I've just been having a look at the law in the UK. It doesn't seem clear to me whether it is legally rape or not, tbh. Rape is penetration without consent. Refusal to withdraw immediately upon request doesn't seem to be covered. I may have missed something there. Totally impossible to enforce as a law, though, I would have thought.
WellI wouldn't have thought there would be a legal cut off point. Totaly impracticle as that would be. But if someone refuses to withdrawer before climax, for what ever reason, after initial consent, that would sem to be classed rape. Whether it's a few seconds into the act or few from it's conclusion. You couldn't really have a line drawn in legislation. Not that I think soemone refusing to withdrawer right at the point of orgasm, after everything being concentual til that point, would or should get to court. Caviets, baring some highly specific circumstances. Before anyone says. Yeah but what if blah, blah.