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Just Stop Oil

Shouldn't be a custodial. They're hardly not violent or selling poison to helpless addicts.

Something should be done, something has to give.

There's nothing wrong with protest, but when it' impacts other's people's rights to go about their business, that's unacceptable.

Rasining awarness isn't an excuse, nor is trying to circumvent the democrratic framework with blackmail.

They've threatened to keep on disrupting until they get their way ... which is just to change UK policy for what? It's not like it would save the planet anyway.

I can't see us in 20 years times saying "You know, if was all Britain's fault ... just by changing a few policies, that would have saved us!!!".

Innovation saves us. Causing massive traffic jams to make a point, won't.

Why can't they just get a job that involves the innovation of greener products? Eveyone, including even the most crrazed climate change denier, loves green technology.
Something should be done, something has to give.

There's nothing wrong with protest, but when it' impacts other's people's rights to go about their business, that's unacceptable.

Rasining awarness isn't an excuse, nor is trying to circumvent the democrratic framework with blackmail.

They've threatened to keep on disrupting until they get their way ... which is just to change UK policy for what? It's not like it would save the planet anyway.

I can't see us in 20 years times saying "You know, if was all Britain's fault ... just by changing a few policies, that would have saved us!!!".

Innovation saves us. Causing massive traffic jams to make a point, won't.

Why can't they just get a job that involves the innovation of greener products? Eveyone, including even the most crrazed climate change denier, loves green technology.

Unacceptable to whom?
No it wont, you dont realise how fucked the situation is if you believe that.
I'm sorry, there must be a problem somewhere. I think your comment has been truncated somehow.

I can't find the bit where you no doubt explained how fucked up the situation is.

Yiu could try and post it up again please?

That's very caring of you. But you still want the wheels of capitalism to continue and if protests get in the way of that; it's "unacceptable".

Sounds quite authoritarian.
People trying to go out and do a days work to put food on the table, isn't capitalism.

Workers can lose money over this shit.

The bosses don't lose a penny.

Let JSO crack on with it. Sooner or later those spoilt brats will be handed a bill so big, not even Mummy and Daddy will be able to bail them out.
There's nothing wrong with protest, but when it' impacts other's people's rights to go about their business, that's unacceptable.
That's kind of how many protests work or need to work to get the desired effect. I'm fairly ambivalent about all of it and can't see how they'll change anything but they're passionate and entitled to protest how they want until the law steps in and tells them otherwise. They think they've got a worthy cause to protest and a tactic that works. In an ideal world we wouldn't need protest groups that disrupt, but we're not, hence their actions.
That's kind of how many protests work or need to work to get the desired effect. I'm fairly ambivalent about all of it and can't see how they'll change anything but they're passionate and entitled to protest how they want until the law steps in and tells them otherwise. They think they've got a worthy cause to protest and a tactic that works. In an ideal world we wouldn't need protest groups that disrupt, but we're not, hence their actions.
So let's summarizer this one up.

Just Stop Oil feel they can get their way through economic disruption, including disrupting workers even if it hits their bottom line.

On the flip side, moe people believe they if drivers used violence against the JSO protestors, the JSO crowd wouldn't dare disrupt anymore, certain tly not if one driver ploughed into them.

Of course I don't condone such a thing.

I'd rather the JSO lot were slung in jail until the bill for the disruption could be laid.

I d rather the law protected motorists before someone loses their temper and ploughs into a bunch of protestors.

If a motorist ploughs into protestors, we all lose. Because society will all be distracted and more divided, rather than finding common ground on an important issue.
Oh dear I was hoping Staker would take the hint from the last ban. Apparently not. Work Makes You Free. Dissent Is Oppression - I'm not usually one to get all Godwin's Law but man'd make a great Nazi.

Yes it is.

The hint that your prepared to stuff words into my mouth that I didn't say, is well understood.

I have no problem with dissent, please stop saying that I have, when you know full true well, it's economic disruption to working class people that I hate.

Those middle class cunts, they can go and fuck themselves,
So let's summarizer this one up.
Go on, do your best!

Just Stop Oil feel they can get their way through economic disruption, including disrupting workers even if it hits their bottom line.
I said best

On the flip side, moe people believe they if drivers used violence against the JSO protestors, the JSO crowd wouldn't dare disrupt anymore, certain tly not if one driver ploughed into them.
This isn't a summary it's an assumption made by you

I'd rather the JSO lot were slung in jail
What about people that go beans before cheese? Lets cut to the shit here and get to the nitty gritty. Beans or cheese?????????????
Why can't they just get a job that involves the innovation of greener products?
Sewing together Lentil based post bags and bed sheets whilst in prison would work yeah?
I d rather the law protected motorists before someone loses their temper and ploughs into a bunch of protestors.
Yes we must protect people that might mow down and kill someone. I think we'd all agree with that, you'd be mad and a bit murdery if you didn't. Pift.

Because society will all be distracted and more divided, rather than finding common ground on an important issue.
Common ground like putting them in prison if they're lucky enough to avoid a car ploughing into them?
In their crypto-laden gated communities, right?
Nope. The middle classes are notoriously anti-crypto. The thought of normal working class people getting up the ladder turns their stiomachs.

Most middle class people are authoratarian cunts that think the working classes are a problem that needs controlling.

The ones that aren't cunts, you think are cunts. You know, the freedom loving sort, the alpha liberal, not the dodgy beta liberal.
Go on, do your best!

I said best

This isn't a summary it's an assumption made by you

What about people that go beans before cheese? Lets cut to the shit here and get to the nitty gritty. Beans or cheese?????????????

Sewing together Lentil based post bags and bed sheets whilst in prison would work yeah?

Yes we must protect people that might mow down and kill someone. I think we'd all agree with that, you'd be mad and a bit murdery if you didn't. Pift.

Common ground like putting them in prison if they're lucky enough to avoid a car ploughing into them?
Common ground like making the issue itself "Just stop oil" the topic of conversation, rather than the outragous tacticts that they use.

All people are talking about, are the tactics of Just Stop Oil, not as to whether we should have a ban on new oil and gas exploration.

It's an unwelcome and divisive distraction.

I don't want people hurt and I don't want people disrupted.

If you lose your shite and hurt someone with your car, you should serve a lengthy prison sentence.
If you deliberatly rob innocent people of their living, you should be forced to do manual labour with the profits being used to compensate people for their losess.
Nope. The middle classes are notoriously anti-crypto. The thought of normal working class people getting up the ladder turns their stiomachs.

Most middle class people are authoratarian cunts that think the working classes are a problem that needs controlling.

The ones that aren't cunts, you think are cunts. You know, the freedom loving sort, the alpha liberal, not the dodgy beta liberal.
People like you, then .

The kind who want to put others in jail for protesting.
The kind who want punitive brutal measures against the protesters.
The kind who want gated communities.
The kind who whip themselves into an endless frenzy over grifting crypto bollocks.
People like you, then .

The kind who want to put others in jail for protesting.
The kind who want punitive brutal measures against the protesters.
The kind who want gated communities.
The kind who whip themselves into an endless frenzy over grifting crypto bollocks.
Yes, someone who deliberatly causes financial loss to other innocent people, should be in prison if they aren't prepared to compensate innocent people for their financial losses.
I don't have a problem with proests, no matter the cause. I have a problem with financial disruption to innocent people.
I don't think the van driver who dragged that "protester" to other side of the street, lived in a gated community, do you?
If you want to choose the bankers over millions of people who want to run their own financial affairs, it explains at lot about you.

ETA. I'm going to bed now. I'm quite sad about the passing of Tina Turner. Absolutely loved her. She was great in Thunderdome.
f you lose your shite and hurt someone with your car, you should serve a lengthy prison sentence.
If you deliberatly rob innocent people of their living, you should be forced to do manual labour with the profits being used to compensate people for their losess.
Yes that's it and not authoritarian whatsoever. I think you might be onto something here.
I don't think the van driver who dragged that "protester" to other side of the street, lived in a gated community, do you?
If you want to choose the bankers over millions of people who want to run their own financial affairs, it explains at lot about you.

ETA. I'm going to bed now. I'm quite sad about the passing of Tina Turner. Absolutely loved her. She was great in Thunderdome.
Maybe like you he's a crypto champion and may be your neighbour should you get into a gated community
I'm sorry, there must be a problem somewhere. I think your comment has been truncated somehow.

I can't find the bit where you no doubt explained how fucked up the situation is.

Yiu could try and post it up again please?

I cant find the bit where you explain how the wonders of innovation will save us, are your pals going to create a crypto atmosphere, oh no of course they already fucking are with their shitty energy wasting pyramid scheme.
Yeah yeah arresting people's fine as long as you don't like them, we get it. I'm not misrepresenting anything, you're just a fucking twat.
I always wonder how long it takes when somebody challenges the U-75 group think that they get a personal insult. It's never long.
I don't know what your version of "long" is but I and many others started out engaging with him on various levels for months.

He has learned no lessons, continued to push inaccuracies/ignorant stereotypes even after being repeatedly asked not to and is probably the worst thread derailer on the boards. He is here solely to push unevidenced, poorly constructed drivel and afaic I'm either going to be ignoring or occasionally insulting him because he's not worth anything more.

That's not "groupthink," that's me independently assessing he's a twat.
If you are happy for JSO to prevent people on zero hours contracts from earning a days work, trades people not getting paid because they cant turn up, from going to job interviews, from getting to other important appointments, from picking up their kids and many more examples it's your gift. Everybody I know don't think they should be allowed to do all this. I don't think they should. I think JSO don't have to live in the real world and their methods are alienating the people they most need to convince.
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