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Julie Burchill forced to apologise for twitter comments , and pay out a fat wedge .

The Immaculate Conception was the conception of Mary by her parents, which somehow happens without sin. Thus Mary is without sin and can be a vessel for Christ, who is also his own dad.

I know what it is. You cannot say mary is free from sin without God having raped her, because technically mary is impregnated with and by god.

In islam, Mary is not sinless, and does not give birth to God incarnate, though somehow she is able to give virgin birth. I'm merely pointing out that Aisha is not central to islamic tradition as is made out to be. The edifice does not crumble without her, although for sunnis most of their purported hadith transmissions are rendered null and void. Of course, the hadith transmissions which are extant were compiled some 200-250 years after Muhammad's death, and by the 13th century became the orthodoxy. But hadith are not divine speech and can be subject to numerous errors, (although can be divinely inspired) they are wholly profane. The qu'ran is divine speech though and inerrant.
The Immaculate Conception was the conception of Mary by her parents, which somehow happens without sin. Thus Mary is without sin and can be a vessel for Christ, who is also his own dad.

The bit about Mary's immaculate conception is blatantly backwards writing.

Starts of with
Behold Jesus Is the Son of God!! And he has walked on earth here in Jerusalem, he looked like a human but he was really divine!

Then later smart arse at the back: Son of God? Who's his mum then?

Errr.......a poor woman called Mary (will this do?)

Then smart arse at the back: So God had sex with her?

Errr....no....er....shit we better make her a virgin too...ummm....a ghost did it!! (they're never going to believe this)

The Holy Spirit causes Mary to become pregnant, which is a violation but it's not rape. There's no need for anyone to keep throwing that word around in this.
I think they're trying to make up for worshiping the new and politically improved Jedward. It's unsettled the anarchist vibrations and equilibrium must be preserved, or something. ;)
The Holy Spirit causes Mary to become pregnant, which is a violation but it's not rape. There's no need for anyone to keep throwing that word around in this.

I'm fine with using the term violation. I'm just saying that the trinitarian understanding of jesus as the son of God whilst also being indivisible from God is negated without immaculate conception..

Which is precisely why early critics of Islam in Syria such as John of Damascus claimed that Islam is an Arian heresy

Have a look at:


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I'm fine with using the term violation. I'm just saying that the trinitarian understanding of jesus as the son of God whilst also being indivisible from God is negated without immaculate conception..

Which is precisely why early critics of Islam in Syria such as John of Damascus claimed that Islam is an Arian heresy

Have a look at:


I don't know what you're trying to convince me of now. I'm not a Christian apologist, I just enjoy telling people on the internet that they're wrong.
See, how is one supposed to respond to false accusations? Then when I do respond, that turns out to be a personality flaw too.

Yes, I’m often childish, I can be patronising, I’m opinionated, I’m sometimes wrong. But “defensive”? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that information?

Let’s leave it at this: Burchill’s a prick, God’s a wanker, I’m offensive, and I’m off to watch Spiral.
But you're the only one of us who can bend dogs to his will with no more than some mysterious gestures
The Spanish verb violar (to violate) means to rape.

The term ‘rape’ has only relatively recently become almost exclusively concerned with sexual violation, the original meaning being “to seize and take away by force”, as in the original meaning of “rape and pillage” (although with armies and war... depressingly works either way).

Violare might perhaps be a similar case of a term becoming specialised over time.
The bit about Mary's immaculate conception is blatantly backwards writing.

Starts of with
Behold Jesus Is the Son of God!! And he has walked on earth here in Jerusalem, he looked like a human but he was really divine!

Then later smart arse at the back: Son of God? Who's his mum then?

Errr.......a poor woman called Mary (will this do?)

Then smart arse at the back: So God had sex with her?

Errr....no....er....shit we better make her a virgin too...ummm....a ghost did it!! (they're never going to believe this)

All this religious talk reminds me of what was almost a moment of Ephiny on my behalf. I was walking home from a session one Sunday night and I passed a shop window. Glancing at it (as you do) I realised I looked slightly worse for wear and thought I'd better smarten myself up before quietly announcing my arrival home to the expectant missus.
As I was having a quick preen I realised there was a bloke sat in the doorway of the shop. He looked harmless enough but had obviously had one or two too many. He asked for a fag and as I went over to him he said if I gave him a fag he'd sing me a song. I give him a cig and a light and he sang :

" He's five foot nine; He is divine,
Says He comes from Palestine,
Has anybody seen J. C ?

He's Five foot nine; He's divine;
Changes water into wine,
Has anybody seen J. C.?

Well, He is fab and he is cool,
He will walk across your swimming pool,
Has anybody seen J. C.?"

I was so impressed I wrote the words down. The missus wasn't.
It’s the -ist suffix that gives it away.

LIke -itis means inflammation, -ist means someone with bigoted views who want to impose them : racist sexist misogynist Islamist... (NB this is not a rule! There are good -ists too)

Easy to muddle it up with Islamic though. Which is an adjective to describe Muslims.

Cyclist being a good example.
He had long wavy very dark hair, Medditeranean complexion, slight build, pleasant looking, composed and kind, felt comfortable and safe, looked interested. Had a lively intelligent glint to his eye. Whole thing was about ten seconds it seemed.
He had long wavy very dark hair, Medditeranean complexion, slight build, pleasant looking, composed and kind, felt comfortable and safe, looked interested. Had a lively intelligent glint to his eye. Whole thing was about ten seconds it seemed.
What sort of trousers did he have?
Going after Muslims on social media gobbing off about Mohammed being a padeo is like marching down the falls road shouting "fuck the pope". Its got nothing to do with any sort of critique of religion and everything to do with bigoted, sectarian shit stirring. Which is exactly what Burchill was indulging in. And surely encouraging her twitter followers to pile in on Ash Sakar is pretty close to a criminal harassment ?

Burchill is an awful shit and not adverse to anti Irish sentiment

Over a long career as a columnist, Burchill has proven herself incapable of referencing Ireland and/or the Irish without also referring to Eamon De Valera, German ambassadors and messages of condolence. In 2002, outraged at the suggestion that English people should cheer on Ireland at the World Cup in Japan, she labelled the tricolour the ‘Hitler-licking, altar-boy molesting, abortion-banning Irish tricolour.’

More here “You can’t trust the Irish, they’re all liars, liars, and don’t forget it.” | Hotpress
Danny didn't do anything like the examples you give. He posted on here, aiming the comment at nobody in particular.

This is exactly the kind of special pleading for religion that I was objecting to at the start when linking to that blasphemy case. Believe what you want, but you don't have a right not to have the things you believe in questioned or spoken about in terms you don't approve of.
naah, I just think that - whether put in those crude four words or in fifty after a quibble and a caveat - it isn't really worth saying. It's, on a par with 'the Jews killed Jesus' or 'well, Hitler was a Zionist until he went mad and did the holocaust.' It wont win anyone over and is actually more likely to push them away.
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Oh get over yourself. I wouldn’t say to my Pakistani neighbour that she worshipped a paedophile, I wouldn’t jeer at a Sikh man for wearing a turban, and I wouldn’t say God raped Mary. You come on to a thread about this very issue, and do the very same thing Birchall did. And your defence is the same: I have a right to be offensive. It’s arrogant. I’m disappointed. I’ll leave it too.
IMO, danny hasn't done those things, or anything equivalent on this thread.

He's attempted to have a serious and thoughtful discussion about issues beyond the immediate one of what Burchill did and why she was wrong to do so, and without being insulting to those taking part in the discussion.

I don't want to have that particular discussion ATM, but it's reasonable for those that do to use this thread as a place to do so.
Oh get over yourself. I wouldn’t say to my Pakistani neighbour that she worshipped a paedophile, I wouldn’t jeer at a Sikh man for wearing a turban, and I wouldn’t say God raped Mary. You come on to a thread about this very issue, and do the very same thing Birchall did. And your defence is the same: I have a right to be offensive. It’s arrogant. I’m disappointed. I’ll leave it too.
He didn't do any of those things. And knowing DLR, nor would he.
“Well, hitler was a Zionist until he went mad and did the Holocaust’

naah, I just think that - whether put in those crude four words or in fifty after a quibble and a caveat - it isn't really worth saying. It's, on a par with 'the Jews killed Jesus' or 'well, Hitler was a Zionist until he went mad and did the holocaust.' It wont win anyone over and is actually more likely to push them away.
It still isn't that even because your examples are aimed at identifiable groups of people. This was dissing the 'holy spirit' as characterised in a fictional story. So this is very precisely special pleading for religion. Telling a non-believer 'don't blaspheme'.
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