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Twitter changes policy after blocking Biden story.

Would be surprising if biden wasn't some sort of a racist tbh but of all the things to fling at the opponent of donald j trump in this election it's an utterly piss poor effort. Very best case scenario it might convince a few people to stay home cos 'they're all the same'.

Well, you don’t have to look far to find a litany of supporting evidence:

This article is eye watering :

So, he said something that could be viewed as racist over 40 years ago.

The idea that he has changed his views never occurred to you, did it?

I know my views have changed over the past 40 years.
From just a few months ago:

"Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

There’s a clear pattern of this sort of thing throughout his political career. It’s so obvious.
get with the programme, he very shortly after said 'that was crass' and apologised in full. More to the point, his words and actions since that quote you dredged up from a full forty years ago have earnt him the approbation of the NAACP and many other represeantative bodies.
Is this really the best you can do? it's pitiful.:rolleyes:
get with the programme, he very shortly after said 'that was crass' and apologised in full. More to the point, his words and actions since that quote you dredged up from a full forty years ago have earnt him the approbation of the NAACP and many other represeantative bodies.
I know you want to argue against Marty1 and all, but are you always this credulous when it comes to apologies by right wing politicians?
I know you want to argue against Marty1 and all, but are you always this credulous when it comes to apologies by right wing politicians?

I give apologies from politicians as much credence as I do the assertion that the world is flat. (Of all political persuasions.).
I know you want to argue against Marty1 and all, but are you always this credulous when it comes to apologies by right wing politicians?
No, I'm not, and i'm no fan of Biden. he's a desperately disappointing candidate, who I have absolutely no faith in. Plus, pretty much all white Americans of his generation had at least a little bit of racism in them - it went with the teritory. Nor do I have much faith in the American political system - it's a capitalist stitch-up, but one which - unfortunately, the majority of Americans who actually vote still set store by. Just like Biden unfortunately won the nomination fair and square.
However, a) when you compare his record to that of Trump's, he's practically John Lewis,
b) I know Marty1's game here. he's posting a series of desperate, far-fetched links, devoid of any sort of contextualised analysis or reasoned argument, to smear Biden, and thence - by implication - to place Trump on some sort of level to him, or to make Trump simply look better. It's simply desperate and deply dishonest Trump-shilling and apologism, and I'm not putting up with that.
b) I know Marty1's game here. he's posting a series of desperate, far-fetched links, devoid of any sort of contextualised analysis or reasoned argument, to smear Biden, and thence - by implication - to place Trump on some sort of level to him, or to make Trump simply look better. It's simply desperate and deply dishonest Trump-shilling and apologism, and I'm not putting up with that.

He's probably taking his cues from the Trump campaign, which once again seems to be stepping up its efforts to deter Black people from voting.

A thing to consider is that if enough people are convinced that principle is more important than realpolitik, the result will favour the Republicans.

That's only a good result from a left perspective if you happen to be an accelerationist, which is in itself quite a dodgy position in my opinion.

Seems pretty blatant to me.
Higher voter turnout disfavours the Republicans.

ahh...are you saying that if the number of leftists/the disilusioned who say, 'a plague on both your houses' outnumber those who pragmatically opt for the least shitty option, that favours the republicans (if so I agree)?
ahh...are you saying that if the number of leftists/the disilusioned who say, 'a plague on both your houses' outnumber those who pragmatically opt for the least shitty option, that favours the republicans (if so I agree)?

Pretty much, yes. I've no idea if that's a realistic proposition, but that's clearly one of the things the Trump administration is hoping for. Although I think in the case of camp followers like Marty1, they're just hoping to spread the idea around.
Pretty much, yes. I've no idea if that's a realistic proposition, but that's clearly one of the things the Trump administration is hoping for. Although I think in the case of camp followers like Marty1, they're just hoping to spread the idea around.
He really isn't choosing the best place to do it, then!:D
Imagine, if you will, a person fairly cognisant of what a disappointing cunt Biden will be but also fully aware of the full spectrum clown show of Trump at a time of national crisis. That person might cast their vote on a wider understanding than the personal failings and foibles of either man and have an eye more to what the general trend of a presidential term under one or the other might entail. And that person is fortunately the largest chunk of the electorate and Trump is fucked.
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