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Joe Biden

Which "scummy" groups concerning Ireland are you referring to?

To be honest I heard that from someone else and believed it. Considering what Ireland went through in the 70s and 80s it would be less believable that people in the Irish and British governments who were involved in the situation didn't know any scumbags.
To be honest I heard that from someone else and believed it. Considering what Ireland went through in the 70s and 80s it would be less believable that people in the Irish and British governments who were involved in the situation didn't know any scumbags.

Ireland has experienced more than enough over the centuries. Corbyn was one of the few politicians who actually tried to understand the resistance to British rule.

I'm guessing by your reference to Irish and British governments and possible knowledge of activities, you mean Haughey and Blaney regarding the former and Whitehall allowing British forces and loyalists to kill Irish citizens free from consequences?
this 'antisemitism on the left' scandal which may be and probably is a thing,
It wasn't. It simply wasn't. It was all about the support for the Palestnians on the part of the Labour left (in my vi=ew, overdone on their part, but nonetheless genuine), which the Israel lobby blew up into a huge AS thing, plus the Blairites in the PLP and party machine using as a stick to beat Labour with. It was a hatchet job.
Ireland has experienced more than enough over the centuries. Corbyn was one of the few politicians who actually tried to understand the resistance to British rule.

I'm guessing by your reference to Irish and British governments and possible knowledge of activities, you mean Haughey and Blaney regarding the former and Whitehall allowing British forces and loyalists to kill Irish citizens free from consequences?

To me it's just why politician is such a strange job. Corbyn did work hard on the peace process in Ireland and in Palestine, he must have met a lot of murderers on the British and Irish side and been a politician and made nice with them

I really ought to shut the fuck up.
It wasn't. It simply wasn't. It was all about the support for the Palestnians on the part of the Labour left (in my vi=ew, overdone on their part, but nonetheless genuine), which the Israel lobby blew up into a huge AS thing, plus the Blairites in the PLP and party machine using as a stick to beat Labour with. It was a hatchet job.

That was what I meant, it was a hatchet job on Corbyn by the right wing. If it was a 2005 situation where Labour were the most powerful party but Labour members were a bit worried about the direction of the party and there was a left vs right fight, by all means address anti semitism as part of what Labour should be
To bring it up in 2019 when Labour is about to contest a crucial election, it's so corrupt. I bet Keir Starmer is never asked about anti semitism because he is centre right
It wasn't. It simply wasn't. It was all about the support for the Palestnians on the part of the Labour left (in my vi=ew, overdone on their part, but nonetheless genuine), which the Israel lobby blew up into a huge AS thing, plus the Blairites in the PLP and pThe arty machine using as a stick to beat Labour with. It was a hatchet job.
The leaked report shows that the party bureaucracy, the full-time officials, deliberately failed to act on complaints of anti-Semitic remarks in order to embarrass Corbyn. Imagine that you are an ordinary Jewish member, and an ordinary member makes an anti-Semitic comment, and you complain, and your complaint is not followed up, then you might think that the party is institutionally anti-Semitic, and you might blame the Leader, when in fact it was the anti-Corbyn full-time officials who were responsible for not dealing with your complaint.
I saw a photograph of Biden in a newspaper today. I must say his trousers looked exceedingly creased, and appeared to have some sort of chalk marks. Should not candidates be obliged to maintain certain sartorial standards?

On a serious note, I find it amusing that immigrants to the USA must pass a test to become citizens, but are not allowed to stand for President, although having passed the test they may may actually know more than some of the candidates. I think that there is a case for potential candidates being required to pass a test of their knowledge, and also their mental competence.
A really scary thing that I heard the other day on a podcast. If everything goes according to plan and the Americans have a normal election in November, Trump loses and hands over power, that is still 6 months of the USA not having a proper president
Considering how crazy America has been since Trump won, the December and January in the best case scenario are pretty scary
God I really am a little ray of sunshine spreading joy to everyone aren't I
yeah, thanks for doing so much to lift up this thread!
it's not that much a problem. The US system is resilient, and was designed from the off to limit how much damage one person can do. By summer 1974, practically every American was in deep depression about how much damage Nixon had done to America. 2 years later - pretty much back out of that depression.
Biden is not going to solve anything, though. He's a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. Trump may have exacerbate the madness, but it's been there for a long time.

Whichever of these men get in, they will oversee much worse civil unrest and division than we've seen so far.
Biden is not going to solve anything, though. He's a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. Trump may have exacerbate the madness, but it's been there for a long time.

Whichever of these men get in, they will oversee much worse civil unrest and division than we've seen so far.

He would fix having Donald Trump in charge

Iam still sceptical that he can win, he is hardly even on the TV. Even on this thread called 'Joe Biden' everyone is on about Donald Trump.
Biden is not going to solve anything, though. He's a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. Trump may have exacerbate the madness, but it's been there for a long time.

Whichever of these men get in, they will oversee much worse civil unrest and division than we've seen so far.
all true, but he/they might stop things getting so much worse (and there's some progressive bits in their platform, which we can hold their feet to the fire over).
Iam still sceptical that he can win, he is hardly even on the TV. Even on this thread called 'Joe Biden' everyone is on about Donald Trump.
Do you know about US TV though? The point is good as regards UK TV, Trump has the incumbent's advantage that what he does is what POTUS does .. but I wonder about US TV.

For me Biden hasn't ignited interest, but over here and not watching TV what would I know. Anyhow I don't know why I am interested, if Trump wins more of the same, if Biden wins I don't know. Who cares really.
Do you know about US TV though? The point is good as regards UK TV, Trump has the incumbent's advantage that what he does is what POTUS does .. but I wonder about US TV.

For me Biden hasn't ignited interest, but over here and not watching TV what would I know. Anyhow I don't know why I am interested, if Trump wins more of the same, if Biden wins I don't know. Who cares really.

Whoever is PotUS affects the rest of the world. Not just the US.
Whoever is PotUS affects the rest of the world. Not just the US.
Sure, and as I was writing my post above I thought that such a response would be made. I just can't gather much enthusiasm for this race. We know what Trump will do, more of the same, is it good for Americans no, for the ROW, also no, but a known quantity probably. He was the wild card last time, things have changed though. What does Biden stand for? Someone like me who doesn't take a great deal of interest, I just don't know. It would have been more interesting had it been Bernie vs Trump.
For me, a two party system is strange.

We have numerous parties, so you can choose between what the parties stand for.

In the States, there are only two parties. What if I don't agree with either, there is no alternative.

This seems to amplify the concept of US and THEM.

There is no credible third choice.
For me, a two party system is strange.

We have numerous parties, so you can choose between what the parties stand for.

In the States, there are only two parties. What if I don't agree with either, there is no alternative.

This seems to amplify the concept of US and THEM.

There is no credible third choice.

There's currently no credible choice, but there are alternatives. Dozens of them ranging from one end of the political spectrum to another. Some state based, others nationwide.


I wanted a decent link to the various parties but have to make do with wiki (apologies)

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia
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Do you know about US TV though? The point is good as regards UK TV, Trump has the incumbent's advantage that what he does is what POTUS does .. but I wonder about US TV.

For me Biden hasn't ignited interest, but over here and not watching TV what would I know. Anyhow I don't know why I am interested, if Trump wins more of the same, if Biden wins I don't know. Who cares really.

One of the reasons that Trump got anywhere at all was because he is on Twitter so much. I have been shown clips of the TV spots that he has and they are awful, but that is because he doesn't care. Trump actually tweets out himself all day
There's currently no credible choice, but there are alternatives. Dozens of them ranging from one end of the political spectrum to another. Some state based, others nationwide.


I wanted a decent link to the various parties but have to make do with wiki (apologies)

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia

none have credibility and none will have the numbers to make any an option.

You in the the UK and me in Canada do have a viable option to vote for.
Not so much in the US.

Hubby thinks that Americans are coded at birth, you are either a democrat or a republican.

Republican or Democrat.
Black or white.
(insert your own difference)

Pick a side - really sad.

And, this is from the so called "leader of the free world".
One of the reasons that Trump got anywhere at all was because he is on Twitter so much. I have been shown clips of the TV spots that he has and they are awful, but that is because he doesn't care. Trump actually tweets out himself all day

Trump got places because he sold the electorate lies and promises that were either impossible to keep or wish fulfilment. Nothing new there, but he and his advisors honed in on the discontent and hatreds seething in the US. They refined it, with all the "right" rhetoric, all the dog whistles and sense of empowerment that the so-called victims of liberal administrations were finally due. It was done with populism, rage, conspiracy theories, possible foreign intervention/support and yes, social media.

Targets were chosen - liberals, socialists, minorities. It shouldn't be any surprise that it was going to get ugly. Trump's record in bigotry and corruption goes back to the 70s with his rental record in NYC, later on his dodgy business empire, his taking out ads against the Central Park 5, his birtherism etc. He said things that others dared not say, forget the Tories dreadful "are you thinking what we're thinking" campaign, this was naked and provocative fury.

He took the lid off America and exposed what's always been there. And then he went further and waged war on science, the environment, history, logic and gas lit an entire nation. Whilst populating the White House with criminals, white supremacists and conspiracy theorists. Not to mention enriching his pals, cronies and family.

It's never been so blatant before. But maybe, out of all of this, some good will come. The US will have to face up to its hypocrisy and loss of standing*. It may lead to more and more voters turning to socialism, or grass roots activists putting pressure on the upper levels of the Democrats.

It'll take a generation or two before we know.

* Of course, for many, it never had any standing, with it's blatant disregard for sovereign nations and elected governments that didn't toe the line.
none have credibility and none will have the numbers to make any an option.

You in the the UK and me in Canada do have a viable option to vote for.
Not so much in the US.

Hubby thinks that Americans are coded at birth, you are either a democrat or a republican.

Republican or Democrat.
Black or white.
(insert your own difference)

Pick a side - really sad.

And, this is from the so called "leader of the free world".

Ah, live in Japan & can't vote! The Trump supporters here are awful, very rich people - bigoted, sneering, boasting, spreading lies and all the rest. Would vote the JCP if it were possible.
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