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Joe Biden

The dementia thing is worrying. Too many examples of him just talking absolute gibberish. That his team is keeping him out of the public eye is not a good sign tbh. I think in any TV debate Trump will tear him a new arsehole and that will be game over for the Dems.

Tbf he can definitely do 'yes' and 'no.' He just needs 'that would be an ecumenical matter' and he's practically there.
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Trump can't handle women reporters questioning him, so you'd hope that would be greatest chance of him storming out in a huff.

I really don't think there's any chance of him storming out in a huff, but if it will add spice for you then I hope its a woman too. :)
There's some talk, though sadly doubt it will happen, of him running with Tammy Duckworth, who is generally awesome and also a great weapon against GOP slanders thrown at Dems - no one can seriously accuse a double-amputee veteran of being a 'snowflake' or unAmerican/unpatriotic and she could up the female and veteran vote.
I think it will be quite close on the day and that makes me think a) who will mobilise their supporters? b) how will Biden win in the rust belt states that cost Clinton last time and c) Trump didn't need to win the popular vote last time to win the Presidency.

Yes, agreed. I think he's such a dreadful non-candidate that the question is probably more whether Trump motivates the Democrat base more than he did last time tbh. The prospect of four more years of him and a killer virus rampaging across the country might bring out a lot of those who didn't want to vote for Clinton.

On the rust belt states specifically iirc Trump did have the wit last time to campaign on bringing back the old industries. He probably didn't have much credibility but it probably swung some crucial votes compared to Clinton who didn't even pretend to give a shit. I don't expect he can count on those votes again given the number of industrial jobs brought back still stands at zero afaik.

Obviously that's just negative stuff again but Trump does provide plenty of negatives.
There's some talk, though sadly doubt it will happen, of him running with Tammy Duckworth, who is generally awesome and also a great weapon against GOP slanders thrown at Dems - no one can seriously accuse a double-amputee veteran of being a 'snowflake' or unAmerican/unpatriotic and she could up the female and veteran vote.
Awesome at killing foreigners in her black hawk.
There’s also the thing that last time people didn’t expect Trump to triumph, so weren’t particularly motivated to go out and vote to stop him (see also Brexit). I don’t think there will be the same complacency this time, even with a mediocre opponent.

Voting against something is always a stronger motivation than voting for something, hence why Trump always playing the victim and pretends there’s some big machine he’s fighting against,
no one can seriously accuse a double-amputee veteran of being a 'snowflake' or unAmerican/unpatriotic and she could up the female and veteran vote.

Yes, Trump had never questioned veterans' (alive, disabled or deceased) patriotism.

He's never dissed American service men and women of "minority" status, nor has he mocked any opponents if they were PoWs.

He's also not known for denigrating women, esp those of "color" or disabled people in general.

Sorry for sarcasm. And am not a fan of the US military ... But he'll be all over her like the disgusting shit he is.
I am assuming Biden is getting a lot more publicity within the USA than he is getting internationally, on here and other UK online places all I see is Trump Trump Trump ..
I mean, people thought Clinton would probably win.

Its true that a lot depends on how bad things are but it's also worth remembering that the extent to which both candidates mobilise their base is important too. I don't see Biden motivating his base to turn out at the moment.

There's also the question of what he runs on; you say he would want to return to business as usual and he probably does but that isn't a vote winner, and if he goes the other way and imitates Trump's rhetoric on China and immigrants etc he's boosting his credibility.

I think it will be quite close on the day and that makes me think a) who will mobilise their supporters? b) how will Biden win in the rust belt states that cost Clinton last time and c) Trump didn't need to win the popular vote last time to win the Presidency.
You might be right. Trump's team is going to throw everything they can (and probably some things they can't) at getting their man re-elected while in normal circumstances Biden is the kind of establishment Democrat that Dem voters can't motivate themselves to vote for. And I expect it will still be close - while Biden is ahead in most of the polls, it's the battleground states where the election is won and lost.

However... Trump's base is not exactly the same as the mainstream Republican base. The most effective attack ads on Trump seem to be coming from disaffected Republicans. While his hardcore supporters will turn out for him whatever, other Republicans seem as sick of him as everyone else. And with Biden being a safe pro-business candidate (unlike that dangerous mild-mannered social democrat extremist Saunders) they may not be motivated to turn out.

While Trump did well in the 'rust belt' 4 years ago he's not, afaik, delivered for those voters, and the last time I checked unemployment in the US was still up by 10 million even after the economy had reopened and 'bounced back'. Will they turn out for him again?

As others have said, Democrats may not fall over themselves to vote for Biden, they may turn out to vote against Trump.

I guess we'll find out what happens three months on Tuesday.
I am assuming Biden is getting a lot more publicity within the USA than he is getting internationally, on here and other UK online places all I see is Trump Trump Trump ..

On UScentric media in this region, he's seen by some as a liberal Marxist socialist out to destroy 'murica.

There’s also the thing that last time people didn’t expect Trump to triumph, so weren’t particularly motivated to go out and vote to stop him (see also Brexit). I don’t think there will be the same complacency this time, even with a mediocre opponent.

Voting against something is always a stronger motivation than voting for something, hence why Trump always playing the victim and pretends there’s some big machine he’s fighting against,

I don't agree that voting against something is a stronger motivation than voting for something but I take the point - fewer people will assume Trump won't win and be more motivated.
I see Biden is considering someone who praised scientology as VP. More evidence of his credibility!
Yes, but Biden has Trump motivating his base to turn out while the reverse isn't true and Trump's lost the middle ground.

Do you mean the other way round? Ie Trump motivating Biden's base while the reverse isn't true.
He seemed a bit of hopeless choice back before Sanders dropped out. My guess then was basically too close to call and entirely dependent on how shit he looked in debates, how much his very unfortunate touchy side was played on etc, and finally how all of that affected turnout for an already incredibly uninspiring candidate. But the world is fundamentally different now, and I can kind of see democrats of all stripes turning out just as 'anything but more of this'. Alongside weaker turnout among republicans, as others have mentioned.
a) who will mobilise their supporters? b) how will Biden win in the rust belt states that cost Clinton last time
all the other stuff you've said here has been pretty damn good, but, as it happens, pretty much all the polls have Biden comfortably ahead in every rustbelt state, and if anything that lead is growing
also, the early signs are that the democrats are holding solid, and mobilising their base pretty well (much better than last time, when an awful lot on the left were so enraged by Bernie's being stitched up that they simply didn't vote on the Presidential ballot), whillst there are small but significant cracks in Trumps, between Trumpist headbangers on the one hand and religious conservatives and traditional Republicans on the other
all the other stuff you've said here has been pretty damn good, but, as it happens, pretty much all the polls have Biden comfortably ahead in every rustbelt state, and if anything that lead is growing
also, the early signs are that the democrats are holding solid, and mobilising their base pretty well (much better than last time, when an awful lot on the left were so enraged by Bernie's being stitched up that they simply didn't vote on the Presidential ballot), whillst there are small but significant cracks in Trumps, between Trumpist headbangers on the one hand and religious conservatives and traditional Republicans on the other

I haven't seen polling data for the Rustbelt states, but if it has Biden ahead and its accurate then I agree that makes him winning a lot more likely.

It's a good point about Sanders - the stitch up will have angered a lot of people and there was no obvious stitch up this time, they just drowned him out.
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