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Just Stop Oil

Lol no it isn't. Honestly the hyperbolic squeaking from people about relatively minor disruptions to leisure activities has in many cases been considerably more obnoxious than the action itself.

I mean at least there was an argument of sorts about the blocking of motorway traffic, this is just "oh noes, my sitting doing nothing time."
Sacred ground highlander. Remember what Ramirez taught you.

I was taking the piss a bit but I don't see the point in vandalism as a method to draw attention to your cause. You'll turn more people away than get them on board.

It was more the Willam Defoe Platoon like death position he took that made him look daft to me.

What will they do next a titanic boat race?
Not really. More of a very localised winding down of production. And certainly not "banning fossil fuels", which is what you said.
That’s the inevitable end game tho. So what they want is for UK to stop licensing of fossil fuel exploration, but still import it from rest of world.
No, they don’t say anything about importing it. Which would of course be inevitable. As it is now.
Not "inevitable" as such, Britain is 86% self-sufficient as is, produces 1.6 million barrels of oil a day and consumes 1.2 million. In theory the country could quite easily be completely self-sufficient without imports. But y'know, markets and that.
Not "inevitable" as such, Britain is 86% self-sufficient as is, produces 1.6 million barrels of oil a day and consumes 1.2 million. In theory the country could quite easily be completely self-sufficient without imports. But y'know, markets and that.

And gas?
I thought this bit was interesting:

"The House of Commons did organise a citizens’ assembly in 2020(opens a new window). A group of 108 people heard expert evidence, then deliberated on how the UK should reach net zero. They came down in favour of policies such as a ban on gas boilers and a frequent-flyer tax that increased the more often people flew. They rejected the use of fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage (the technology proposed by the government for the new Cumbrian coal mine). It showed that when citizens pause to think about climate, they are more radical than their politicians. But the assembly’s conclusions were ignored."

And rightly so.

I've about had it with thick witted cunts who do not seem to realise that it takes time to develop new technology, and energy sources. The dullards seem to think that the current means of energy production is through choice, rather than necessity. We need energy to heat our homes and cook our food. Thankfully last Winter wasn't a bad one, but it still led to being colder and huge bills. People like Monbiot, born with a golden spoon in his mouth, have little knowledge of how ordinary people live.

We all want to see air pollution stop, and it is dropping, it is never going to be instant though.

If we were to use tidal power by means of barrages, we would progress rapidly, but no one wants to spend the money. Tidal electricity into hydrogen utilisation is the way forward.
I reckon it would be under "Commercial" or "Other industry", depending. But either one of those are subsidiary to the biggest chunk of that chart by a long chalk, the one labelled "Energy" and numbered at 73%. If I'm reading the chart right, then that means that nearly three-quarters of all anthropogenic carbon emissions are being produced by electricity generation. I'm assuming that all those data centres and servers powering the internet are mostly running on grid power, so if we were to deal with the question of how we generate the electricity to supply said grid, then that would render the question largely moot.

Worrying about people using the internet when 73% of total carbon emissions come from electrical generation seems a little... well, misplaced to put it mildly.

From Data Center Magazine:

Data centres are estimated to be responsible for up to 3% of global electricity consumption today and are projected to touch 4% by 2030. The average hyperscale facility consumes 20-50MW annually – theoretically enough electricity to power up to 37,000 homes.30 Dec 2022
They don't really do themselves any favours do they? I mean, I'm no snooker fan but this just makes them look absolutely insane. Why?


Here’s a bit of a thread which will explain it for you - far better than I could articulate.

One thing that is insane (your word) is what tommers posted above - the willow project, & also Australia’s full on mission atm to extract as much coal for burning as possible. That’s the fucking insanity.
Here’s a bit of a thread which will explain it for you - far better than I could articulate.

One thing that is insane (your word) is what tommers posted above - the willow project, & also Australia’s full on mission atm to extract as much coal for burning as possible. That’s the fucking insanity.

I totally agree with protesting against the likes of such but he just looks like Mr Methane has had a bad Vindaloo follow through.
Here’s a bit of a thread which will explain it for you - far better than I could articulate.

One thing that is insane (your word) is what tommers posted above - the willow project, & also Australia’s full on mission atm to extract as much coal for burning as possible. That’s the fucking insanity.

The link to Earth First's twitter thread is the most interesting thing in that thread.

The link to Earth First's twitter thread is the most interesting thing in that thread.

I found the Twitter account holders self summary quite interesting :D

princess diana is in all of us

down with the monarchy, but diana is a comrade | LFC | direct action | civil liberties | decrim + harm reduction
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