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Joe Biden

It wasn't. It simply wasn't. It was all about the support for the Palestnians on the part of the Labour left (in my vi=ew, overdone on their part, but nonetheless genuine), which the Israel lobby blew up into a huge AS thing, plus the Blairites in the PLP and party machine using as a stick to beat Labour with. It was a hatchet job.

a bit more than that really, the crank left with their obsessions over ‘bankers’ and ‘global elites’ and the unusual alliances within such circles became drawn to the party with Corbyn at the helm, in part because of the occasional signal he’d given them that such views were Ok (such as that mural thing, clumsily not paying enough attention at best). Not something at the core of the party or his supporters at all, definitely overblown by cunts to attack the left, but it was there and needed confronting. They didn’t really do a good job of this, whether through internal sabotage or occasionally not wanting to call out and punish longtime allies that put their foot in it. But anyway, that had almost fuck all to do directly with them losing, other than causing disarray and division in the party which was the point of it.
A politician with politicians in posts rather than whatever the fuck trump is and his besties getting jobs they were woefully unsuitable for.
Gen Mattis was the only competent member of his team and even his sense of duty couldn't cope with trump.
A politician with politicians in posts rather than whatever the fuck trump is and his besties getting jobs they were woefully unsuitable for.
Gen Mattis was the only competent member of his team and even his sense of duty couldn't cope with trump.
If Jim mattis has any sense, he'll think he's well out of it.
One of the reasons that Trump got anywhere at all was because he is on Twitter so much. I have been shown clips of the TV spots that he has and they are awful, but that is because he doesn't care. Trump actually tweets out himself all day

Although his tweets are massive facepalm-fests.
Not sure how much of his voter base are on Twitter daily, but then they get repeated right through the mainstream media anyway.
What do you mean by 'far left'?
Can you expand/give some examples of who they are/what the policies are?

Far Left to me means Communists.

I’m guessing far left will turn out to be AOC and anyone who wanted Bernie as Prez.
Although his tweets are massive facepalm-fests.
Not sure how much of his voter base are on Twitter daily, but then they get repeated right through the mainstream media anyway.
Unfortunately, to a significant slice of his base, they are like catnip, as they confirm all their prejudices, grievances and paranoias - without them having to think too hard.
I'll give trump one thing, he sure as hell knows how to play that base. Really, he's quite brilliant at it.
Unfortunately, to a significant slice of his base, they are like catnip, as they confirm all their prejudices, grievances and paranoias - without them having to think too hard.
I'll give trump one thing, he sure as hell knows how to play that base. Really, he's quite brilliant at it.

His base isn’t enough to win the election. Against Hilary he went on substantive issues like stopping outsourcing, getting out of foreign wars, massive infrastructure projects, draining the swamp etc. All these promises appealed to blue collar workers in swing states that felt alienated by the Democratic Party. That won him the election.

This time round he’s just resorting to lazy tropes and scare tactics. He’s preaching to the choir. That rump of conservative America is going to vote for him anyway no matter what he says. He’s going about this election in the wrong way, thankfully, and it’s a woeful indictment of Biden and the Democratic Party that they aren’t romping home with it. Recent polls show Trump closing the gap, in the middle of a pandemic where he has made an absolute balls of it. Unbelievable.
His base isn’t enough to win the election. Against Hilary he went on substantive issues like stopping outsourcing, getting out of foreign wars, massive infrastructure projects, draining the swamp etc. All these promises appealed to blue collar workers in swing states that felt alienated by the Democratic Party. That won him the election.

This time round he’s just resorting to lazy tropes and scare tactics. He’s preaching to the choir. That rump of conservative America is going to vote for him anyway no matter what he says. He’s going about this election in the wrong way, thankfully, and it’s a woeful indictment of Biden and the Democratic Party that they aren’t romping home with it. Recent polls show Trump closing the gap, in the middle of a pandemic where he has made an absolute balls of it. Unbelievable.
Agree with all of this. He needs the bluecollar vote in those swing states, and he doesn't seem to have any strategy to get them, compounded as you sqy by the massive bollocks he's made of everything this year. As incumbent POTUS, you have no choice but to run on your record.
agreed the Dems should be doing much, much better, they need to slam policy after policy down, to cut through to the swing states
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Whoever is PotUS affects the rest of the world. Not just the US.
Are there not some aspects of Trump's foreign policy that are better than the foreign policy of Obama, as far as the rest of the world is concerned? For example, he seems pretty scepitcal of NATO.
His base isn’t enough to win the election. Against Hilary he went on substantive issues like stopping outsourcing, getting out of foreign wars, massive infrastructure projects, draining the swamp etc. All these promises appealed to blue collar workers in swing states that felt alienated by the Democratic Party. That won him the election.

This time round he’s just resorting to lazy tropes and scare tactics. He’s preaching to the choir. That rump of conservative America is going to vote for him anyway no matter what he says. He’s going about this election in the wrong way, thankfully, and it’s a woeful indictment of Biden and the Democratic Party that they aren’t romping home with it. Recent polls show Trump closing the gap, in the middle of a pandemic where he has made an absolute balls of it. Unbelievable.

Makes sense, hope you turn out to be right (and that we don’t look back and find any prescience in the last sentence).
I have a horrible feeling the poll stations will have huge queues in Democratic areas and then close early, and that a lot of mail-in votes will get 'lost'. In which case he will accept the result.
I have a horrible feeling he's not going to accept the result.
He'll query ervery single bit of mit. However, this is where his approach to SCOTUS appointments will come back to bite him. SC justices absolutely hate to be dragged into a situation where it looks like them interfering in electoral processes - and, the more conservative they are, the more they hate being dragged into that situation.
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Let's face it, with any other presidential candidate, the democrats would be 20 points ahead against this awful administration.
Yeah but you don't say who? The Dems and there media hijacked Bernie's chances again because they fear the 'commie' accusations would stick to Bernie. And the same with Elizabeth for the same reason. The American people are still headfu--ed over the commie scare under their beds.

Joe's a bloody mess so you're right about that.
No on Buttigieg because the US isn't ready for that idea yet. And the rest with bad merchandise for various reasons. Joe's the establishment's candidate even though he halfassed mumbles about breaking the hold of the 1% and eliminating income inequality that has screwed America. And he won't have the courage to do lick all about it.
Joe's just lucky he's running against a mentally ill sociopath/narcissist.
agreed the Dems should be doing much, much better, they need to slam policy after policy down, to cut through to the swing states

I'm not sure the 'light versus darkness' narrative is going to help with that.. I guess the Democrats are trying to solidify the swing voters who stayed at home/voted for Trump last time, rather than going after Trump's base.
I'm not sure the 'light versus darkness' narrative is going to help with that.. I guess the Democrats are trying to solidify the swing voters who stayed at home/voted for Trump last time, rather than going after Trump's base.
I don't think it really will help, other than pull over all those GOP loyalists who voted Trump with the gravest of misgivings last time, and who by now are absaolutely horrified at how things have panned out, or same who simply abstained last time.
However, if coupled with hard, specific policy offerings that are aimed at Bluecollar and middle class voters in the rustbelt (which is both where the election will be won and lost, and the people who'll decide who wins and who loses), it stands a very good chance of pulling over sufficient of those who voted Trump last time. And, of course, he only needs to pull across a small amount of them.
(incidentally, this was yet another way in which HRC made a complete bollocks of things in '16: too much mood music and warm words, nowhere near enough specific policy commitments).
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Are there not some aspects of Trump's foreign policy that are better than the foreign policy of Obama, as far as the rest of the world is concerned? For example, he seems pretty scepitcal of NATO.


Then there's pulling out of the Paris agreement, the Iran deal, strengthening sanctions against Cuba, giving legitimacy to Israel's land grabs, support for Saudi Arabia... hmmm

Then there's pulling out of the Paris agreement, the Iran deal, strengthening sanctions against Cuba, giving legitimacy to Israel's land grabs, support for Saudi Arabia... hmmm
Pulling out of NATO is a policy that the left would support; the other things you mention, the left would oppose. When Trump apparently seemed to suggest that the USA should not engage in a new Cold War with Russia, that was not something to condemn.
Pulling out of NATO is a policy that the left would support; the other things you mention, the left would oppose. When Trump apparently seemed to suggest that the USA should not engage in a new Cold War with Russia, that was not something to condemn.

Just a few proxies, instead.
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