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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

It all sounds a bit Star Trek.

There is the precedent of that bomb dowsing bollocks...

It'd be a real coup for their company if they're correct.
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They had some dealings with that mining industry Carl Dorsch guy, so would be interesting to find they're snake oil . . .

Malaysian authorities are investigating the claim according to Indy.
not being a science chappy i'll reserve judgement, but does it not strike anyone else as odd that some company has found a way to find submerged metal objects without the submarine-hunting Navies of the world noticing this rather fine trick?

the eyebrow of cynicism meets the hairline of disbelief....
Here's another company claiming similar - but a much less impressive website.


What is a GeoNMR?

When we have picked up all grain about new, very weak, but very “powerful” signals, we saw a new truth about deep underground vision, which is capable to see any substances inside the Earth. Really, we can find almost all minerals deep underground with using of their special resonance sounding characteristics. It is like using of night vision equipment inside a very dark room. For some people, who don’t know about night vision equipment, it seems to be impossible, but another part of people are sure that it is very simple and useful. And we want to share our knowledge with you. Our method can be used for oil search, gas search, oil prospecting, gold search, gold prospecting in couple with seismic survey or instead of seismic survey (3d seismic, 2d seismic).

Genesis Corporation
What happened to the "wreckage" that washed up on the Aussie coastline a few days (week?) ago that "could have come from the plane"? Obviously it didn't but I don't recall any media mention of it subsequently.
What happened to the "wreckage" that washed up on the Aussie coastline a few days (week?) ago that "could have come from the plane"? Obviously it didn't but I don't recall any media mention of it subsequently.

After examination the ATSB determined it could not have come from the plane.

He even has those unhinged, stary eyes!
PPrune are a gang of twats-I will never park my arse on a system-controlled flying m/c -ever ,ever again and that is nowt to with the possibility that i may desire to be a well regarded individual
so sorry about my 2p worth of crap-so very very sorry-keep on trying-cynicism will result in loss of info. but keep weeding for yourselves-thanks for your urbanites toleration so far-yours-davey
Bangladesh sent naval vessels to Bay of Bengal to investigate the lead yersterday, according to various outlets.
So, how long do you think before there are any real answers?

6 months?
1 year?
2 years?
5 years?
20 years?

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So, how long do you think before there are any real answers?

6 months?
1 year?
2 years?
5 years?
20 years?

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I think, if they haven't found anything within 1-2 years (given that, unlike the Air France disaster, there hasn't been any debris found), it'll become one of those Great Unsolved Mysteries. Jazzz will reappear on the boards, 9/11 forgotten, to tell us about how the plane was full of vaccines or flatpacked coffins for FEMA, prisonplanet will launch endless screamy frothing 60 minute YouTube videos about how the NWO controls all the satellite transponders, and David Icke will explain in his latest bestselling book how the design of the 777 is perfectly suited for alien lizards.

The Scientologists will point out that L Ron Hubbard predicted this all along, and that it's proof that Xenu really was an evil galactic overlord.
This was ruled out, so just another low flying jumbo over a remote island in the middle of the pacific. :hmm:

PETALING JAYA: Residents of Kuda Huvadhoo in Dhaal Atoll in the Maldives reportedly saw a "low-flying jumbo jet" flying over houses early in the morning of March 8, the same day Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing.

In a report by Maldivian daily Haveeru, residents described the aircraft which flew over Kuda Huvadhoo at around 6.15am as being white, with red stripes across it.

This colour scheme is very similar to the livery used by Malaysia Airlines on its aircraft - including the Boeing 777 used for MH370.

Eyewitnesses who saw the aircraft agreed that it was travelling in a north to south east heading towards Addu, the southern tip of the Maldives, and all commented on the very loud noise the aircraft made when flying over the island.

One noted that the doors on the aircraft could be seen clearly, a fact that was also agreed upon by other eyewitnesses.

"Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too," said the eyewitness, and it was reported that Island Councillor, Mohamed Zaheem had said that other residents of Kuda Huvadhoo had spoken up about the incident.


Map image of atoll: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place...2!3m1!1s0x3b47a71a7df669f9:0xc9969c4a05cca9aa
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