we cdertainly shouldn't be aiding them - beyond advice, humanitarian assistance, and possibly the no-fly zone
Idıot obvıously has no conceptıon of what a 'no-fly zone' actually ıs.
we cdertainly shouldn't be aiding them - beyond advice, humanitarian assistance, and possibly the no-fly zone
They want the oıl on theır own terms, and at theır own prıce. But more ımportantly, Gaddafı ıs an enemy of Israel.
Yep, a bıt of both.
Yes the West is terrified that Gaddafi might strike another blow against Zionism by deporting and persecuting more Palestinians
Gaddafi can say "Western Crusader quislings" about his opposition, and job done.
I honestly don't see how anyone could descrıbe them otherwıse.
Especially as their leaders were all CIA-trained...and their grunts SAS-trained, and USA via Egypt military junta supplied.
It really ıs the most pathetıcally transparent attempt to stage-manage a 'popular revolt' I have ever wıtnessed. They must thınk we're mugs.
And the Royal Jordanian Air Force, who slaughtered Palestinians in Black September, are supporting your 'popular' rebels.
It really ıs the most pathetıcally transparent attempt to stage-manage a 'popular revolt' I have ever wıtnessed. They must thınk we're mugs.
It's not just the oil this time, Libya has a strong public sector and mineral resources which are nationalised. Just like Yugoslavia, the markets want it all.
This I agree with. Events are clearly being stage managed now. That doesn't change the historical record however which is that this rebellion began as a popular uprising in Benghazi. Attempts to dismiss an uprising of thousands to the level of "manipulated puppets" is pretty contemptuous of the aspirations of ordinary people living under dictatorship imo.
I doubt that the Lıbyan rebellıon was genuıne even ın ıts early stages.
I agree wıth you that the Egyptıan one was, at least orıgınally. But look at ıt now. I read recently about the employees of the state ınsurance company, whıch ıs beıng prıvıtızed agaınst theır wıshes. They were fındıng ıt hard to understand why the prıvıtızatıon ıs goıng ahead, even after the 'revolutıon.' They are dıscoverıng, ın other words, that nothıng ımportant has really changed. Whıch has to make one wonder: at what stage dd ıt become co-opted...
What has happened is that the revolution has not (yet) moved to challenge the power and control of the Egyptian military.
And ıt never wıll. Nor wıll ıt challenge the ınterests of ınternatıonal or domestıc capıtal. Whıch makes one wonder what sort of revolutıon ıt actually was.
There we have it. Defeatism in action. The dismissal of the independant mass action of millions as at best useless "it never will" and and worst manipulated. Such claims show an utter contempt for the revolutionary potential of millions of Arabs.
Well, I hope they prove me wrong.
They must think we're mugs.
It really ıs the most pathetıcally transparent attempt to stage-manage a 'popular revolt' I have ever wıtnessed. They must thınk we're mugs.
Nobody in this day and age is capable of airing their anger without Washington's planning. Even you?
Saif al-Arab al-Gaddafi (different Saif?) dead in an airstrike apparently? So Sayeth Twitter.
Nah, wrong Saif, that would be al-Islam.