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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

“I’m getting mixed signals, mixed signals
Mixed, mixed, mixed signals

At first she said: "Your call is very important to us"
And then she said: "Please hold, Please hold."
Then she said: "Your call is very important to us"
And then she said: "Please hold. Please hold."

Yeah, I should have included that. There was a hint of 'all men are mortal...' in there. Anyway, the mystery deepens and the only way to find out is turn up on the day and go for a pint. :confused:
I’m lost now. Who is Malatesta and who is Socrates?

I’d go for a pint with the crew, but I’m unlikely to be in London. If they’re in Glasgow they should give me a shout.
Can the ACG have a stall?
- Silence
You might have missed the email, can the ACG have a stall?
- Silence
Really, can we have a stall?
- Blather, blather, something about masks and ant-vaxxers
Yeah, but our stall?
- 'Look, Look, Here's a list of people who have got a stall?
So, are you saying the ACG have been refused because they are transphobic
- Some other groups couldn't have a stall due to space/Covid
Yeah, but do you have any evidence that the ACG are transphobic?
- You need to be comradely and trust us....
Poetry thread >>>>>
Reading through this thread a bit more fully. Christ alive the presumption and speculation. Seems mostly geared towards being angry at your own speculation and them getting annoyed at someone who is politely respond where they are able. I'm sorry if you feel offended that I'm not able/keen to provide you with answers to every query, I mean just accept that there maybe things you are not aware about and reasons you might not be informed about it.

For what it's worth, we received the email from Angry Workers and they'll be responded to accordingly, our next meeting is on Wednesday so I guess after that.

This animosity is entirely one sided, I've not said a single thing about what a big chunk of thread are reaching to imply, I also know for a fact that certain people on this thread have entirely the wrong end of this stick after some unrelated twitter beefing I got dragged into and are acting in an ill-informed and perhaps even consciously bad faith manner. Sure my manner is glib at times, I blame a lack of tea in my life making my a bit salty. Me no ones perfect and I'm certainly no Malatesta lol.

As Anarchists, we should respond to the things we KNOW, not just a culmative pile of idle gossip.

The lack of trust in your comrades is deeply disheartening and many people on the thread need to learn to just accept that they might not be informed and there are things that people can't/won't post of random threads on the internet.

The ONLY reason I am here is because I actually have respect for people in the thread and for 70 pages I've been walking a thin line of providing information while dealing with made up bullshit designed to undermine comrades you'd be better reaching out towards and working with.

U75 is just one a many random forums and tho the bantz are fucking on point, it's also a lot of labour and frankly I'm tired of taking flak personally for such the guff in some of your fantasy lives.

I know I'm just some random glib chatter on a thread to most of you, change that. Come meet me and the rest of the Bookfair crew, have some fucking human interaction and realise that shit on the internet isn't always what it seems. We are your fucking comrades and it'd be nice if you had a little mutual respect and a degree of understanding when things occour that you ain't privy too. Truly, if you give a fuck, come down, enjoy bookfair, tell us what we can do better for the following years, join us for a pint afterwords, put your pointless hostility in the bin where it belongs.

Either way, stop winding yourselves up with speculation.

I'm here for questions about bookfair, I'll answer what I can, there are many things that I won't be going into. Live with it x
Oh, please. This is completely disingenous.

Of course people are going to examine your actions as organisers; if you don't like accountability, you shouldn't seek out positions of power.

As the custodians (for now) of one of the most significant events in the anarchist calendar you owe it to the community to explain why you have exluded a significant number of well-respected anarchists (even if that's only in the most general terms), or, at the very least, to explain why you can't. To repeatedly and pointedly refuse to address straightforward and legitimate questions (on here or via email) is a deliberate 'fuck you', which makes your faux-comradely invitation to share a pint all the more hypocritical.

And to impliedly smear anarchists as transphobes without being willing to stand behind the accusation is cowardly, to boot.
Rhyddical In terms of “Come meet me and the rest of the Bookfair crew, have some fucking human interaction and realise that shit on the internet isn't always what it seems.”

I emailed the organising group about attending their meeting when the initial invites went out way back when. Never heard back…

Which is fine. I’m not a well respected national anarchist org.

But you do seem to have an engagement issue.
That what they said when Northern Ireland’s leading anarchist was cruelly attacked at the Bookfair by those smelling of cheap cider
OK, apologies all...not been following the thread properly, (so please ignore if you think I'm being a lazy bastard), but a quick question...why might anyone organising the book fair think that the ACG are dodgy wrt trans?
I think it's good that the new bookfair has a policy against transphobia, and if Women's Place, Mayday for Women, LGB Alliance or any similar clowns applied for stalls I think you should tell them to fuck off.
All those groups you mention aren't anarchist organisations, so any organisers would be unlikely to consider allowing them a stall. It would be good, though, to have an agreed definition of transphobia, rather than just a word with multiple potential definitions hanging off of it.
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