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Just Stop Oil

Not in the short term, but if it continued for long enough I reckon the public would definitely notice if there was a shortage of aeroplane fan blades. It's like the successful Chep strikes - in the short term absolutely no-one gives a shit if workers at a pallet repair factory are working or not, if supermarkets and warehouse start finding that a shortage of pallets is meaning they can't load and unload stuff along their distribution chain then it very much would have quite a notable affect on the public.

The strike didn't need to cause inconvenience to be successful though, did it? It was a success without reaching that stage.
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Can't believe you're defending the statement "if something doesn't cause inconvenience then it has zero effect." It's obviously bollocks.
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The strike didn't need to cause inconvenience to be successful though, did it? It was a success without reaching that stage.
It absolutely did cause inconvenience. Not as much inconvenience for the general travelling public as it might have done had it continued for longer, but I do not think the bosses of Rolls-Royce were looking at it thinking "this is a tremendously convenient situation".
Pretty sure no members of the public were affected by the successful RR strikes recently:

No inconvenience, but certainly not zero effect.
The reason it was successful was because it affected bosses and clients. Which of these groups are outside the set "members of the public"?
The reason it was successful was because it affected bosses and clients. Which of these groups are outside the set "members of the public"?

"the public" and refers to people at large, and not every single person. This will depend on context (e.g. "police officers should be held to a higher standard than members of the public" - if you whine that police officers are members of the public too and can't be held to a higher standard then you're revealing yourself to be an unsuccessful pedant.

In this context JSO are attempting to use inconvenience to one set of people ("the public") and thereby force that set of people to exert influence over another set of people ("the government"). The aren't acting on the government directly but using a proxy, which they hope will magnify their influence in terms of numbers.

The RR strikes caused a material loss, or threat thereof, to the very set of people who they hoped to influence ("the bosses and shareholders"). I don't think the workers won because the bosses were tired of the extra meetings or paperwork that the strike caused.
"the public" and refers to people at large, and not every single person. This will depend on context (e.g. "police officers should be held to a higher standard than members of the public" - if you whine that police officers are members of the public too and can't be held to a higher standard then you're revealing yourself to be an unsuccessful pedant.

In this context JSO are attempting to use inconvenience to one set of people ("the public") and thereby force that set of people to exert influence over another set of people ("the government"). The aren't acting on the government directly but using a proxy, which they hope will magnify their influence in terms of numbers.

The RR strikes caused a material loss, or threat thereof, to the very set of people who they hoped to influence ("the bosses and shareholders"). I don't think the workers won because the bosses were tired of the extra meetings or paperwork that the strike caused.
Of course cops aren't members of the public, I neither said nor suggested they were
Of course cops aren't members of the public, I neither said nor suggested they were

As I said, it depends on the context. "Staff working in the library were told to keep members of the public away from the Pickman's Model display outside the front entrance, as it was deemed likely to suffer structural failure" doesn't mean that library staff had to spend the day shooing each other away.
Did you read it? It was Animal Rebellion apparently and it was at a swanky fish restaurant in Weymouth which is a quite an economically poor area.

Quote from the article:

"The Catch is a symbol of excess and inequality in today's world, Weymouth has average wages amongst the lowest in the UK and is at huge risk of sea level rises.

"Yet this restaurant still continues business as usual amongst the worst cost-of-living crisis many will ever experience."
Did you read it? It was Animal Rebellion apparently and it was at a swanky fish restaurant in Weymouth which is a quite an economically poor area.

Quote from the article:

"The Catch is a symbol of excess and inequality in today's world, Weymouth has average wages amongst the lowest in the UK and is at huge risk of sea level rises.

"Yet this restaurant still continues business as usual amongst the worst cost-of-living crisis many will ever experience."

What is that supposed to mean? She wants to shut down restaurants serving fish but only expensive ones?

Then it goes on to say she wanted to tell David Attenborough to stop making wildlife documentaries. I can’t see what her point is.
What is that supposed to mean? She wants to shut down restaurants serving fish but only expensive ones?

Then it goes on to say she wanted to tell David Attenborough to stop making wildlife documentaries. I can’t see what her point is.
I suspect with her being part of Animal Rebellion she is against all seafood. Which considering the impact that's having on our oceans I can appreciate even though I wouldn't go as far as demanding it ends.

I can't see where she demands he stops making wildlife programs? Admittedly it's hard to read fully due to all the adverts. Quite the opposite she seems to respect him from the article.

Personally don't have many problems with rich people at ridiculously expensive restaurants being targeted. It makes a little bit more sense than pouring milk over supermarket floors which was a pretty awful waste.

I'm not a fan of animal rebellion on the whole. This woman also seems a bit odd to be honest - the pleas to speak to David via letter etc she seems a bit obsessed. Still confused why you posted it on a thread that is about just stop oil.
I suspect with her being part of Animal Rebellion she is against all seafood. Which considering the impact that's having on our oceans I can appreciate even though I wouldn't go as far as demanding it ends.

I can't see where she demands he stops making wildlife programs? Admittedly it's hard to read fully due to all the adverts. Quite the opposite she seems to respect him from the article.

Personally don't have many problems with rich people at ridiculously expensive restaurants being targeted. It makes a little bit more sense than pouring milk over supermarket floors which was a pretty awful waste.

She targeted David Attenborough not the restaurant (separate protesters targeted Gordon Ramsey's restaurant yesterday and shut it down).

This is what she said about Attenborough:

"We don't need another documentary series showing us that we are losing, some 150 species going extinct globally every single day. What we need is action. Sir David is in a unique position to tell the truth about the biodiversity crisis. He has the chance to leave a legacy of love, care, and of being the forerunner of a better world."

So there it is, Attenborough hasn't done enough to inform people about biodiversity loss. :confused: :facepalm:

Still confused why you posted it on a thread that is about just stop oil.

JSO/AR/XR/IB etc, they're all the same group - this woman was previously arrested for JSOing. No reason we need to splinter our threads about them.
She targeted David Attenborough not the restaurant (separate protesters targeted Gordon Ramsey's restaurant yesterday and shut it down).

This is what she said about Attenborough:

"We don't need another documentary series showing us that we are losing, some 150 species going extinct globally every single day. What we need is action. Sir David is in a unique position to tell the truth about the biodiversity crisis. He has the chance to leave a legacy of love, care, and of being the forerunner of a better world."

So there it is, Attenborough hasn't done enough to inform people about biodiversity loss. :confused: :facepalm:

JSO/AR/XR/IB etc, they're all the same group - this woman was previously arrested for JSOing. No reason we need to splinter our threads about them.
So she didn't say that she wanted him to stop making documentaries then? She just argued that we don't need more/it's not enough. I agree targeting David Attenborough is odd, but she targeted him at the restaurant and also raised issues about the restaurant specifically. You're just cherry picking bits that you want I think.

They aren't all the same group. Some of them are splinters and have cross sections sure. All of them deeply flawed. Again though you cherry picked and misrepresented the story presenting it as JSO when it doesn't mention them at all.

What are XR up to these days anyway? Not heard much about them for ages.
So she didn't say that she wanted him to stop making documentaries then? She just argued that we don't need more/it's not enough. I agree targeting David Attenborough is odd, but she targeted him at the restaurant and also raised issues about the restaurant specifically. You're just cherry picking bits that you want I think.

That's what I got from her protest action. If I was meant to get some other message then her tactics failed.

They aren't all the same group. Some of them are splinters and have cross sections sure. All of them deeply flawed. Again though you cherry picked and misrepresented the story presenting it as JSO when it doesn't mention them at all.

I didn't misrepresent anything

What are XR up to these days anyway? Not heard much about them for ages.

Busy having their members chuck soup around and lunge at David Attenborough under the guise of some other front organization I assume.
What are XR up to these days anyway? Not heard much about them for ages.
They’re doing stuff like this - talking to people & hosting talks:

Presumably the sort of thing people moaning on here about JSO etc would support but unsurprisingly it doesn’t get as much publicity.
So she didn't say that she wanted him to stop making documentaries then? She just argued that we don't need more/it's not enough. I agree targeting David Attenborough is odd, but she targeted him at the restaurant and also raised issues about the restaurant specifically. You're just cherry picking bits that you want I think.

They aren't all the same group. Some of them are splinters and have cross sections sure. All of them deeply flawed. Again though you cherry picked and misrepresented the story presenting it as JSO when it doesn't mention them at all.

What are XR up to these days anyway? Not heard much about them for ages.
They had a big demo outside Barclays in Bristol last week. Seemed pretty good, but I did notice that none of the protesters were young folk. It was all quite older folk. Make of that what you will, I have alerted the relevant authorities
Apparently Just Stop Oil may escalate to "slashing" paintings:

So all that guff said in defence of them chucking food on works of art protected by perspex was completely disingenuous bollocks, wasn't it? It's plainly obvious that the government was never going to be swayed by some randoms putting paintings not even owned by the government under the fake threat of damage. So now that the media is becoming bored of the stunts so far and the totally predictable result of fuck-all happening has come to pass, it seems that JSO may be looking to escalate their approach.

Starting to feel like a Mafia operation now. "Nice artwork you have there, would be a shame if something happened to it... "
Apparently Just Stop Oil may escalate to "slashing" paintings:

So all that guff said in defence of them chucking food on works of art protected by perspex was completely disingenuous bollocks, wasn't it? It's plainly obvious that the government was never going to be swayed by some randoms putting paintings not even owned by the government under the fake threat of damage. So now that the media is becoming bored of the stunts so far and the totally predictable result of fuck-all happening has come to pass, it seems that JSO may be looking to escalate their approach.

Starting to feel like a Mafia operation now. "Nice artwork you have there, would be a shame if something happened to it... "

I wonder whether this will lead to a) the government immediately halting all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK, or b) increased security in art galleries and more draconian actions against protesters?
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