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Major power outages across the UK

A cross t.

There are gebuinely power cuts across London.

Bit worried. Mrs maomao just left work for home. Last time I remember the tube being closed for 'power failures' was the morning of July 7th.

I was wondering whether it could be an issue with the markets - that has been a threat power supply for years (the way the energy block trading works is pretty complex - there's probably someone wandering by who could do a better job explaining it than me).
It's a bit breezy...remember when that falling tree hit the wire up from Dungeness in 1987?
There were plans to prepare for wind-related disruption today but I dont know if the wind is actually responsible for the issues.
Its premature of me to rant about media southern bias until I know quite where has experienced power outages, but the breaking news BBC first stab at a story about this on their website may yet turn out to be quite a vivid example:

Major power failures have been reported across large areas of the UK, affecting trains, airports and traffic lights.

UK Power Networks said large parts of London and the South East are without electricity.

Major power failure affecting trains and airports
Is this "across the UK" in the same sense that the Americans say "World Series"?
As far as I can see the news is still breaking so no one is quite sure what areas are affected. And London and the south is indeed part of the UK.

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