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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

If this was in the USA he might probably get away with it by checking into an addiction clinic.
There was a much more extreme high profile case in Canada Rob Ford - Wikipedia
I can't remember the details - but I think Mayor Rob Ford did resign, had counselling and then got voted back into office.
But Canadians are like liberal Australians I guess. And Rob Ford was a Canadian ocker.

I think our Chief Executive should resign. After all if he was a tube driver and failed a drugs test he would be sacked on the spot.
More to the point these days council staff often have to take DBS checks, and enhanced DBS checks.
It would be bizarre is the Chief Exec got a free pass on these issues which would disqualify lower levels of staff from employment.

I can't see how Mr Dosunmu can do anything else than resign.

Following a protracted period of suspension on full pay, it will be some form of early retirement on health grounds, and that will result in him receiving a large payout and contributions to his pension.
A very old friend of mine from Ted Knight days sent me this witty thought:

"I see that the chief exec of Lambeth has been nabbed for drugs and drink driving. Crisis for lambeth labour, on top of having had to have 50 million capital to revenue, to avoid bankruptcy. It’s the mitigation speeches in such cases that are often entertaining. I wouldn’t mind betting, they bring in big time labour donor Kevin Craig, who has made his fortune, he says, as an expert in crisis management. (Actually a nice guy)."
185000 pounds a year plus his extra pocket money for being returning officer.

My Polish friend said in communist days the elite who ran the country were called the Red Bourgeois.

I never get to meet these people as a lowly resident. This elite who run Lambeth live in a different world to rest of us.
185000 pounds a year plus his extra pocket money for being returning officer.

My Polish friend said in communist days the elite who ran the country were called the Red Bourgeois.

I never get to meet these people as a lowly resident. This elite who run Lambeth live in a different world to rest of us.
Your analogy witn communist Poland is a good one. I didn’t ever visit Poland in communist times, but did visit Bulgaria and DDR and can see the similarities.

I wrote on the LTN thread about absolute power within the council corrupting absolutely, and nothing has happened since to change my mind.

It’s a dictatorship without any challenge.

58 Labour Councillors out of 63, I’m sure they’ll all have been briefed on Dosunmu and will now sing from the same hymn sheet, having been singing his praises last week.

It’s a rotten Borough.
Not sure how reliable it is but I was told last night by an ex councillor to expect a whole load more shit about Dosunmu to come out. They were absolutely no fan of his but suggested there was some kind of hatchet job. This still labour ex-councillor was adamant that the only thing to make the council work again would be to vote some conservatives in to provide opposition. They called it a dictatorship.
185000 pounds a year plus his extra pocket money for being returning officer.

My Polish friend said in communist days the elite who ran the country were called the Red Bourgeois.

I never get to meet these people as a lowly resident. This elite who run Lambeth live in a different world to rest of us.
Not usual for a council CEO it seems.

Your analogy witn communist Poland is a good one. I didn’t ever visit Poland in communist times, but did visit Bulgaria and DDR and can see the similarities.

I wrote on the LTN thread about absolute power within the council corrupting absolutely, and nothing has happened since to change my mind.

It’s a dictatorship without any challenge.

58 Labour Councillors out of 63, I’m sure they’ll all have been briefed on Dosunmu and will now sing from the same hymn sheet, having been singing his praises last week.

It’s a rotten Borough.

What Will You Do When You Catch Me? is a parody of comunist times in Poland. A state-owned company director is having an afair during his delegation. Later on, his mistress turns out to be the daughter of a Communist party bigwig and pregnant. He knows he'll have to marry her to save his reputation and his job. But divorce is never simple...

Later communist period was not so repressive. This famous Polish comedy is about that period. If you wanted to get on you joined Communist party.

Our Chief Exec getting caught up in drugs driving cop bust reminded me of this Polish satire /comedy.

I mean I'm not that bothered if Chief Exec took class A substances. Like my Polish friends you have to see the light side of this. What a farce it all is.

Be great if someone made a film satire on Lambeth Council.

I mean the plot is already there. Chief Exec coked up to his eyeballs at meetings .

Thanks for taking my point.
On Huhne I hadn't remembered it was a 2003 offense - in which case how come THIS was not covered by the statute of limitations?
I had also forgotten the crooked judge aspect to this case Chris Huhne ordered to pay £78,000 costs for speeding points case

The amount of prison time and financial penalties for Chris Huhne, his then wife and the judge is amazing - compared to Scot-free Rayner.

Poor old perjurers Huhne and Price. Not the like the good old days when Liberal rapists and dog murderers like Smith, Freud, and Thorpe were allowed to get away with their crimes.
Poor old perjurers Huhne and Price. Not the like the good old days when Liberal rapists and dog murderers like Smith, Freud, and Thorpe were allowed to get away with their crimes.
Freud? Don't you mean the artist?
BTW if Huhne and his then wife deserve one year each in prison for swapping speeding points and then lying about it - what will "Sir" Keir do to Lambeth's Class A Chief Exec?
I'd say he might consider using up some of the Tories pre-paid accommodation in Rwanda. Napoleonic exile, not deportation - Able was I ere I saw Elba and all that.
Freud? Don't you mean the artist?
BTW if Huhne and his then wife deserve one year each in prison for swapping speeding points and then lying about it - what will "Sir" Keir do to Lambeth's Class A Chief Exec?
I'd say he might consider using up some of the Tories pre-paid accommodation in Rwanda. Napoleonic exile, not deportation - Able was I ere I saw Elba and all that.

The artist's brother, Clement: wit, raconteur, chef, the human face of Minced Morcels and sidekick to Henry; top right box in Celebrity Squares; and Liberal MP for the Isle of Ely. When he wasn't busy doing celeb stuff he raped his daughter's friends.

As to Huhne and Price they lied on oath and suffered exactly the same fate of other political perjurers such as: Archer, Aiken, and Tommy Sheridan.

Is the Lambeth Chief Executive alleged to have commited perjury alongside the slew of other accusations?
The artist's brother, Clement: wit, raconteur, chef, the human face of Minced Morcels and sidekick to Henry; top right box in Celebrity Squares; and Liberal MP for the Isle of Ely. When he wasn't busy doing celeb stuff he raped his daughter's friends.

As to Huhne and Price they lied on oath and suffered exactly the same fate of other political perjurers such as: Archer, Aiken, and Tommy Sheridan.

Is the Lambeth Chief Executive alleged to have commited perjury alongside the slew of other accusations?
Further line of enquiry for you:
Freud was friends with Gerry and Kate McCann - parents of three-year-old Madeleine, who disappeared in Praia la Luz, Portugal, in 2007.
(Third woman alleges Clement Freud abuse)
What exactly do you expect them to do differently? Discuss the alleged incident in front of the public? That's obviously not going to happen, given he hasn't yet appeared in court. The council need to do something formally - wouldn't be surprised if this meeting is to agree to suspend him pending outcome of court case.
I'd like to know who sits on the Committee and who made the appointments for starters.

Plus also who appointed Connolly as the Acting CE.
Personally I would expect the council to have a "succession plan" if you will - in case something happened to the the CEO.
This does sems to be the case with many voluntary organisations and companies - if not the United States of America.
Thing is Councils are run in some ways like a business.

This is what one comes up against as a resident.

The illusion is that one has a vote and a say in how a Council is run.

In fact the democracy side of it is very limited.

On day to day basis unelected senior officers run the Council

How much say residents have in who the senior officers are and how a accountable they are to local residents is in the largesse of local Cllrs.

Personally my experience is that Councils operate like a business.

It's not that democratic in the substantive sense.

Also depends on the individual Council officer. Some are genuinely interested in talking to residents.

My impression is that they tend to be new officers who have not been inculcated into the Lambeth way of doing things.
What does this mean in terms of by-elections? How soon would it be?
Dunno - but might this not create an interesting situation on the council?
Supposing a Herne Hill by-election returned a Green councillor, there would be 2 official oppositions - or maybe a co-opposition?
What does this mean in terms of by-elections? How soon would it be?
It depends on when Jimbo stands down at Lambeth - assuming he does. Florence Eshalomi carried on as a Brixton Hill Cllr after she won a City Hall seat.

Dartford to Herne Hill is quite a stretch though.

Realistically I'd expect a HH by-election some time in September.
I would assume Labour would win it easily but either the Greens or LDs could give it an honest go. Prior to 2022's loss I would have said the Greens would walk it but now not so sure
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