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Jo Brand's "throw acid not milk" at politicians joke

It was a very normal kind of Jo Brand joke:

"...and they are very very easy to hate. I am kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake, when you could get some battery acid? That’s just me, sorry."

One thing that you'd think pretty obvious about her jokes is the self-deprecating package they come in, and how no sane person could consider them incitement to anything.
There was similar pearl-clutching when she began her career and talked a lot about cutting up men.
This is tricky one - I laughed and got that it was not inciting people to throw acid at (Tory?) politicians, but I had a sense of humour failure when some petrol headed dick (I can't remember who but not JC I think) jokingly suggested putting cheese wires across cycle paths, and then someone did. On the one hand people are very quick to take offence, on the other there are some sick idiots out there who would not have thought of it for themselves until a joke is made by someone in the public eye.
Imagine the number of subjects that might offend any single individual and multiply that by the number of people in any given audience. Subtract all those topics from any given comic's set list and what do you get?
That's what you get and possibly what you deserve.

Is that George Carlin? Sort of thing he might have said.
the rest of what she said seems to have been forgotten...

"That's just me. I'm not going to do it, it's purely a fantasy, but I think milkshakes are pathetic, I honestly do, sorry."

It's nothing to do with Brand, though. It's about the media creaming themselves at the thought of someone then going and doing it, and the fun they can have then.

That's why they are simplifying and selectively amplifying certain parts of it.
She should not have said it. Do I need to post a picture of someone who has been attacked with battery acid to show why?

Battery acid is 32% H2SO4, which melts flesh as if it was candle wax.

It was in poor taste (IMHO) but - like the lads who were supposed to appear at Glasto - it was satire. Personally, the threat of violence (jokey or otherwise) makes me queasy but I can see that Brand just made a quip.

I'm more pissed off that someone called Jo Brand a "lump" .
How dare people accuse Jo Brand of being a comedian.

Now, if you want to defend the right to free speech of the dull, boring, middle class, type who goes to meetings and drones on in a slightly sanctimonious virtue signalling manner Jo Brand I’m with you.
This is tricky one - I laughed and got that it was not inciting people to throw acid at (Tory?) politicians, but I had a sense of humour failure when some petrol headed dick (I can't remember who but not JC I think) jokingly suggested putting cheese wires across cycle paths, and then someone did. On the one hand people are very quick to take offence, on the other there are some sick idiots out there who would not have thought of it for themselves until a joke is made by someone in the public eye.
I don't think that makes it the comic's responsibility. Like my parents used to say "...and if I told you to go and boil your head, would you?"

I'm totally behind Jo Brand on this one...and I wonder if the outrage at the kind of shit she's had dished out to her over her career (the OP calling her a "lump" is the least of it, but still shit) adds up to the frothing and choreographed clutching of pearls this one remark has resulted in?
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