Mr.Bishie posted a Twitter thread earlier that explains why the objections posters here are making to this protest miss the point. It includes (amongst other points):
It then includes a few graphs as examples of what it is talking about, such as this:
View attachment 371245
The point isn’t to “win support”, it’s
merely to get the topic into the news. This has a very good social-theoretic basis. The idea of restricting the activities of oil giants is currently what is called a “polemic representation” — a notion that is popular within a particular minority but arouses anger and resistance outside that minority. As a minority group, you want to turn your polemic representation into a hegemonic one, i.e a representation that is taken for granted as the truth. This is done via emancipation — first, you diffuse the representation, then you institutionalise it, then you popularise it and finally it becomes the new reality. But diffusion only happens by forcing it into the news agenda, because the very nature of polemical ideas is that people don’t want to talk about them. Yes, this stunt won’t change people’s minds. But the aim is to get people to talk about it, not agree with you. And to do that, you have to put it into the news. As Bernard Cohen famously put it in 1963, “The media may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think
about.” Wikipedia has an article on some of the theories that surround this:
Agenda-setting theory - Wikipedia