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Kanye believe it? Follow Kanye West's 2020 presidential bid here...

Trump isn't finanicially successful, every business he's tried to launch has gone bust, the man has gone bankrupt something like 8 times. He's old money and inherited it.
His grandfather was financially successful (apparently an even bigger chancer than his dipshit grandson) but clearly possessed of some basic nonce that he failed to pass on.

Am reasonably sure Trump might have something of the nonce about him. Allegedly, etc.
I’d rather have the Kersall Massive or Beefy than the current incumbent tbh.

Even Biden would be just about better, to a marginal extent :(

:( offered because of the 'choice' offered in mainstream US politics :hmm:

:mad: offered because of the deliberate spoiler 'candidacy' 'proposed' by the 2015 Glastonbury headliner ;)
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Trump isn't finanicially successful, every business he's tried to launch has gone bust, the man has gone bankrupt something like 8 times. He's old money and inherited it.
His grandfather was financially successful (apparently an even bigger chancer than his dipshit grandson) but clearly possessed of some basic nonce that he failed to pass on.


You don't need brains to turn vast amounts of money into more money. IN fact, he could have been richer by some estimations if he hadn't used his massive interlect to make the investments he had and just stuck it in a index tracker.
What do you like about Trump anyway. What's the appeal?

I don’t but the level of tropes being spun as fact on here are depressing.

Reminds me of a comment I saw - somewhere on the internet once - that Trump was a ‘failed billionaire’.

I mean, what the actual fuck?:facepalm:
Think the idea is that he's a failed billionaire in that he would like to be one and ought to be one, but has too much of a tendency to lose money.

Don't know how accurate that is, and the Presidency will probably have sorted that problem for him now anyway.
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I don't expect all rappers to come from the hood, but I didn't know that Kanye West was actually from a really privileged background. It's not just that his parents had decent jobs and owned their home, normal middle class. His mother was an English professor, chair of the English dept at Chicago State University - she must have worked fucking hard to get there, so good on her. But it still means Kanye was raised rich and had access to arts, contacts, money, and back-up support that most people don't have. A lot of rappers came from nothing, but Kanye West didn't. He grew up privileged. No wonder he's such a fan of Trump.
I don’t but the level of tropes being spun as fact on here are depressing.

Reminds me of a comment I saw - somewhere on the internet once - that Trump was a ‘failed billionaire’.

I mean, what the actual fuck?:facepalm:

It means that he has tons of money due to inheritances but would actually have more money now if he'd let it sit in the bank and lived off some of the interest rather than invest it in his many failed businesses. He's lost more money than he's earned.
It means that he has tons of money due to inheritances but would actually have more money now if he'd let it sit in the bank and lived off some of the interest rather than invest it in his many failed businesses. He's lost more money than he's earned.

Fuck knows tbh - I thought he was a billionaire after building an empire from a million dollar loan off his father. He also gives his Presidential pay cheque away to good causes fwiu - have other presidents done similar?

One thing is for sure - we are living in strange times.

edit: I’d say all billionaires are cunts to varying degrees.
It means that he has tons of money due to inheritances but would actually have more money now if he'd let it sit in the bank and lived off some of the interest rather than invest it in his many failed businesses. He's lost more money than he's earned.


Leaving aside all the other reasons Trump gives us to er, form opinions about the type of person he is. What's to admire about someone who inherits multi millions and manages to turn it into a couple of billion by making mistakes. That's the fucked up nature of inherited wealth. You can screw up, make bad investments and still end up pointlessly rich. Not as rich as you might have been if you'd just stuck it in a tracker. But still the kinda rich an unimaginative self regarding idiot spends on gold crap and golf.

Leaving aside all the other reasons Trump gives us to er, form opinions about the type of person he is. What's to admire about someone who inherits multi millions and manages to turn it into a couple of billion by making mistakes. That's the fucked up nature of inherited wealth. You can screw up, make bad investments and still end up pointlessly rich. Not as rich as you might have been if you'd just stuck it in a tracker. But still the kinda rich an unimaginative self regarding idiot spends on gold crap and golf.

Bezos is more evil - he’s intoxicated on capitalism and a modern slave driver - I think he gets off in fucking workers over.

A Bezos presidency would be - interesting.
He also gives his Presidential pay cheque away to good causes fwiu - have other presidents done similar?
Sure he does. But he also then makes millions by forcing the government to use his facilities. He says in his own hotels and makes the government pay for it.
he charges his security team to use the golf carts at his own golf courses each time he goes to it.
he is a fucking grifter of the highest order

Sure he does. But he also then makes millions by forcing the government to use his facilities. He says in his own hotels and makes the government pay for it.
he charges his security team to use the golf carts at his own golf courses each time he goes to it.
he is a fucking grifter of the highest order

Trump has played golf 250 times at his resorts throughout his presidency. HuffPost calculated that these trips have cost taxpayers $133.8 million.
I mean, imagine you were the president. I'll rent out my own golf property, and charge my entourage. Would I get away with it? Fuck it, charge them £3 million.
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