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LGBT in schools vs religious parents

I presume this set of ideas is written down somewhere? I'd like to read it.

i would too.
But they have a flag. the rainbow flag.
and there are Pride parades.
these are expressions of the LGBT movement.
i guess Peter Tatchell is a well known activist for this movement, i suggest you look at his website. and the political campaigns and demands.
the works of Judith Butler, Foucault etc also make up part of the ideology.
When a friend got married, his primary school age neice and nephew were really disappointed. They'd seen a programme on TV where a gay couple had a Star Wars themed wedding and they extrapolated from that and thought that's what all gay weddings were like... :D

That is so cute.:D

I worked a couple of gay wedding celebrations when civil partnerships first started - the disappointing thing was they did ape the pedestrian, cliched, colour-co-ordinating traditions of a straight wedding, which I thought was a missed opportunity. We want to be equal to you, but not necessarily LIKE you. ;)
I worked a couple of gay wedding celebrations when civil partnerships first started - the disappointing thing was they did ape the pedestrian, cliched, colour-co-ordinating traditions of a straight wedding, which I thought was a missed opportunity. We want to be equal to you, but not necessarily LIKE you. ;)

on the other paw, like the right to join the armed services, i support the right of same-sex couples to be boring and suburban if that's what they want

i would too.
But they have a flag. the rainbow flag.
and there are Pride parades.
these are expressions of the LGBT movement.
i guess Peter Tatchell is a well known activist for this movement, i suggest you look at his website. and the political campaigns and demands.
the works of Judith Butler, Foucault etc also make up part of the ideology.
Not sure you've really got to grips with foucault. Do tell me how discipline and punish is part of lgbt ideology
Not sure you've really got to grips with foucault. Do tell me how discipline and punish is part of lgbt ideology

dont care much about foucault, do your own reading.
but gay marriage is surely part of LGBT ideology.
gay marriage is not part of Islamic or catholic ideology.
the terms such as 'anti essentialism' and 'non-binary' etc are derived from academic 'queer theory.

dont need to get to grips with bullshit french theory, the OP is what i'm interested in.
state authoritarian leftist LGBT supported by so called Anarchists against ethnic minority parents.
whats left again?
dont care much about foucault, do your own reading.
but gay marriage is surely part of LGBT ideology.
gay marriage is not part of Islamic or catholic ideology.
the terms such as 'anti essentialism' and 'non-binary' etc are derived from academic 'queer theory.

dont need to get to grips with bullshit french theory, the OP is what i'm interested in.
state authoritarian leftist LGBT supported by so called Anarchists against ethnic minority parents.
whats left again?
did you see where you said foucault's works were part of lgbt ideology? and now it turns out you're but an ignorant windbag. can't say it's a surprise.
Absolutely Wookey. Don't get me wrong I'm not advocating against that, I was responding to the idea that you could stop someone from exercising their right as a parent to opt out on aspects of education based upon your beliefs. You're kinda missing my point to be honest mate.

I don't believe in god and it's my right to have my children opt out of RE, not that I have, I've had to deal with them being delivered RE from a 'believers' perspective throughput their education because in all accounts they've been taught by Christian teachers and I've had to work quite hard with my kids and most of those teachers to get them to understand and respect my right to have my children brought up without such babble in their lives. The point I suppose I'm making is that it's quite hard to work with 'believers' of what children should be taught and your right to opt out sometimes is your only choice.

If you remove that right for one aspect of choice you in turn could end up with a situation where the state has total control over what children are taught regardless of what a human being things is the right way to bring their children up in this world and that's actually quite a dangerous place to be as a parent.

We're more likely arguing the same point my friend. I'm just turning it on it's head to prove that you can't ban parents from bringing their children up how they see fit unless it's decreed harmful to the child vr's a certain section of society.

Thankfully my kids have both grown up weary of religion but pretty wholistic, informed, free of choice and understanding to the concept of sexuality.

ETA you don't pay to raise children through your taxes, you do it in far more crippling ways than that. :D

I'm quoting your whole post friedaweed because it's all interesting and important :thumbs:, but it makes me wonder: some parents have a solemnly-held cultural or religious belief that it is in their daughters' interests to have their genitals mutilated. The state disagrees. There are lines that we draw, and equality legislation covering state classrooms does clearly draw those lines.

Instead of coming at it from the point of view of certain religious extremists to have a right to bring up their children as they see fit (which no-one is stopping) shouldn't we approach it from the point of view of gay children or children from gay families, who should have every right to see their reality reflected in their education in a fair, non-homophobic way?

If these homophobic parents want to teach their own kids at home, fair enough. Or if they want they can move abroad, where they have lower standards in state education. I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year!:D

But in a shared state system, everyone has the right to equal access, no? Imagine if I didn't want my kids to know about Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and I campaigned to never have them mentioned in class. How far would I get?
State schools have a legal obligation under the HRA and the Equality Act - they could be sued for not treating anyone with protected characteristics equally, which means homophobia (whether justified by an outdated interpretation of ancient texts or not) is unlawful in the classroom.

We didn't fight Section 28 to arrive at this place, with homophobic Muslims, Jews and Christians contradicting the law. What they teach their children at home is their business. What they teach children in the schools that I pay for, is mine.
Religion and religious belief is also a protected characteristic, so in your attacks on "these Jews" (rather than simply homophobes) you are going against the very legislation you quote in your attacks.

And given that most if not all Haredi children in the communities mentioned in that article are educated in private schools, not funded by the state, you don't pay for them anyway, so another plank of your argument falls away.

The next time you consider calling other people "intellectual pigmies", you might want to consider your own imperfections, but humility and self-awareness don't seem to be qualities you're particularly blessed with, do they?
on the other paw, like the right to join the armed services, i support the right of same-sex couples to be boring and suburban if that's what they want


Totally! It takes all sorts.:D

My generation of gays were blessed in a way, with being society's renegades, outlaws and perverts. That makes for an interesting culture.

Today's young gays are just so normalised much of the time...they are far healthier in their minds, yeah, but I'm not sure their music, art and literature is quite as good as it used to be. Per ardua ad astra and all that.
Religion and religious belief is also a protected characteristic, so in your attacks on "these Jews" (rather than simply homophobes) you are going against the very legislation you quote in your attacks.

And given that most if not all Haredi children in the communities mentioned in that article are educated in private schools, not funded by the state, you don't pay for them anyway, so another plank of your argument falls away.

The next time you consider calling other people "intellectual pigmies", you might want to consider your own imperfections, but humility and self-awareness don't seem to be qualities you're particularly blessed with, do they?
He's only got a couple of short planks left to measure himself against
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Religion and religious belief is also a protected characteristic, so in your attacks on "these Jews" (rather than simply homophobes) you are going against the very legislation you quote in your attacks.

As I'm not a teacher in a registered school, so the law doesn't apply to what I say at all.

And given that most if not all Haredi children in the communities mentioned in that article are educated in private schools, not funded by the state, you don't pay for them anyway, so another plank of your argument falls away.

Evidence for that claim?

And I do pay for the Ofsted inspections they regularly fail.

And I'm talking about schools registered with DfE and inspected by Ofsted, which overs the majority of Haredi children, obviously not unregistered (and illegal) yeshivas.

The next time you consider calling other people "intellectual pigmies", you might want to consider your own imperfections, but humility and self-awareness don't seem to be qualities you're particularly blessed with, do they?

Would calling you an intellectual dwarf feel more comfortable?
i would too.
But they have a flag. the rainbow flag.
and there are Pride parades.
these are expressions of the LGBT movement.
i guess Peter Tatchell is a well known activist for this movement, i suggest you look at his website. and the political campaigns and demands.
the works of Judith Butler, Foucault etc also make up part of the ideology.
I really don't think you can call gay-ness an ideology. It would definitely exist with or without Peter Tatchell. In fact I would go as far as to say that it's more of a fact of life than an ideology, and we really have a duty to teach the facts of life to children.
did you see where you said foucault's works were part of lgbt ideology? and now it turns out you're but an ignorant windbag. can't say it's a surprise.

cant deal with the main issue can you.
Foucault is not the main issue. He is quoted by queer theorists a lot.
but this is not the place for a dissertation is it, and a way to divert from the uncomfortable main issue. oh, and calling names.

deal with the main issue if you can
LGBT ideology vs religious parents from ethnic minorities.

the fact is this
Anarchists support the state when it suits their views, just like other authoritarian leftists.
Anarchists are happy for the state to prosecute homophobes, racists and other undesirables.

which is why the whole anti state posturing is something of a lie. a posture. as if there would be any real acceptance of gay marriage without state legislation and without state propaganda, and hate speech laws, etc. In Bermuda, LGBT rights was imposed from above.

I'm not anti state. I'm not againt LGBT rights. I'm not against the rights of religious parents.
but it needs to be balanced.

but stop fooling yourself that any of this is done without the state.
My point was about banning a parents right to opt out not the subject of which they chose to opt out ;)

I'm quoting your whole post friedaweed because it's all interesting and important :thumbs:, but it makes me wonder: some parents have a solemnly-held cultural or religious belief that it is in their daughters' interests to have their genitals mutilated. The state disagrees. There are lines that we draw, and equality legislation covering state classrooms does clearly draw those lines.

That's 'harmful to the child' covered. This is covered in UK law and child protection.

Instead of coming at it from the point of view of certain religious extremists to have a right to bring up their children as they see fit (which no-one is stopping) shouldn't we approach it from the point of view of gay children or children from gay families, who should have every right to see their reality reflected in their education in a fair, non-homophobic way?

Yes and in most schools these days this is happening better than ever before.

If these homophobic parents want to teach their own kids at home, fair enough. Or if they want they can move abroad, where they have lower standards in state education. I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year!:D

But in a shared state system, everyone has the right to equal access, no? Imagine if I didn't want my kids to know about Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and I campaigned to never have them mentioned in class. How far would I get?

Currently you'd have the legal right for your children to opt out of RE, which is exactly my point which was raised in response to farmerbarleymow's statement that you should ban parents from opting out ;) I don't disagree with the sentiment but the act of banning is problematic which is my point.

You can't ban people from opting out.

What they teach their children at home is their business. What they teach children in the schools that I pay for, is mine.

You don't pay taxes to dictate how children are educated mate. If that was the case what chance would all of us atheists have if the Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus stamped down a similar mantra? Our kids would be nailing us as infidels and heretics :eek::eek:

You can't ban parental choice, it's just as much a right as your right to define and celebrate your sexuality and it's a pretty blinkered view to think that one should take president over the other and necessitate a banning of one right over another. It's a snake eating it's own fucking tail argument.:D

Thankfully the situation in state education has changed a lot in relation to LGBT, in terms of religion it's not far on since we were at school when it comes to religion and that actually might be the problem with your situation here. ;)
cant deal with the main issue can you.
Foucault is not the main issue. He is quoted by queer theorists a lot.
but this is not the place for a dissertation is it, and a way to divert from the uncomfortable main issue. oh, and calling names.

deal with the main issue if you can
LGBT ideology vs religious parents from ethnic minorities.

the fact is this
Anarchists support the state when it suits their views, just like other authoritarian leftists.
Anarchists are happy for the state to prosecute homophobes, racists and other undesirables.

which is why the whole anti state posturing is something of a lie. a posture. as if there would be any real acceptance of gay marriage without state legislation and without state propaganda, and hate speech laws, etc. In Bermuda, LGBT rights was imposed from above.

I'm not anti state. I'm not againt LGBT rights. I'm not against the rights of religious parents.
but it needs to be balanced.

but stop fooling yourself that any of this is done without the state.

I probably agree with you, it does depend on the state under the present system.

It's your thread, you started it, and it can go wherever you want it to - but I'm not into referencing Foucault when there are so many kids committing suicide because of homophobia, feels a little intellectually indulgent to me.
I really don't think you can call gay-ness an ideology. It would definitely exist with or without Peter Tatchell. In fact I would go as far as to say that it's more of a fact of life than an ideology, and we really have a duty to teach the facts of life to children.

yes, there is a difference.
there are homosexuals all over the world, but there isn't LGBT ideology all over the world. Homosexuality existed in the middle ages or in ancient greece, but there was no LGBT ideology or a rainbow flag or pride parades.

homosexual activity is not uncommon in Islamic countries or other places, but it is not accepted as an identity.
there is such a thing as LGBT ideology, by ideology i mean a set of ideas. equality and human rights is also ideology. communism is an ideology, and so is fascism and religions are also ideologies etc. I don't mean by it something negative or positive per se.

It is odd to see anarchists again being in effect pro state, supporting equality legislation ie statist authoritarian progressive measures.

You're strange.
State schools have a legal obligation under the HRA and the Equality Act - they could be sued for not treating anyone with protected characteristics equally, which means homophobia (whether justified by an outdated interpretation of ancient texts or not) is unlawful in the classroom.

We didn't fight Section 28 to arrive at this place, with homophobic Muslims, Jews and Christians contradicting the law. What they teach their children at home is their business. What they teach children in the schools that I pay for, is mine.
Why the constant need to mention Jews, when 'people' would suffice? Because it's people who don't want their children to learn certain things, not just Jews but lots of parents, and if parents don't want their children to be taught certain things, that's surely their choice, no?
yes, there is a difference.
there are homosexuals all over the world, but there isn't LGBT ideology all over the world. Homosexuality existed in the middle ages or in ancient greece, but there was no LGBT ideology or a rainbow flag or pride parades.

homosexual activity is not uncommon in Islamic countries or other places, but it is not accepted as an identity.
I'm a bit baffled. It's always existed. Naming the civilisations it which it existed is pointless. Where there are humans there are gay humans. There is also a gay culture. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 'Not uncommon in Islamic countries'? Well, no, I imagine the same proportion of people are gay there, too...
Why the constant need to mention Jews, when 'people' would suffice? Because it's people who don't want their children to learn certain things, not just Jews but lots of parents, and if parents don't want their children to be taught certain things, that's surely their choice, no?

Kids aren't being taught anything, they are being protected from something. Can you see the diff?

And I mentioned so far bigoted Jews, Muslims and Christians - anyone with a religiously motivated hatred of people like me.
yes, there is a difference.
there are homosexuals all over the world, but there isn't LGBT ideology all over the world. Homosexuality existed in the middle ages or in ancient greece, but there was no LGBT ideology or a rainbow flag or pride parades.

homosexual activity is not uncommon in Islamic countries or other places, but it is not accepted as an identity.

So by ideology, you mean our emancipation?
Who mentioned deportation, you rancid little liar?

Did you even read what Shraga Stern said??

First it was "intellectual pygmies"; now it's "rancid little liar". You clearly have a pathological fear/hatred of short people.

With regard to the broader issue, you stated that people whose religious outlook you disagreed with should go to Saudi Arabia. I can not imagine that many Ultra-Orthodox Jews, one of the groups you singled out for criticism, would trot off to Heathrow and board the SV104 to Riyadh voluntarily, so forced deportation would be the only option.
Do you suspect they'll be comparing lubes and giving instructions to kids on the best way to fuck arse?

Children see positive representations of heterosexual partnerships every day of their lives, from birth onwards. This guidance amounts to something like "Some families have two mums or two dads - and that is OK."

The idea of being any more explicit than that is a perversion entirely born of your own homophobic mind.

Fuck all to do with homophobia, and the accusation is something that a bigoted mind would manage.

As I said, and you ignored, I'm unsure teaching kids about ANY sexual relationship is a good idea. Why do you feel the need to make stupid accusations when I've been so clear I hold no such idiotic, bigoted views?
Kids aren't being taught anything, they are being protected from something. Can you see the diff?

And I mentioned so far bigoted Jews, Muslims and Christians - anyone with a religiously motivated hatred of people like me.
OK, let's talk about bigoted. Do you not acknowledge the rights of these people who wish for their children to be 'protected' (your words) from something? Are their rights not as equal as yours?

as long as we can also ban any reference to 'normal' relationships, fairy* stories involving princes and princesses and anything about getting married (to a person of the opposite sex) and living happily ever after, and any expectations of 'traditional' gender roles until kids are old enough to deal with them


* - obviously not stories involving any fairies that is.

It's all down to the content in this curriculum. Last time I checked, the Snow White story didn't mention her shagging the prince.
Another thought comes to mind, much as I'm far from big on religion, this seems to put one group, LBGT in this case, above another minority set, the various religious groups that object to these teachings.
Is intolerance for the various religions just as bad as the same for LGBT?

I have little idea what percentage of the world's population of gay, lesbian, transsexual, or whatever is, but it strikes me whatever percentage that is would be a reasonable percentage to use in time spent when it comes to teaching post pubescent kids sexual education.

Same goes for books in school libraries - If 10% of the population is LGBT, the same percentage of story books with couples depicted in them should reflect that reality, but also mirror the level of sex mentioned in the other books.
homosexual activity is not uncommon in Islamic countries or other places, but it is not accepted as an identity.

Accepted by whom? There are plenty of Saudis who self-identify as gay, not merely as folk who indulge in homosexual activity. They are "accepted", whatever that they mean, to varying degrees by other Saudis. The Saudi State criminalises them and religious officials condemn, but the British State did the same until 1968, when partial legal toleration was introduced, and as we are discussing members ofof religious groups, not just Jews and Muslims here condemn. Prohibition and persecution does and did not stop British homosexuals having an identity.

I know an Orientalist when I smell one.
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