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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Whatever happened to integrity

It was privatised. Now it's all been bought up. If you want integrity you'll have to rent some from either Murdoch or Branson, or you may be able to get cheap imported Chinese integrity on the black market if you know the right people.
i see laurie penny is writing for the indie a bit now - do they need to keep up their quota of articles by lightweight soft-left fantasists or something?
Mealy mouthed friggery. It's ok to suggest that you think that incest porn is not that normal. It's not. (didn't happen here but, what the hell)

That's just utterly bizarre.
There is a distinction between criminal acts and their fictional representation. A murder novel is not an endorsement of murder in real life.
What a crap parallel. Murder novels are not usually aimed at titillating those that fantasise about murdering people.
I think most people, "liberal" or not, would take offence at a murder novel that glorified the murderer and made him the hero of the piece. I think someone's cried homophobia and he's scared it might stick tbh, hope I'm wrong mind.

And I'd say it's homophobic to claim that criticising someone for writing in glowing terms about gay incest with a minor is homophobic. It suggests that all gays are somehow involved in incest, paedophilia and other forms of wrongness - otherwise why isn't it also heterophobic to have a go about people who talk about "straight" incest with a minor? It's clear, at least to me, that it's the incest with a minor part rather than the gay part that people find offensive.

However, I suppose Hari would rather we were talking about whether his "friend's" writings were acceptable when the alternative is to concentrate on his lies, plagiarism, fraud and various other crimes against journalism.
There we go. Thank you frogwoman, for actually using facts. And I wasn't aware he did that, and that's fucking low.

There's also the piss poor research in most of his articles. I've never read any of his interviews, but I am careful about which of his articles I use if the technicalities matter, They can be great drum-banging angry-making stuff (and therefore useful), but he is sloppy as hell when it comes to checking his facts/assumptions. Hence the Iraq idiocy - I respect the fact that he apologised more or less unreservedly, but there is and was no excuse for making the error in the first place. If he was a decent journalist and genuinely held the views he claims to, he could not and would not have made that 'mistake'.

He did too well too young, and he hasn't stopped to wonder if maybe he doesn't know it all just yet - like most of these over-privileged twats who try to assume the mantle of 'voice of the left'. And that is a huge fucking problem becaue he's been granted a very loud megaphone.

His behaviour over the UK Uncut/Black Bloc stuff on March 26th was disgraceful. He published and tweeted some really shameful, arrogant, divisive shit. I had a go at him about it on twitter and his self-righteousness was breathtaking. He just doesn't get it, and he never will if people keep letting him off the hook for shoddy, lazy work and inability to question his assumptions about the world. He's blown it, and he needs to learn from it - if he's capable of learning anything now that he's convinced himself that he knows it all already.
Good to see that the News Corp scandal wasn't quite such good news for Hari, anyway. I wonder how much of his sacking was about the editor scrambling to be seen to act on this shit for once ...

Ah, the news is full of sweet, sweet joy at the moment. :cool: :D
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