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Joe Biden's time is up

What torrent of abuse?

When I told you that "blah blah" (literally what you said) was a completely inadequate response, your reply was, and I quote:

Get fucked cockring

I had not personally attacked you at that point, so I was honestly quite surprised by this degree of antagonism. I had expected better of you, and as it turned out I was wrong to do so.
It's not disingenuous to point out that on a bulletin board with pseudonyms you could be talking to a woman from Alabama who needs an abortion for all you know. Maybe be a bit more careful with your 'you lot' bullshit in future. Mind your fucking tongue.
This isn't really true is it. There's a greater than 90 percent chance you're talking to a white man from the UK and a very slim chance that you're talking to anyone a) from the US or b) of breeding age. There are two regular US posters and a couple of occasionals and everyone knows who they are.
This isn't really true is it. There's a greater than 90 percent chance you're talking to a white man from the UK and a very slim chance that you're talking to anyone a) from the US or b) of breeding age. There are two regular US posters and a couple of occasionals and everyone knows who they are.
Doesn't alter my point about 'you lot'. And why bring race into this? Was that post really worth making?
Its a pile on with conspiracy theories about me using being tired as an excuse and being deliberately disruptive for the state or something. Why do I bother? Waste of time as usual.
You people that will defend electoralism to the death don't really have any proper or coherent arguments so you resort to hurling accusations -you basically label me as racist and anti-LGBT+ or sexist or someone who doesn't consider those oppressed groups because I'm aganst voting and electoralism, which is what you've clearly done, in an exchange about the 'merits of voting etc'. You people seem to have a religious impulse, which doesn't necessarily require a belief in god. The whole Corbyn thing was like a religion aswell. Rationality and material facts just don't come into it. You've taken your position and made up your own 'facts' to fit your own belief system. So because of this I clearly can't have a serious and genuine conversation with you people on this stuff (or likely about anything political) that has any real meaning or gets anywhere or resolves anything or establishes any facts. Its just a miasma of bullshit.
You people that will defend electoralism to the death don't really have any proper or coherent arguments so you resort to hurling accusations -you basically label me as racist and anti-LGBT+ or sexist or someone who doesn't consider those oppressed groups because I'm aganst voting and electoralism, which is what you've clearly done, in an exchange about the 'merits of voting etc'. You people seem to have a religious impulse, which doesn't necessarily require a belief in god. The whole Corbyn thing was like a religion aswell. Rationality and material facts just don't come into it. You've taken your position and made up your own 'facts' to fit your own belief system. So because of this I clearly can't have a serious and genuine conversation with you people on this stuff (or likely about anything political) that has any real meaning or gets anywhere or resolves anything or establishes any facts. Its just a miasma of bullshit.
I don't think you know what a religion is. No one here is defending electoralism to the death. The enthusiasm for corbyn was based on the potential for something different from business as usual, and that his pink tinged watered down social democracy could create such fervour shows how desperate people are for something other than unremitting tory shite. Poo-pooing that and making out how corbyn adherents are thick as pig shit won't attract any of those hundreds of thousands of people to anarchism, will it. On the one hand there's you, the enlightened, on the other the sheeple. How're you going to make a revolution with an attitude like that?
There are about 150,000,000 people in the US whose only engagement with electoralism is to periodically visit a polling station and check a box for the Democrats. Doesn't seem to be all that much time and energy expended there.

as I've told him already. I spend 30 min. a year voting, and not even every year. he's expended more energy on electoralism on this thread than I do IRL in a decade.
There are about 150,000,000 people in the US whose only engagement with electoralism is to periodically visit a polling station and check a box for the Democrats. Doesn't seem to be all that much time and energy expended there.
Where were 70m of those people in the 2020 presidential election when only 81m people bothered voting for Biden?
as I've told him already. I spend 30 min. a year voting, and not even every year. he's expended more energy on electoralism on this thread than I do IRL in a decade.

I spend a little more time on electoralism than that, but I live just blocks from the capitol. I can't step out of my house without running into one of the critters. When I find them in the wild, I feel it's my right to bend their ear at bit. Won't do any good, but it feels good to troll them a little. A couple of them I actually enjoy talking to. I run into Ernie Chambers at the supermarket now and then. He's famous for suing god.

Saying that God has caused "fearsome floods ... horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes," Nebraska's longest-serving state senator says he is suing the Almighty to make a legal point.

State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha, a Democrat, filed a lawsuit against God in Douglas County District Court last week, saying that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."

He's seeking a permanent injunction against God.

You can argue that electoralism is worthless, and it mostly is, but he does a good job representing his district and the people there. So much so, they wrote a term limits law especially for him. The white Republican majority wouldn't write a law to get him out of the office if he wasn't having any effect.
Where were 70m of those people in the 2020 presidential election when only 81m people bothered voting for Biden?
Top pedantry sir, salute. 150m was an off the top of my head guess at total turnout, which I promptly forgot to divide by approx 2. Still, not like AA was ever likely to get involved in fact-checking so no harm done.
Looking at the condition of the US these days I have to ask - what is the point of Joe Biden and the Democrats? What is the point of electoralism?
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