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Joe Biden

He's very probably 90% English but obsessed with his dash of something else.

5/8ths Irish, according to one researcher. The Welsh connection is a little thinner - he lived until he was 9 years old in a city that had seen substantial Welsh immigration a century earlier - but he definitely knows who Neil Kinnock was.
5/8ths Irish, according to one researcher. The Welsh connection is a little thinner - he lived until he was 9 years old in a city that had seen substantial Welsh immigration a century earlier - but he definitely knows who Neil Kinnock was.
the most famous welshman of his generation. and no one has a good word to say about him (nk that is)
5/8ths Irish, according to one researcher. The Welsh connection is a little thinner - he lived until he was 9 years old in a city that had seen substantial Welsh immigration a century earlier - but he definitely knows who Neil Kinnock was.

5/8ths means what in sensible language?

Mum rented a library book from Dublin once?
Mr Biden’s Irish roots have drawn international attention since the election. A clip of an exchange between BBC New York correspondent Nick Bryant and Mr Biden from the campaign trail went viral on Saturday.
Asked for a quick word, Mr Biden tells the reporter: “The BBC? I’m Irish.”

What are Joe Biden’s Irish roots?
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