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Twitter changes policy after blocking Biden story.

tnh i though he already has a rule about not promoting trump related nonsense on the politics forum

but what are you going to do
I can understand people voting for Trump, after all, people voted for Corbyn. :)

People voted for Boris Sasaferrato.. how is that working out for the country atm more like trump populist rise

at least Corbyn was not the dippy cunt going around shaking hands in hospital during a pandemic
as it was the only way he could appears to be a man of the people
Trying to maximise the number of people who think sod it they’re both lying old men all politicians are as bad as each other is definitely trumps best chance now, and that’s a lot of people anyway, in any election, it’s not a stupid strategy at all.
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I think this just really happened.
Remember Rudy was the only one able to see how true the abandoned laptop story was. These people shouldn’t be left unsupervised with a telephone let alone get jobs running a country.
I didn't invite you to post up random links, especially ones from right wing websites or Youtube content thieves. I asked you a fucking question.

I suggest you re-read your post, you asked for a credible link - I gave you three to choose from.

The first is a c-span video and the other two are related articles.

I provided you what you ‘fucking’ asked for (ffs).
think the reason is even the dead man in that video during his time with the KKK never endorsed biden

as david dukes about that one

also Obama and bill Clinton were at that event

the reason is people evolved and change and you don't
I suggest you re-read your post, you asked for a credible link - I gave you three to choose from.

The first is a c-span video and the other two are related articles.

I provided you what you ‘fucking’ asked for (ffs).

Do you remember what FridgeMagnet told you in the Qanon thread?

So here's the problem. As far as I'm concerned you post some interesting stuff from the UK, but you repeatedly spam the place with this sort of dumb shit that is C&Ped from US r/w social, for whatever reasons you have, I don't care. Anyone can read this stuff and see precisely where it comes from - I do, lots of other people do too. It's disruptive, it causes fights, it doesn't improve anything. Thread bans are pointless because new threads emerge all the time.

So we're left with either (a) you stop it or (b) you get permabanned. I honestly don't see a way past this.

hmmm - I do!!!!
Do you remember what FridgeMagnet told you in the Qanon thread?

hmmm - I do!!!!

I see that quote and raise you:

I suggest you re-read your post, you asked for a credible link - I gave you three to choose from.

The first is a c-span video and the other two are related articles.
Those were not - even slightly - 'credible' links. More like provocative, snide trolling. With zero argument from you explaining how they were credible.
For instance, look how ridiculously easy it was for me to demolish your prize Exhibit A, concerning the then-VP Biden speaking at the funeral of Robert Byrd.
I note you have put zero counter-argument to that particular post of mine.
I suggest you re-read your post, you asked for a credible link - I gave you three to choose from.

The first is a c-span video and the other two are related articles.

I provided you what you ‘fucking’ asked for (ffs).
Losing patience with you now. You've been warned about your constant 'hit and run/cut and paste' right wing trolling. I'm thinking that this site really isn't for you as it REALLY doesn't need someone posting up a stream of conservative/republican links without any comment or input.
Those were not - even slightly - 'credible' links. More like provocative, snide trolling. With zero argument from you explaining how they were credible.

They were very credible links highlighting Joe Biden’s racist traits - one of the links even shows Kamala Harris calling such out.

For instance, look how ridiculously easy it was for me to demolish your prize Exhibit A, concerning the then-VP Biden speaking at the funeral of Robert Byrd.
I note you have put zero counter-argument to that particular post of mine.

The only thing you demolished was yourself as you apologised for Joe Biden’s eulogy to a former KKK member. I kind of get your point that this former member turned his life around and rejected the KKK and racism - but the stigma attached to that hate filled clan is too strong imo for eulogy’s. If I were in the same position as JB, I wouldn’t have done it.

Biden entire career spans of racist undertones, some worse than others, he’s like the racist old uncle who comes around for Xmas dinner you’ve got to hide the sherry from before he starts off with his shit again.
Like the crazy uncle who keeps referring to far right news sources until he's told not to under threat of being banned from the dinner table?

Or like this crazy racist uncle he idolizes?

ah come on just because the KKK, the Proud Boy and the alt right are standing and supporting trump presidency and policies

its not because it suit their racist ideas and viewpoints

it really the racist biden you should keep an eye on
nabbed from another thread but works here

‘Will now testify’ lol. To whom. Also more importantly just a reminder that nobody gives the tiniest of shits whether bidens son tried to set up a meeting between some foreigners and his dad to make money . Nobody. It’s a gnats fart in the hurricane of nepotism and corruption that is the First Family.
if it was not against the rules i'd suggest someone try this on someone else on another place on the interwebz

and i stress again that i am not saying do this on urban

more like trump on instragram
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