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Joe Biden's time is up

Harris has released a statement:

I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation – to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.

Longstanding scumbag. Just 'cos he wasn't as big of a cunt as Trump, people looked the other way.

Here's an example of him being a scumbag from 2007 that just popped up on my timeline earlier today:

Biden's previous sentence, which Tucker Carlson didn't include because he's Tucker Carlson, was "I got tested for AIDS"

Harris has released a statement:

I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation – to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.

That statement is intriguing.

She's been pretty invisible these last few years. For a VP she really didn't have that high a profile to the general public.

However, that might actually work in her favour if she is the Democratic candidate 'cos - like Starmer in the UK - she's one of those politicians whose personal likeability goes down the more general public gets to see them day to day.

Somebody earlier in the thread suggested Trump will pull out of future Presidential debates now. Part of me thinks he'd be happy to debate Harris 'cos he'll think it would be a repeat of his debates with HRC in 2016. That might be hubris on his part. I'm not sure myself.
That statement is intriguing.

She's been pretty invisible these last few years. For a VP she really didn't have that high a profile to the general public.

However, that might actually work in her favour if she is the Democratic candidate 'cos - like Starmer in the UK - she's one of those politicians whose personal likeability goes down the more general public gets to see them day to day.

Somebody earlier in the thread suggested Trump will pull out of future Presidential debates now. Part of me thinks he'd be happy to debate Harris 'cos he'll think it would be a repeat of his debates with HRC in 2016. That might be hubris on his part. I'm not sure myself.

Someone being interviewed on Sky News at the moment saying that Harris is largely undefined and that could work in her favour.
Yeah me neither. Unless mega cunt TC is equating an aids test with being gay, and / or something shameful? Which is exactly what this little speech is attempting to put a stop to.

You knows there were smears/rumours circulating about Obama's sexuality as far back as 2007/08 when this debate took place?

Begs the question, why did Obama feel it necessary to immediately interject that he took the aids test with his wife? A lot of nudge, nudge, wink, wink in politics in all political parties. It's not something that the right has a monopoly on. Obama obviously thought it was a snarky remark aimed at him and felt the need to nip it in the bud.
I think it would be a mistake. I don't sense a lot of love for her. They need a significant shift in fortunes to beat Trump at this point. Biden's inability to see this earlier on is a perfect example of why he needs to be gone. Harris should accept that she is part of that problem, and give a new team a run at it.
I think there's an issue with funding, in that it's my understanding the Democratic party can't just decide to spend all the funds donated to the Biden campaign on a different candidate, the funds belong to the Biden-Harris campaign rather than the party.

Which would mean that at this late stage in the game, any other new presidential candidate would face a significant disadvantage.
I do wonder if the having Covid thing was the final straw, like if people around Biden said to him 'Joe, if this had happened in the final weeks of the election, or if you got a bad cold and it knocked you for six in that period, we will lose - you're just too vulnerable, especially with the line the GOP are taking'
I think Biden has continually undermined Harris.

Everyone assumed he’d win, do it a little while and step back and allow his VP to take over. He didn’t.

Okay he won’t re-run. He’ll let his VP have the ticket. He didn’t.

Now he resigns the ticket but continues as Pres till the election. If he truly believed in her he’d step down totally and get her sworn in. It would help get her elected. Undermined her again by staying on.
It wasn’t coordinated, apparently - his team were ringing round senators to ensure they stayed on message when the news dropped.
He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. Amazing turn of phrase, impossible to parody, and the German-style capitalisation of Basement is a nice touch.
He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. Amazing turn of phrase, impossible to parody, and the German-style capitalisation of Basement is a nice touch.
maybe he just really likes Basement?
You knows there were smears/rumours circulating about Obama's sexuality as far back as 2007/08 when this debate took place?

Begs the question, why did Obama feel it necessary to immediately interject that he took the aids test with his wife? A lot of nudge, nudge, wink, wink in politics in all political parties. It's not something that the right has a monopoly on. Obama obviously thought it was a snarky remark aimed at him and felt the need to nip it in the bud.
I think it's entirely up to him to correct any misapprehensions - either real or imagined - that may have been circulating about his sexuality. I can see no evidence whatsoever that Biden was included in any of that.

I think each and all of us are entitled to clarify any situation where someone is potentially spreading falsehoods about us.

There is nothing wrong with anyone being gay but equally, there is nothing wrong in anyone choosing to make their own status explicitly clear if it is being questioned by others for no valid reason.
This has got to be for the best sadly.

He was frankly a bit too old - I don't think he has dementia or anything, but you just can't be super sharp at that age and every explanation for sub par performance was making him look weaker and weaker. The GOP will crow for a few weeks, but then they will realise this is not a good thing for them. Gives the Dems a chance to come back reinvigorated and with a much younger candidate than Trump - if I were them I might play extra on Trump's incoherence and likely poor physical health at the this stage.
He was way too old. I’d be amazed if he’s still alive in 5 years. I don’t like all the armchair doctors trying to diagnose for him..but it looks a bit like delirium. It was obviously going to be a single term presidency. His ego kicked in and he didn’t plan a succession. Kamela was sent to the no-win border and kept out of the headlines.
Also, I’m trying to correct my Brazilian husband who is calling her Kamela Anderson
I think it's entirely up to him to correct any misapprehensions - either real or imagined - that may have been circulating about his sexuality. I can see no evidence whatsoever that Biden was included in any of that.

I think each and all of us are entitled to clarify any situation where someone is potentially spreading falsehoods about us.

There is nothing wrong with anyone being gay but equally, there is nothing wrong in anyone choosing to make their own status explicitly clear if it is being questioned by others for no valid reason.

'Those rumours that people have been whispering about me in the shadows . . . those nudge, nudge, wink, wink innuendos . . . those raised eyebrows about me . . . I would know like to address them in a public statement to you the American People'.

'Tune in next week for my folllow up, where I also address rumours about my birth certificate, my religious faith and the biological sex of Michelle.'

Yeah, that would have worked.
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Kiss of death from the Clintons. :D

The only question that the Democrat leadership have to ask: what candidate can deliver those 6 or 7 swing states? That's all that matters.

I'm not convinced Harris is the candidate to win those key 6 or 7 swing states. It'll be interesting to see if there is any sort of momentum for a Stop Harris candidate within the Democratic Party in the coming days. There's only a small window of opportunity to get someone else in.
I doubt if there will be, because of the campaign funding issue.
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