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Just Stop Oil

The only ones that are stupid are those that think you can stop oil overnight.

They would be better off coming up with solutions to the problem themselves.
You really are a fuckwit then. Who either can’t or won’t read
'virtue signalling'is the new 'do gooder'. We all signal our virtues or lack thereof everytime we interact with another human being. 'no i don't' yes you fucking do, you just don't think of it that way. 'Virtue Signalling' is what those people do, I merely say it how it is.
It shows that those who use the term must be the opposite and therefore are proud of their vice, their avarice, their selfishness, their petty objections to being mildly inconvenienced, and their small-mindedness in that they cannot imagine other human beings being magnanimous and actually caring what happens to our planet and future generations. They think we’re all as paralysed with self-serving cynicism as the rest of them in their race to the gutter
I don't need to read the ramblings of hypocritical loons. I want action.

Just what have these loons or you done to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels? :(
I don’t drive a car for a start. Some of them are members of organisations, some of them scientists, who are actually working on many ways to improve renewable energy and to ameliorate the effects of climate change.
They’re not hypocritical loons. They’re putting their money where their mouths are.
You clearly can’t read or won’t cos you saying things about them that aren’t true.
I don't need to read the ramblings of hypocritical loons. I want action.

Just what have these loons or you done to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels? :(
I imagine they’ve done quite a lot from knowing people involved in XR. No flying, no car, vegan/vegetarian. What have you done?
I want action.
That's the problem in a nutshell, isn't it. A world of armchair managers crowded round their TV screens shouting at people taking action that they're doing it all wrong. I have my criticisms (see above) and my personal desires for strategies, but I'm not the one getting punched up by some prick who's howling about how I should be crushed under the wheels of a car for causing a public scene.

Ultimately I'd rather show exasperated solidarity with people trying their best, even if it's imperfect or limited, than be a grousing old fuck in the background acting like my inaction is somehow better.
That's the problem in a nutshell, isn't it. A world of armchair managers crowded round their TV screens shouting at people taking action that they're doing it all wrong. I have my criticisms (see above) and my personal desires for strategies, but I'm not the one getting punched up by some prick who's howling about how I should be crushed under the wheels of a car for causing a public scene.

Ultimately I'd rather show exasperated solidarity with people trying their best, even if it's imperfect or limited, than be a grousing old fuck in the background acting like my inaction is somehow better.
So you're happy with these loons stopping ambulances getting to patients or getting patients to hospital as has happened?

Would you be happy if said patient died as a result?

People who think that's acceptable are wankers in my book. :mad:
I don’t drive a car for a start. Some of them are members of organisations, some of them scientists, who are actually working on many ways to improve renewable energy and to ameliorate the effects of climate change.
They’re not hypocritical loons. They’re putting their money where their mouths are.
You clearly can’t read or won’t cos you saying things about them that aren’t true.
Bet they aren't the loons gluing themselves to roads. :facepalm:
That's the problem in a nutshell, isn't it. A world of armchair managers crowded round their TV screens shouting at people taking action that they're doing it all wrong. I have my criticisms (see above) and my personal desires for strategies, but I'm not the one getting punched up by some prick who's howling about how I should be crushed under the wheels of a car for causing a public scene.

Ultimately I'd rather show exasperated solidarity with people trying their best, even if it's imperfect or limited, than be a grousing old fuck in the background acting like my inaction is somehow better.
Are they still trying their best when they have been told that their actions are counter productive? At some point it becomes ignorance
So you're happy with these loons stopping ambulances getting to patients or getting patients to hospital as has happened?
How about you expand on the nature of the complaint, rather than just vaguely alluding. Outline exactly how extensive it is. How many instances? How recent? We can go from there with judging if you like. If you can't be arsed to properly research and support your outrage it's performative and I'm not going to waste my time.

Are they still trying their best ... At some point it becomes ignorance
Trying your best and being ignorant are not incompatible concepts, and I've specifically said I'm not against critiques (considered, rather than lazy shite). But if I only showed solidarity with people I thought were being clever I'd be abandoning most people who get arrested on demos.
Who’s telling them this? Vested interests?
plenty of people, myself included.

Sure, decades from now, they might be remembered as we do the Suffragettes. Or they may fall by teh wayside after pissing off working class people on their way to jobs/appointments. The problem is that JSO thinks that the best response is to say "look at what's happening in the third world/somewhere else", but Im not sure people, stuck in traffic and getting angry at their immediate circumstances, are not drawing that connection and drawing the conclusion JSO wants them too. Even though it's correct to point out that climate change is real and is causing the conditions they are talking about.
So you're happy with these loons stopping ambulances getting to patients or getting patients to hospital as has happened?

Would you be happy if said patient died as a result?

People who think that's acceptable are wankers in my book. :mad:

Oh behave and stop copying Talk Radio's afternoon outrage shpeil. XR have a policy to get out of the way of emergency vehicles.
Oh behave and stop copying Talk Radio's afternoon outrage shpeil. XR have a policy to get out of the way of emergency vehicles.
Bit tricky if you've glued yourself to the road. :facepalm:

Orang Utan it was in the BBC news some weeks back with actual footage of the loons glued to the road and ambulances with blues and twos going stuck in the traffic jam. :mad:
Some of them are members of organisations, some of them scientists, who are actually working on many ways to improve renewable energy and to ameliorate the effects of climate change.
Having bothered to look at jso's website I see no mention of research they are doing just links to research done by others. :hmm:

If they are actually doing 'research' I hope it's not the plastic trees covered in lime water crap that's been doing the rounds for years. :facepalm:
It wouldn’t have been. The point IS to cost institutions and businesses a huge amount and disrupt everyday life. They need to start blowing up petrol stations and assassinating CEOs with drone strikes IMO, but this is a start at least
Leaving less money for research. Great logic batman. :facepalm:
They are working on alternative green energy sources
Aw bless you. No they aren't. And yes I know they say they are, and have loads of bumf about their plans for the future, but they aren't. Also money not spent on protest policing doesn't get magically diverted to stopping climate change you odd person.

The above is a three-part documentary showcasing all the ways in which the big oil firms put off serious action on climate change for 30 years despite knowing perfectly well what the problem was. It's long, but I suggest you watch it to avoid further "oh hun" moments.
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Aw bless you. No they aren't. And yes I know they say they are, and have loads of bumf about their plans for the future, but they aren't. Also money not spent on protest policing doesn't get magically diverted to stopping climate change you odd person.

The above is a three-part documentary showcasing all the ways in which the big oil firms put off serious action on climate change for 30 years despite knowing perfectly well what the problem was. It's long, but I suggest you watch it to avoid further "oh hun" moments.
Best Oil Companies Investing In Renewable Energy | The Motley Fool

There's 3 for a start including BP and there are others if you could be bothered looking. :facepalm:
I never thought it did but it could.
But that's not how it works though. So it wouldn't.

There's 3 for a start including BP
Those aren't "alternative green energy sources" though, they're greenwashing and, I suppose, diversification (where the thing being boasted about is not wildly exaggerated or, like "blue hydrogen," an outright lie). BP is in fact increasing its fossil fuel production, for example, by an average of $1bn a year through to at least 2030. You understand that it's not alternative if it's not replacing, yes?

Seriously, watch the documentary. It gives a much better sense of how these companies think than PR bumf. It's from the Beeb so it's even centrist-friendly.
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