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Just Stop Oil

It will if he gets banned
I've said my piece, which is that people have the right to protest as long as their actions don't involve harm, including financial harm to otheres, especially eople who are simply trying to earn a living, then there's a problem.

Some people here have lied about my opinions and said I'm against dissent. I'm not. I'm open minded on whether we should ban new exploration for fossil fuels and if I were to be convinced, I would support protest in the name of "Just Stopping Oil", but not that bunch of over-entitled spoilt pack of middle class brats who couldn't give a fuck about whether normal working class people can get to work to cover their rent.

I'm just someone who has a different view on what tactics JSO should use and you want me banned from the forum for that.

No need. I'm putting the thread on ignore.

I'll read the Climate Change instead. Hoepfully there's some factual stuff there rather than spoilt middle class brats who get off on hating the working classes.

* Thread ignored *
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I'm always amused to see hitherto unrecognized voices of the class step forth whenever a protest happens. I've been delayed on my way to shit low paid work many many times, and for reasons far less good than protesters protesting. And I didn't punch anyone about it either.
I'm always amused to see hitherto unrecognized voices of the class step forth whenever a protest happens. I've been delayed on my way to shit low paid work many many times, and for reasons far less good than protesters protesting. And I didn't punch anyone about it either.
just the other day i sat in traffic on a diverted bus for more than 40 minutes, and was consequently late for work. because some inconsiderate shit had crashed into a lamppost on essex road.
I've said my piece, which is that people have the right to protest as long as their actions don't involve harm, including financial harm to otheres, especially eople who are simply trying to earn a living, then there's a problem.

Some people here have lied about my opinions and said I'm against dissent. I'm not. I'm open minded on whether we should ban new exploration for fossil fuels and if I were to be convinced, I would support protest in the name of "Just Stopping Oil", but not that bunch of over-entitled spoilt pack of middle class brats who couldn't give a fuck about whether normal working class people can get to work to cover their rent.

I'm just someone who has a different view on what tactics JSO should use and you want me banned from the forum for that.

No need. I'm putting the thread on ignore.

I'll read the Climate Change instead. Hoepfully there's some factual stuff there rather than spoilt middle class brats who get off on hating the working classes.

* Thread ignored *


You absolute fibber.
If you are happy for JSO to prevent people on zero hours contracts from earning a days work, trades people not getting paid because they cant turn up, from going to job interviews, from getting to other important appointments, from picking up their kids and many more examples it's your gift. Everybody I know don't think they should be allowed to do all this. I don't think they should. I think JSO don't have to live in the real world and their methods are alienating the people they most need to convince.
Thing about this is you're about six decades late on the conversation. The types of civil disobedience currently being pitched as uniquely outrageous and requiring of full repression by the police force have been going on at scale since at least 1960. It's not that protest has changed, it's that the Tories have succeeded in persuading people whose interest in the subject generally goes no further than the most recent media talking points that all civil disobedience that is in any way disruptive to business as usual is a de facto bad for society.

The people who benefit most from this suggestion are not in fact angry motorists but the lords of State and Capital, who get to use that new "moral position" whenever they like. Today's van driver who's been whipped up into a frenzy about a 15-minute delay is tomorrow's guy on a picket line being smacked about by cops under approving headlines of "strikers cleared off key road." That's the strategy here, and it's lapped up by the credulous who identify with the point about inconvenience while caring very little about the stripping away of rights they don't, at present, use.
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Yes, someone who deliberatly causes financial loss to other innocent people, should be in prison if they aren't prepared to compensate innocent people for their financial losses.
I don't have a problem with proests, no matter the cause. I have a problem with financial disruption to innocent people.
You don’t understand protest. Disruption is now we get things done.
You don’t understand protest. Disruption is now we get things done.
Do you think JSO though are getting anything done? Or are the alienating more people than they convince? It’s not possible to measure it objectively I guess but subjectively I don’t know anybody who supports their actions. (Outside of the U-75 echo chamber obviously).
Do you think JSO though are getting anything done? Or are the alienating more people than they convince? It’s not possible to measure it objectively I guess but subjectively I don’t know anybody who supports their actions. (Outside of the U-75 echo chamber obviously).
Yes - I think they’re doing a very good job of drawing attention to the issue.

Their protests don’t actual alienate people - the ones that say that are look for any reason to ingnore or downplay the issue. “Fuck the environment because of those bloody JSO do-gooders 😤
If you are happy for JSO to prevent people on zero hours contracts from earning a days work, trades people not getting paid because they cant turn up, from going to job interviews, from getting to other important appointments, from picking up their kids and many more examples it's your gift. Everybody I know don't think they should be allowed to do all this. I don't think they should. I think JSO don't have to live in the real world and their methods are alienating the people they most need to convince.
Do you think JSO though are getting anything done? Or are the alienating more people than they convince? It’s not possible to measure it objectively I guess but subjectively I don’t know anybody who supports their actions. (Outside of the U-75 echo chamber obviously).
U75 echo chamber tends to be a fair bit more nuanced than the average one so not really sure it's much of a criticism tbh...
They're LARPers aren't they? Dropping orange powder at a flower show relates to actually doing something about climate change in the same way wielding a plastic sword in cardboard armour relates to lying in the mud jerking as your gizzards spill out of a spear wound.
Dropping orange powder at a flower show relates to actually doing something about climate change in the same way wielding a plastic sword in cardboard armour relates to lying in the mud jerking as your gizzards spill out of a spear wound.
The frustrating thing about this is people have explained JSO's actual reasoning to you over and over and again, yet every time there's another incident you revert back to the same old lines. Do you keep accidentally hitting your reset button or something? How are you this unable to retain information?
The frustrating thing about this is people have explained JSO's actual reasoning to you over and over and again, yet every time there's another incident you revert back to the same old lines. Do you keep accidentally hitting your reset button or something? How are you this unable to retain information?
He’s just a knob that seems to be wrong about pretty much everything.
The frustrating thing about this is people have explained JSO's actual reasoning to you over and over and again, yet every time there's another incident you revert back to the same old lines. Do you keep accidentally hitting your reset button or something? How are you this unable to retain information?

No I get it, they're raising awareness, because of course no one is aware how serious they think things are.

I'm sure after a few more orange paint chuckings the sheeple will wake up.
No I get it, they're raising awareness, because of course no one is aware how serious they think things are.

I'm sure after a few more orange paint chuckings the sheeple will wake up.
They're not raising awareness, that's straw man argument. They're raising the alarm because knowing something and urgently doing something about it aren't the same thing.

We're literally facing the extinction of our species.
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