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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Bay of Bengal can get right choppy

on a totally unrelated point, anyone seen the news story about seismic activity recorded by the Chinese. Probably totally unrelated, but strange coincidence. Due to the timing, it would have been well after the plane had disappeared and possibly turned back to head west

Missing MH370: Seismic activity detected after plane went off radar

(someone tell me where the quotes icon is please!)

"BEIJING: A research team from China's University of Science and Technology detected tremors in the sea near the Malaysia Vietnam border on March 8 hours after MH370 disappeared from the radar screen.

In a report published on its website, the Wen Lianxing Research Team said it suspected the tremor to relate to the missing MAS plane because the area "is not within seismic zone."

"The incident happened at 2.55am on March 8, about one-and-a-half hours after MH370 lost contact at 1.30am.

"One of the two possible locations is (an area) about 116km to the northeast of MH370's last confirmed location," it said.

The research team said it detected the tremor with two seismographs located within the borders of Malaysia and identified the location with the signals.

"Many countries have deployed aircrafts, vessels and satellites to locate the missing flight to no avail.

"If this tremor was indeed caused by the plane crashing into the sea, the intensity of the seismicity indicated that the crashing process was disastrous," the report said.

The Wen Lianxing Research Team is part of the university's School of Earth and Space Sciences. Four researchers were involved in this project.

When contacted by The Star, Meteorological Department deputy director-general (strategy and technical) Dr Mohd Rosaidi Che Abas confirmed that seismographs at the department's stations in Kulim and Ipoh detected "shaking" at 2.56am on that day.

He said further investigations are underway.

Flight MH370 on a Boeing777-200ER was carrying 239 passengers and crew enroute to Beijing."

Can we rule out pilot suicide at this point? If the data is correct and the plane flew for 4 more hours then unless the pilot was very keen on avoiding the wreckage ever being found then why go to so much trouble and fly so far

Not entirely. One would have thought that they would have gotten it over fast if that were their intention. Though if they wanted next of kin to cash in the life insurance possibly they wanted to leave doubt and/or minimise the amount of evidence pointing to this (and the erratic flight path is either indecision or an attempt to make it look like a hijacking event)?
Is hijacking looking more likely?

By a member of the flight crew or passenger(s)? No idea. Could be a mental health breakdown, mild hypoxia? Or was there some sort of fight for control? Or was the pilot flying trying to draw attention to the plane without alerting hijackers (flying odd routings, non standard altitudes)?
OK, if you were doing a terrorist 'nick a plane, land it in a jungle and then do something bad' thing, would it not be better to nick a cessna and fill it full of explosives instead of fucking around with one of the biggest passenger passenger planes in the world?

Fuck that bullshit theory, I am sticking with my Time Slip theory.


If it happened in Liverpool in broad daylight, it can happen in SE Asia at night. It will reappear in 1962. Mark my words. If I am wrong I will buy you all a pint.
I've been looking at that Tomnod site. I've looked though about 2000 squares. this is the strangest thing I've found so far. What do you think it is? Its a bit small for an ocean going ship but to big for a life raft.
View attachment 50214

Having trouble loading the maps, but actually managed to log in for the first time in ages, but maps not loading! Again, it's lost a load of my squares :mad: and I'm back down to under 1200 :(

Anyway, your object is in the Gulf of Thailand and as the search seems to be swaying away from that area to the Indian Ocean, it's quite likely not anything important
A Malaysian government official says investigators have concluded that one of the pilots or someone else with flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official, who is involved in the investigation, says no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. “It is conclusive.”

Malaysian PM just said he thinks it is hijacking....:eek:

Something about believing transmitters on the plane having been deliberately disabled....
I just got an alert on my phone which played the BBC news music sting. That's never happened before. Proper freaked me out.

Anyway, it said the same - plane hijacked! Jesus H.
Have to admire Channel 5 for putting such a shite 'live' documentary together on this already....
Hm, but it was quite unsatisfactory, for example the aviation expert didn't know this particular aircraft was not fitted with the antenna which was the cause of the potential fuselage cracks.
  1. "These movements are consistent with deliberate action from someone on the plane," says the PM.

"Plane lost communication with satellites. We believe it was flown was in two possible corridors. One in the corridor of North Kazakhstan to Turkmenistanand second from Indonesia to South Indian Ocean. We have also stopped our search operations in South China sea," he add.

Fingers said:
OK, if you were doing a terrorist 'nick a plane, land it in a jungle and then do something bad' thing, would it not be better to nick a cessna and fill it full of explosives instead of fucking around with one of the biggest passenger passenger planes in the world?

Fuck that bullshit theory, I am sticking with my Time Slip theory.


If it happened in Liverpool in broad daylight, it can happen in SE Asia at night. It will reappear in 1962. Mark my words. If I am wrong I will buy you all a pint.

59% of voters on that page 'totally' believe in time slips. :facepalm: :D
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