Rejuvenation – An Innovation in Holistic Healing".

Nevertheless, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on 2 May that Bangladesh had sent two navy frigates to the location in the Bay of Bengal mentioned by GeoResonance.

Undetected breakthroughs
OTHER websites making very similar claims to georesonance.com, mentioned above, such as geonmr.com, have more of that indefinable "look" of quackery that has become queasily familiar at the Feedback desk. Have all these companies made enormous breakthroughs in physics?

By all accounts the whole website and story was cooked up specially - apparently there's some overlap in terms of personnel with BIO-resonance quack "alternative health" technology.

But there's a whole slew of sites making similar claims for MRIing the earth, many referring to the same Ukrainian patents...
I doubt there will be any shortcuts to finding this plane.
It seems quite possible, likely even it may never be found.
right, so i understand it, the search has now discounted the submerged accoustic 'pings' believed to be from the CVR/IFR heard roughly(ish) on the flightpath detected by the INMARSAT electronic handshakes, but not the flightpath itself.

so right field, just wrong part of the field - is that right?
right, so i understand it, the search has now discounted the submerged accoustic 'pings' believed to be from the CVR/IFR heard roughly(ish) on the flightpath detected by the INMARSAT electronic handshakes

The Bluefin-21 search hasn't located any suitable targets for further investigation within the area that the acoustic pings could have theoretically originated (given the circumstances of their detection).
but not the flightpath itself. so right field, just wrong part of the field - is that right?

Essentially. The field is, unfortunately, a very large one.
It took Rob Ballard a while to find the Titanic. And that was a little bit larger than Boeing 777...
I thought the location of the accident was known no? anyhow how did he find it?

The Titanic was found about 21 km from the last reported location (which wasn't very accurate anyway).

Air France 447 was found about 10 km from the last reported location (reasonably accurate ACARS transmission).
After numerous failed approaches (including use of sonar) the Titanic was finally located by visually searching the seabed for the debris tail that was swept from it as it descended to the depths, then following that to the main body of the wreck.

Well that's the official story. Some sources suggest it was located some years earlier by the operators of classified sonar systems (mapping the canyons in the banks off Newfoundland where Russian submarines were known to hide), or they were at least aware of the location of what they presumed was the Titanic.
I see that the families of those who died on the Malaysian Airways flight have launched a $5 million fund to try to tempt a 'whistleblower' to come forward with information.

Do we presume that they are seriously of the opinion that this aircraft disappearance has sinister aspects to it? If so, what could they be?
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