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Twitter changes policy after blocking Biden story.

Perhaps you could call m1 out on what he says rather than inventing things - he said jb a known racist rather than a well known one. As for Biden and racism you could start here Why Joe Biden’s Murky History on Racism May Lead to His Downfall in the 2020 Election

Hit the about button on their site

The Young Fabians are the under-31 section of Britain's oldest political think tank, the Fabian Society. We are a voluntary body led by an elected executive committee.

We are affiliated to, but distinct from, the Labour Party and have formal representation on the Young Labour National Committee.

The Fabian Society was founded in 1884 and played a crucial role in the founding of the Labour Party, the Young Fabians stand in this tradition.
Founded in 1960, we are Britain’s only think tank run by young people for young people.

The Young Fabians are distinct from other youth movements in our focus on ideas and policy. Like our Fabian forbears we promote the discussion and dissemination of ideas to help shape Labour policy.

Our membership encompasses the Broad Church of the Labour Movement, we take no formal positions and value our commitment to working with all strands of Labour thought.

As a democratic socialist organisation, our members shape what we do. We have a proud past but work tirelessly to provide ideas for the present and the future

sounds credible to me

British think tank on US politics!!!
I'm sure that Biden and the Democratic Party don't have a flawless record when it comes to racial matters. Doesn't change the fact that Trump and the Republicans are certainly no better, and are arguably even worse.

Also fuck the Fabians.
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Hit the about button on their site

sounds credible to me

British think tank on US politics!!!
they're hardly likely to adduce concerns about JB and racism where none exist. And as I say it's a starting point for editor who can look for corroborating and indeed further information himself
Would be surprising if biden wasn't some sort of a racist tbh but of all the things to fling at the opponent of donald j trump in this election it's an utterly piss poor effort. Very best case scenario it might convince a few people to stay home cos 'they're all the same'.
Usually about half the eligible population abstains and with the way things have split over the past 20 years it's possible the election could come down to very few people as in 2000. So making anyone stay at home could prove more important than it sounds, alongside voter suppression etc.
Of course, that does seem to be the main strategy now, to try to encourage as many people as possible not to vote. Trying to convince everyone that biden is just as corrupt and just as racist just looks like a hard sell. But they have tried with he's also a drug addict and a peadophile too i suppose.
Would be surprising if biden wasn't some sort of a racist tbh but of all the things to fling at the opponent of donald j trump in this election it's an utterly piss poor effort.
do you mean it's been done badly, that by contrast with djt jb's efforts to send black people to prison pale into insignificance, or that any stains on jb's character should be set to one side atm?
Don't patronise me. If he's being racist now, please produce some credible examples other it appears that you're just joining in with the right wing mud-slinging.
no it doesn't. And here you go again with that perennial favourite, shifting the goal posts. I haven't made any claim he is an active racist, I am pointing out he has a racist past: much as I hate to agree with marty1. There's more on that past here Text-Only NPR.org : Biden Vows To Ease Racial Divisions. Here's His Record. Now, he may have changed his spots, I don't know. And if you're that interested in it you can do your own research.
no it doesn't. And here you go again with that perennial favourite, shifting the goal posts. I haven't made any claim he is an active racist, I am pointing out he has a racist past:
Hahaha. Thanks for that truly wonderful slab of hypocrisy. It's quite brightened this grey day.
Hahaha. Thanks for that truly wonderful slab of hypocrisy. It's quite brightened this grey day.
You took issue with m1's he's a known racist

I have posted two links demonstrating a racist past which has had very real impacts on African Americans. Did his time as VP change him? Perhaps. But as the NPR link indicates black voters may not forget what he's done but they are it seems often ready to forgive him. Your original demand for info has been I think satisfied.
odd situation do a make a comment about sass needing his medication needing checking and get accused of being ageist

or do i tell sass to do a basic search of me and marty1 interactions and be accused of bullying

hey at least we are not talking about brexit or trum..

no wait...

I happened to respond to your post, but it could have been quite a number of other poster's posts.
It’s probably just what trump says it is, the biggest most important political scandal of all time, an absolute cracker of a story but the MSM won’t print it because they hate freedom and America.

I dare say that they are not fond of Trump. :)

My view, which is based on a skim through various news reports, is that Trump is at desperation stage now, bad polls. which are worsening.

A lot of Americans will not be happy about his 'Multi billionaire, but paying no tax' status, ditto the revelation today that he paid more tax in China than in the US.

Surely he cannot possibly win? Could any electorate be that deluded or stupid?

oh ffs. :facepalm::facepalm:
Don't you ever do any research?
FTR:, Byrd was for a few years, in his ill-advised youth, a KKK member - as were many white southerners of his era. He left them after a short period, and renounced that long before his death, calling it 'the worst mistake I ever made'. He then, from 1958-2010 was a US Senator, one of the longest-serving ever. By 1970, he ahd fully renounced all his segregationist views (and the KKK), and went over fully to the civil rights side.
Don't take it from me, take it from the NAACP (quote from wiki):
For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)[86] rated Byrd's voting record as being 100% in line with the NAACP's position on the thirty-three Senate bills they evaluated.
From the 1970s onwards, he was pro-civil rights, and an Admirer of King. He was, by the end of his long Senate career, entirely on the side of the angels. In fact, like many whites from the Deep South, he had been on a journey to enlightenment - and made it to the right side.
Biden spoke at his memorial service because it would have been considered seriously bad form for the next longest-serving senator - and the Presidency's representative there - not to do so.

What an utterly ridiculous piece of evidence.
no it doesn't. And here you go again with that perennial favourite, shifting the goal posts. I haven't made any claim he is an active racist, I am pointing out he has a racist past: much as I hate to agree with marty1. There's more on that past here Text-Only NPR.org : Biden Vows To Ease Racial Divisions. Here's His Record. Now, he may have changed his spots, I don't know. And if you're that interested in it you can do your own research.
tbf, it wasn't so much that his past was openly racist - more that he wanted the votes of racists (opposition to school desegragation via busing) and the Laura Norder lobby (the '94 crime bill). He also supported racial integration on housing, which he argued would work better for desegragation than simply focusing on schools.
In other words, he was being yer typical liberal centrist politician - and trying to have it both ways, by reassuring whites. Who knew?
oh ffs. :facepalm::facepalm:
Don't you ever do any research?
FTR:, Byrd was for a few years, in his ill-advised youth, a KKK member - as were many white southerners of his era. He left them after a short period, and renounced that long before his death, calling it 'the worst mistake I ever made'. He then, from 1958-2010 was a US Senator, one of the longest-serving ever. By 1970, he ahd fully renounced all his segregationist views (and the KKK), and went over fully to the civil rights side.
Don't take it from me, take it from the NAACP (quote from wiki):

From the 1970s onwards, he was pro-civil rights, and an Admirer of King. He was, by the end of his long Senate career, entirely on the side of the angels. In fact, like many whites from the Deep South, he had been on a journey to enlightenment - and made it to the right side.
Biden spoke at his memorial service because it would have been considered seriously bad form for the next longest-serving senator - and the Presidency's representative there - not to do so.

What an utterly ridiculous piece of evidence.
Marty1 isn't interested in anything so mundane as facts, let alone the concepts of remorse or redemption. Anything, anything, that can be dredged up, no matter how much it stinks, and no matter what sewer it was dredged from, is grist to his nasty little inferences-and-hints mill.

And yet, from the outraged threads he periodically posts after yet another thread ban, he obviously expects to be excused for his behaviour in a way he wouldn't countenance doing for the people he chooses to represent as somehow not being up to scratch.

It's hypocrisy.
This is why a lot of us have a go at M1, Sasaferrato . The only poster (I think) that I join in on. He throws in far right website links when he can get away with it.

I've said it before but if you or Spymaster give your opinion you'll often have a point, and back it up when challenged, M1 just runs away and sniggers until he does it next time. He's just trolling, deserves all the stick he gets. True that it doesn't look good though, but that's also part of what he's here for - ooo look at all the lefties piling in :(
Twitter blocked posts relating to a laptop alleged to belong to Hunter Biden (Joe Biden’s son) containing alleged compromising emails between the two or possibly hacking.

Looks like Twitter are now going to let the public decide for themselves on this kind of thing but I dare say this could damage Joe Biden’s campaign should any allegations prove to contradict him.

Is this a good position for Twitter to take or have they opened the door for rampant speculation/ loonpoddery?
You do realise that the original NY post story is a complete, steaming pile of horseshit - don't you?
And that the NY Post is itself a lughing stock, enough of one to make the Sun look like a beacon of serious, heavyweight journalism?
I happened to respond to your post, but it could have been quite a number of other poster's posts.
fair enough.
Sass, I get your point about bullying, and you and I are Old Skool Urbz, so we have been on this site long enough to have seen plenty of unpleasant instances of that.
But....in Marty1's case, it's hard to disagree with the arguement that eh brings it on himself. When you, or other r/wing posters, argue a r/w POV, you back it up, used reasoned arguments, cite evidence - you make a case.
Marty1 doesn't. he simply posts up links from dodgy r/w sites, without any ackup explanation = or argument, beyond the odd deeply disingenuous one-liner (this thread has classic examples of that). It's trollbaiting, pure 'n' simple.
tbh, your sense of decency is always evidence, but in this instance somewhat misplaced.
I did say it would of just been easier to ban him from his own thread and saves us all the hassle

also marty1 is a troll how is giving him what he craves bullying
Sorry, how is he a "well known racist"? Grown up, credible link immediately, if you please.
seconded. Evidence please.
FTR: only one of the current candidates for the Presidency has ever been sued by Federal prosecutors for actually practicing racial discrimination - and it wasn't Biden.
During the presidential debate on Monday night, Hillary Clinton raised a 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York.

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

"[The settlement] required the Trumps to place ads in newspapers saying that they welcomed black applicants," Kranish says. "It said that the Trumps would familiarize themselves with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibited discrimination. So it also specifically said they don't admit wrongdoing, but they did have to take several measures that the Trumps had fought for two years not to take."

Trump claims the Justice Department lawsuit was just one of many housing cases against many landlords, but Kranish says this description is misleading.

"Well, there were cases brought against various companies, but the point here is that Trump has said in the debate — and he also told me when I interviewed him at Trump Tower earlier this year — that this was part of one massive suit." Kranish says, "And in fact, this very specifically is a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals. ... It was one of the largest cases of the time.
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