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Joe Biden's time is up

'Those rumours that people have been whispering about me in the shadows . . . those nudge, nudge, wink, wink innuendos . . . those raised eyebrows about me . . . I would know like to address them in a public statement to you the American People'.

'Tune in next week for my folllow up, where I also address rumours about my birth certificate, my religious faith and the biological sex of Michelle.'

Yeah, that would have worked.
So, when someone subsequently demands some sort of response to unsubstantiated rumours, you think that just ignoring them and saying nothing would have made ii all go away, do you?

Even if he had been gay, WTF does it have to do with anyone else?
I have really mixed feeling about Biden dropping out. Biden really shouldn't have run for a second term. This far in though, it's difficult to switch horses. And this will be decided by another backroom deal similar to one four years ago that saw Bernie drop out and Biden become the nominee. For a party that describes itself as "democratic" this seems to be a bit less so.

I also fear that America won't vote for a brown woman, not now, not ever, despite what some polls say. The amount of misogyny unleased this election will be epic as well.

Overall, I really don't see any really strong candidates on the Democratic side. I've mentioned before that that intergenerational handing off of power has been stalled for years. IMHO, Schumer and Pelosi should go too. Anyone who won't be here for the worst effects of climate change shouldn't be making decisions for the generations that will.
I think Biden has continually undermined Harris.

Everyone assumed he’d win, do it a little while and step back and allow his VP to take over. He didn’t.

Okay he won’t re-run. He’ll let his VP have the ticket. He didn’t.

Now he resigns the ticket but continues as Pres till the election. If he truly believed in her he’d step down totally and get her sworn in. It would help get her elected. Undermined her again by staying on.
If she takes over now i think she could only do one more term of 4 years so for that reason i think she would prefer to wait.
So, when someone subsequently demands some sort of response to unsubstantiated rumours, you think that just ignoring them and saying nothing would have made ii all go away, do you?

Even if he had been gay, WTF does it have to do with anyone else?

It means a lot in Presidential politics.
It's really fouled up. Biden is a far better person than Trump but he's not up to the job of opposing him. We've just voted in Labour on the basis that we had to keep the Tories out for another term. The world needs to keep Trump out. Hopefully the Democrats will able to defeat him but I'm bloody scared. A second Trump term would be disastrous.
My email is on some Dem list and I've been bombarded with campaign funding pleas from various Dem campaigns, including several Biden/Harris Team Joe within the past 24 hours. I've never clicked on the link to see what exact PAC they are, but the messaging has been totally Biden up to the point of his announcement today.

(I know I could ask to get taken off the list but it's oddly fascinating how intense and frequent the fundraising demands are. I don't think any UK party asks people half a dozen times a day.)
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It means a lot in Presidential politics.
Only if small-minded, ignorant bigots get their way.

Everyone should be striving to stamp out bigotry and prejudice of all sorts - not making it an integral part of choosing a head of state.

It’s time the USA hauled its sorry arse into the 21st century but if Trump gets his way, it’ll be heading back to the middle-ages on a one-way ticket.
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My email is on some Dem list and I've been bombarded with campaign funding pleas from various Dem campaigns, including several Biden/Harris Team Joe within the past 24 hours. I've never clicked on the link to see what exact PAC they are, but the messaging has been totally Biden up to the point of his announcement today.

(I know I could ask to get taken off the list but it's oddly fascinating how intense and frequent the fundraising demands are. I don't think any UK party asks people half a dozen times a day.)
Our rules on donations etc are much tighter (and indeed much smaller).
Our rules on donations etc are much tighter (and indeed much smaller).
Yes. Even so, I don't think it would be legal for them to accept a donation from a non citizen, even if I were minded to make one.

ETA I think I'm on the list because someone with a similar addy made a donation to the Sierra Club. Soon after their emails hit me, the Dem ones appeared. I quit the Sierra Club list, but am still snooping on the Dem fundraising. A friend in the US assures me that this level of bombardment is perfectly normal and she tends to feel pressured to give a few dollars every week.
Only if small-minded, ignorant bigots get their way.

Everyone should be striving to stamp out bigotry and prejudice of all sorts - not making it an integral part of choosing a head of state.

It’s time the USA hauled its sorry arse into the 21st century but if Trump gets his way, it’ll be heading back to the middle-ages on a one-way ticket.
I fully agree.
Can't escape the sense that the Dems have been baited into a Republican trap, but hopefully they'll be able to make the best of having a younger, fresher candidate and take advantage of the situation.
My email is on some Dem list and I've been bombarded with campaign funding pleas from various Dem campaigns, including several Biden/Harris Team Joe within the past 24 hours. I've never clicked on the link to see what exact PAC they are, but the messaging has been totally Biden up to the point of his announcement today.

(I know I could ask to get taken off the list but it's oddly fascinating how intense and frequent the fundraising demands are. I don't think any UK party asks people half a dozen times a day.)

The Labour party are much less pushy. I got a begging email most days during the GE campaign, but I don't think I ever got more than one.
That's a point - Republicans will bring any legal cases they can and quite a few that they can't and if it goes to the Supreme Court .... :eek:
That's a point - Republicans will bring any legal cases they can and quite a few that they can't and if it goes to the Supreme Court .... :eek:
yeah - be lots of legaltastic shit houseing that will probably not go anyhwere - but cost money, time and resources and add grist to their "elite sticth up" narrative. They'll probably start saying that biden was removed by the deep state cos hed fallen out with his NWO/WTO/Jewish overlords.
I reckon they planned this all along, a single term president, but kept Biden until last minute. Then just after the Republican convention, after the Trump crowd have invested a lot in going on about Biden being too old, then bam! He’s gone, here’s a new not-old candidate. Who’s the doddery old fool now? Is age an issue or not? Where’s all the convention footage attacking Harris that will stick in people’s memory? Played like fools.
I think quite the opposite...they've taken what seemed like what could have been an ordered plan and made it look like emergency dentistry
I also fear that America won't vote for a brown woman, not now, not ever, despite what some polls say. The amount of misogyny unleased this election will be epic as well.
Do you think that's going to rebound against Trump tho? Given Roe VS Wade being overturned has got a lot of Americans rightfully angry.
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