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Kanye believe it? Follow Kanye West's 2020 presidential bid here...

I used to have a very severely mentally ill uncle who came out with allsorts of really ugly shit when he was having an episode that didn't reflect his non-ill self, so I have some sympathy. It doesn't make the effects of these things he's saying any less awful of course. But mental illness absolutely can make people say and do racist, and plenty of other terrible, things.
Maybe mental illness has affected his judgment on the wisdom of publicly declaring his love for Nazis but the Hitler stuff has apparently been going on for a long time.

A business executive who worked for West, who now goes by Ye, told CNN that the artist created a hostile work environment, in part through his “obsession” with Hitler. “He would praise Hitler by saying how incredible it was that he was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great things he and the Nazi Party achieved for the German people,” the individual told CNN.

The executive told CNN that West spoke openly about reading “Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s 1925 autobiographical manifesto and expressed his “admiration” for the Nazis and Hitler for their use of propaganda. This individual stated that people in West’s inner circle were “fully aware” of his interest in Hitler. Four sources told CNN that West had originally suggested the title “Hitler” for his 2018 album that eventually released as “Ye.” They did not want to be named, citing concern for professional retribution.

Maybe mental illness has affected his judgment on the wisdom of publicly declaring his love for Nazis but the Hitler stuff has apparently been going on for a long time.

A business executive who worked for West, who now goes by Ye, told CNN that the artist created a hostile work environment, in part through his “obsession” with Hitler. “He would praise Hitler by saying how incredible it was that he was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great things he and the Nazi Party achieved for the German people,” the individual told CNN.

The executive told CNN that West spoke openly about reading “Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s 1925 autobiographical manifesto and expressed his “admiration” for the Nazis and Hitler for their use of propaganda. This individual stated that people in West’s inner circle were “fully aware” of his interest in Hitler. Four sources told CNN that West had originally suggested the title “Hitler” for his 2018 album that eventually released as “Ye.” They did not want to be named, citing concern for professional retribution.

This discussion has already happened on the other thread.

Kanye West has been despicable for a considerable length of time. His very apparent MH issues are adjacent, not the cause, of his ugly foul views.
Plenty of people going 'wow, imagine Alex Jones looking like the reasonable one in the room' after watching it. Expect that was exactly what he was aiming for

I think the vast majority of the people saying things like that are speaking in relative terms. Saying that Jones "looks like" a sane person when he's being out-batshitted by Kanye is not the same thing as saying that Jones is in fact a sensible person worth listening to. It's an observation of how far Kanye has gone off the deep end, not an attempted rehabilitation of Jones.

Anyone who genuinely believes that Jones is a reasonable person on account of Kanye appearing on his show is likely already one of his followers.
I think the vast majority of the people saying things like that are speaking in relative terms. Saying that Jones "looks like" a sane person when he's being out-batshitted by Kanye is not the same thing as saying that Jones is in fact a sensible person worth listening to. It's an observation of how far Kanye has gone off the deep end, not an attempted rehabilitation of Jones.

Yeah, delivering unhinged rants is Jones' entire brand, I don't think he's going to try to reinvent himself as the calm voice of reason at this stage - maybe the reason he briefly looked perturbed was just annoyance at being upstaged.
The Young Turks take is that KW has blown their cover. Jones can’t now claim plausible deniability. He gave KW a soft exit but he wouldn’t take it.
The dude has bags of money and a fair bit of talent. And he's one of the angriest people I have seen. So much rage. Like 70% bitter bastard. It's a shame because you can see sometimes a great mind and heart peeking out from all that.
A great mind? How so?

Have 'Javanka' spoken out, or are they counting their Saudi billions in Palm Beach? Imagine finding out your father/in law willingly had dinner with this wanker, and worse.
I was reading an interview with Morton Klein of the Zionist Organisation of America earlier, who had awarded Trump their highest honour about a week before he had dinner with two neo-nazis. Whoops.

It's worth reading, and sort of hilarious.

I saw that in the New Yorker. Absolutely shocking that he seemed shocked. Pled total ignorance to everything said over the course of decades. It'll be interesting if the next person turns the award down - who'd want to keep company with Donald Trump and Sheldon Adelson?
A great mind? How so?
He's undeniably one of the most influential musical figures of modern times and a not inconsiderable one in fashion. Serious success in either is not easy and at that level, in that genre, requires a great deal of creative brainpower.

None of which makes him any less of a horrible bastard (outside of the Nazi stuff his general levels of misogyny have always been vile even when he was winning awards) or any less obviously cracked. Sadly being very talented and a raving shite aren't mutually exclusive.
This discussion has already happened on the other thread.

Kanye West has been despicable for a considerable length of time. His very apparent MH issues are adjacent, not the cause, of his ugly foul views.
It looks that way, yeah. Hadn't seen that before.

They did not want to be named, citing concern for professional retribution.

So people have known about this for a while but didn't want any comeback for saying so. Some people have probably been too scared then, but others too greedy I'm guessing.
That will just force him further down the rabbit hole into a world in which he’s not exposed to countering ideas.

We think that cancellation makes people disappear, but just look at the re-emergence of Milo the peed and his buddy Fuentes. They seemingly fell off the face of the earth, only to pop their heads back up worse than ever, having been secretly plotting behind the scenes to cause trouble.

Keep people in plain sight and not only can you keep and eye on them, but their arguments can be debunked in public.

Kanye West said:
Every human being has something of value that they bought to the table.... especially Hitler

Ok, I've changed my mind. Just cancel him already.
There used to be a pub in London which shared a wall with the asylum next door. The owners would put a ladder against it and charged people to use it and be entertained by the antics of the lunatics next door.

Pretty barbaric right? This is the same as that. Like ‘Karen’ videos actually. Laughing at people with an illness.
There used to be a pub in London which shared a wall with the asylum next door. The owners would put a ladder against it and charged people to use it and be entertained by the antics of the lunatics next door.

Pretty barbaric right? This is the same as that. Like ‘Karen’ videos actually. Laughing at people with an illness.
Anyone who gives him a platform at this stage is a piece of shit. The bloke is not even talking in coherent sentences. He himself complains of racing thoughts, a classic sign of a manic episode. He needs to disappear for a few years and get his head together.
Obviously his anti-Semitism is rancid but it's difficult to judge him fully when it's not clear whether it's not part of any possible illness
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