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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

I see Sian Berry has decided not to stand for re-election as Green co-leader, following Bartley's announcement a week or two back. Do we know what Bartley's intending to do locally next year?
I don't - not that I'm short of invitations to Green Party hustings on Zoom etc.
If Jonathan moved on it might still be a Green hold there.

St Leonards Ward was safe Tory in the 1980s and remained so until 1998 when it went massively Lib Dem.

Remember in 2014 the Lib Dems lost all their seats - one in St Leonards went to Scott Ainslie - the senior Green Party councillor in St Leonards succeeded in gaining his seat direct fro the Lib Dems in 2014.

The Green were able to pick up the other two seats in 2018. Seems likely a safe Green ward to me - unless Labour nationally and locally start to pick up Momentum(?).
9. Lambeth Council should coordinate a scheme to retrofit homes, especially supporting people on lower incomes.

Hmm ...

What they're talking about there doesn't appear to apply to estates threatened by "regeneration", but rather to privately-owned homes. One is left, going by Lambeth's record, to wonder how many council officers & cllrs might benefit from this scheme.

I've never been that impressed by Cllr Holland. Now as the leader she is arguing that pandemic shows why Cabinet system is best.

This model has allowed the council to respond to emergencies such as the Covid-19 pandemic quickly, making decisions at pace for local people and by elected politicians. A committee system on the other hand would make that impossible and could lead to officers having to make decisions without direction from the elected politicians.”

Whatever system is in place officers don't work in a vacuum. They can't make decisions with delegated authority or direction from Cllrs.

So I don't see how Committee system would lead to officers taking decisions without some kind of reference to Cllrs.

This quote does not make sense to me.

She is also mixing elected politicians with Cabinet system. Which isn't about elected politicians but those fortunate enough to be in the Cabinet.The rest of the backbench Cllrs don't get much of a say.

Also emergencies are emergencies. They aren't to be used to support an ongoing system Of themselves emergencies require a particular kind of decision making. This is not the norm.
Been alerted to a new planning application for 4 advertising signs to be erected around the round-about Knatchbull Rd/Calais St, corner of Myatt Field Park
This is a conservation area and the round-about is subject to fast moving, rat-running traffic, beside a local park on walking routes to school.
How anyone can think this is an acceptable idea is beyond me.
I have objected here 21/02489/ADV | Display of 4 Non illuminated hoarding boards at Knatchbull Road Roundabout.

Been alerted to a new planning application for 4 advertising signs to be erected around the round-about Knatchbull Rd/Calais St, corner of Myatt Field Park
This is a conservation area and the round-about is subject to fast moving, rat-running traffic, beside a local park on walking routes to school.
How anyone can think this is an acceptable idea is beyond me.
I have objected here 21/02489/ADV | Display of 4 Non illuminated hoarding boards at Knatchbull Road Roundabout.

View attachment 280842

I had a quick look at the website of this operation because I was confused what sponsorship means....
...its advertising, wtf are Lambeth even thinking about this....?

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I had a quick look at the website of this operation because I was confused what sponsorship means....
...its advertising, wtf are Lambeth even thinking about this....?

View attachment 280856
You want to go to Bournemouth. Every roundabout is full of estate agent signs and the like.
Idea for road safety purposes???

This would undermined Lambeth's attempts (under residents pressure) to ban illuminated advertinig hoardings etc.
But then Lambeth always puts money before morals IMHO.
You want to go to Bournemouth. Every roundabout is full of estate agent signs and the like.
Idea for road safety purposes???

This would undermined Lambeth's attempts (under residents pressure) to ban illuminated advertinig hoardings etc.
But then Lambeth always puts money before morals IMHO.
Yes, I’ve seen them in places like the Frome bypass that are bleak and featureless and even there they are annoying....
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Been alerted to a new planning application for 4 advertising signs to be erected around the round-about Knatchbull Rd/Calais St, corner of Myatt Field Park
This is a conservation area and the round-about is subject to fast moving, rat-running traffic, beside a local park on walking routes to school.
How anyone can think this is an acceptable idea is beyond me.
I have objected here 21/02489/ADV | Display of 4 Non illuminated hoarding boards at Knatchbull Road Roundabout.

View attachment 280842

Looked up the planning application. The planning statement I can't read as I do not have Microsoft subscription. Which I have to pay for.

Lambeth IT is dreadful.
Looked up the planning application. The planning statement I can't read as I do not have Microsoft subscription. Which I have to pay for.

Lambeth IT is dreadful.
Planning statement cut and paste


Small Format Highway/Roundabout Sponsorship Scheme

Marketing Force Limited (MFL) is the UK’s market leader in small format sponsorship advertising on/adjacent to the public highway. We are currently working with 100 highway authorities on highly successful sponsorship advertising initiatives which offer local businesses the opportunity to legally advertise in their local area. This form of sponsorship advertising also provides a significant supplementary income to the highway authority.

Marketing Force has recently been appointed by London Borough of Lambeth to manage a roundabout sponsorship scheme (Contact: Gillian Smith, Commercial Manager).

Marketing Force has also been working in partnership with Transport for London for 10 years on their highway “small format” sponsorship advertising initiative (roundabouts and traffic islands). Via this scheme we have advertising consent for 100+ roundabout sites across Greater London.

I summarise the key elements of the application as follows: -

• The location identified has been verified as suitable for this type of sponsorship advertising by the Highway Authority –London Borough of Lambeth.

• The location identified is in non-conservation and non-residential areas.

• The signs will be static, kept low to the ground and is at a location where there is no infringement on highway sight lines.

• The signs provide a legal platform on which local businesses can promote themselves at the selected locations.

• The initiative promotes London Borough of Lambeth’s support of the local economy by enabling locally based businesses to legally promote themselves in this way.

MFL is very keen to achieve a positive outcome, therefore if you have any queries in relation to this application, we welcome, entering into discussion with the Planning Authority, prior to a decision being reached.

Joanne Woodward, Managing Director, Marketing Force Limited
Tel: 01394 672467
Email: joanne@marketingforce.co.uk
Given that it's a Lambeth Council application seems likely it will be waved through?
Its like a re-run of the Clearchanel/JCDecaux street furniture wars of the 1990s.

Once upon a time we had a Chief Executive who was so appalled by the criminality caused by bushes in Tate Library Gardens (sorry Windrush Square to be) that she had them all grubbed out, along with the red fountain and paddling pool which always accumulated a mix of Special Brew cans (empty of course) and soap, suds.

Similarly Ms Rabbatts (for it was she) was perhaps so shocked by anarchist graffitt (see below) that she sought to systematise it in the form of corporate advertising (see below below - example at Loughborough Junction). Be interesting to know how much rent Lambeth Council has collected over the last 25 years from this corporate spam, which even a hermit with no phone or TV has to endure.
street furniture.JPG
Sponsor Information | Marketing Force Ltd Roundabout Sponsorship

Had a look at the website. The application sounds like Marketforce are some kind of not for profit supporting people who want to sponsor.

Its just a commercial outfit who've found a niche market selling advertising dressed up as of benefit to local community.

If the Council do want to support local business why outsource this to private company who are going to make local business pay to have this advertising?

It does not make sense to me.

To provide Sustainable Excellence for Councils in Highway Asset Sponsorship.

This is distinctly Orwellian.

What they are saying is that they can provide service to Councils to get income out of roundabouts they own. Whilst also providing a profit for Marketingforce.

The use of word sponsorship though me to start with. Its not really sponsorship in a meaningful sense.
Homes for Lambeth and the Council have sent out this letter in error to a number of Estates where there has been no previous mention of redevelopment - seriously disconcerting to residents

They really are shit....

Yesterday, we launched our Liveability Commitments consultation with Homes for Lambeth, which impacts residents living on our regeneration estates and we need your views to help shape our proposed commitments, which include:​
  • Invest in the current homes.
  • Keep the estates safe and accessible.
  • Measures for minimising the impact of construction on residents.
As you will be aware, the Council is planning to rebuild your estate as well as redevelop smaller areas of disused council land across the borough to provide better homes for current residents of your estate and more homes for those waiting on the council’s housing lists, helping to tackle the housing crisis.
As a result, we have signed up to a Liveability Commitment for these estates. This will make sure that there is a shared and dedicated focus on planning for and managing services and development in a way that takes account of the challenges that living through substantial changes brings. These commitments build on the residents’ Key Guarantees and Homes for Lambeth ‘Your Futures’ programme.
The planning and construction for these estates will extend over a number of years and we know this could impact on residents living on the estates and their surroundings. Both the Council and Homes for Lambeth want to help existing residents through this process as they prepare to move into their new homes. We take our responsibilities and commitments seriously: we will make sure those estates remain good places to live throughout the process.
The consultations run from 31 August to 28 September.
Find out more information and share your views by visiting to the Lambeth Council website.

Thank you
Lambeth Council and Home for Lambeth
Homes for Lambeth and the Council have sent out this letter in error to a number of Estates where there has been no previous mention of redevelopment - seriously disconcerting to residents

They really are shit....


Yesterday, we launched our Liveability Commitments consultation with Homes for Lambeth, which impacts residents living on our regeneration estates and we need your views to help shape our proposed commitments, which include:​
  • Invest in the current homes.
  • Keep the estates safe and accessible.
  • Measures for minimising the impact of construction on residents.
As you will be aware, the Council is planning to rebuild your estate as well as redevelop smaller areas of disused council land across the borough to provide better homes for current residents of your estate and more homes for those waiting on the council’s housing lists, helping to tackle the housing crisis.
As a result, we have signed up to a Liveability Commitment for these estates. This will make sure that there is a shared and dedicated focus on planning for and managing services and development in a way that takes account of the challenges that living through substantial changes brings. These commitments build on the residents’ Key Guarantees and Homes for Lambeth ‘Your Futures’ programme.
The planning and construction for these estates will extend over a number of years and we know this could impact on residents living on the estates and their surroundings. Both the Council and Homes for Lambeth want to help existing residents through this process as they prepare to move into their new homes. We take our responsibilities and commitments seriously: we will make sure those estates remain good places to live throughout the process.
The consultations run from 31 August to 28 September.
Find out more information and share your views by visiting to the Lambeth Council website.

Thank you
Lambeth Council and Home for Lambeth

I received this email today.

Dear resident,

Yesterday you may have received an email from the council about our Liveability Commitments. This email should only have been sent to residents living on the following estates: Knights Walk, Cressingham Gardens, Central Hill, South Lambeth, Westbury and Fenwick. Please disregard this email. We apologise for any upset it may have caused and can assure you that your personal data has not been compromised in any way. The Council has no plans to rebuild your estate.

Thank you

Lambeth Council and Homes for Lambeth
I received this email today.

Dear resident,

Yesterday you may have received an email from the council about our Liveability Commitments. This email should only have been sent to residents living on the following estates: Knights Walk, Cressingham Gardens, Central Hill, South Lambeth, Westbury and Fenwick. Please disregard this email. We apologise for any upset it may have caused and can assure you that your personal data has not been compromised in any way. The Council has no plans to rebuild your estate.

Thank you

Lambeth Council and Homes for Lambeth
They are a class act aren't they....

Other Councils in London are thinking of doing the same.

I think this pre dated Covid.

From what I've seen is that this is a political decision from the top. The officers report would not have put this forward without the top of the Labour group deciding this is the way forward.

What I do wonder is where this leaves Steve Reeds Cooperative Council. This was born out of New Labour thinking. That a Council should become an enabler not a provider.

GLL as a not for profit organisation fitted the bill in this New Labour way of doing things. Get outside body to manage a service.

Now it seems providing is back in vogue on the Progress/ now Progressives wing of the Labour party.

So will Steve Reeds Cooperative Council bit the dust now?

In the officers report it says that bringing it back inhouse will enable the Council to fulfill its goals more effectively re health and wellbeing for Lambeth citizens.

To make it clear Steve Reeds Cooperative Council idea was set against this kind of local state provision.
I'd far prefer the tube to have extended elsewhere (Bakerloo ext to Lewisham being the obvious) but this is what we got, from Johnson and the PFI era.

That being said when j walked around there yesterday and walked past the old library on South Lambeth road I did feel rather jealous of the people there who could easily walk to one of three tube stations contrasted to my 20m walk to nearest train or tube.
This is more Bank Watch - but I have a Lambeth Council Watch question at the end.

Tried to pay my council tax yesterday - and had exactly the same problem as last month - card declined.
This is of course a banking issue - and according to one of many Bank of Shitland operators I've spoken to is caused by new EU rules tightening up security on credit card transactions. Why EU rules should come in in September 2021, 18 months after "Freedom Day" don't ask me.
An alternative explanation I have been given is that the bank's insurers of online transactions will not cover transaxctions where something on the account has changed.

Like what changed - a new debit card was issued in July, which worked in August??

Last month, having failed to get satisfaction from 4 (four) Bank of Sh*tland operators on the phone - working from home no doubt - I took the plunge and went to the HFX Brixton branch, - Sh*tland's apparent parent company.

The lady cashier was incredibly patient with me - autistic and frustrated as I was. "There's nothing I can do about your online problem", she says, "but I can pay your Council for you. Would you like that?"

An offer I could not refuse.

As I said at the top I am now entering this cycle again. The BOS website offers no means of raising technical queries - or asking for help. All they suggest is:
  • Your name and address do not match our records
    Always check your name and address details match the ones we hold for you. Your billing address should always be the same as the address we hold for you. You can often choose to add a different delivery address if required.
  • Incorrect CVV number
    If you are using your card to pay for something online or over the phone then you should be asked for your CVV number. This is the last 3 digits of the security code on the signature strip on the back of the card. Check that you have entered this correctly.
To my mind this is ludicrous for a customer who has used their debit card to pay their council tax online for 20 years.

Regarding the Lambeth side of this I have a question.

I remembered Lambeth had a YourLambeth website supposedly to co-ordinate all your transactions with the council.

I was doodling round trying to find this when I came up with this:

mylambeth has changed

If you had a mylambeth account before 25 September 2019 to access your Council Tax or business rates account you will need to re-register. Register Now to begin the process.

Is this correct? We are always being warned about bank account details being harvested in order to commit major fraud (eg the student on Radio Four's Moneybox last week who had lost £10,000 his grandparents had been saving for his education and accomodation).

Can it be true that mylambeth has changed will get my Bank of Sh*tland details - with no verification of who they are - when I cannot pay my Coiuncil Tax bill the normal way using my debit card due to EU regulations and bank insurance issues?

I think I should be told.
This is more Bank Watch - but I have a Lambeth Council Watch question at the end.

etc etc
Just to update - and possibly I may edit down the original post, I retried paying by debit card on Sunday and it went through without even doing a security check.
So I'm not sure whether the bank has remedied a fault in their system, or whether I was just lucky to be able to make a payment to Lambeth Council of more than £140 because it was my lucky day on Sunday.
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