So the 'Irish' are disowning Kelvin because he was not Catholic.
Are you really this stupid. Or are you just being a deliberately disingenuous prick?
So the 'Irish' are disowning Kelvin because he was not Catholic.
Telling me to do x y or z. Felt like bossing about to me.
I'd like to know the genetic explanation for why Jews can't look up.
I watched an interview with Richard Feynman in which he was telling the tale of how he noticed as a small child, growing up dirt-poor in New York, the way water was displaced in the back of his toy tipper truck when he moved it... and the way his father (who was a manual worker or a tailor IIRC) explained the science of it to him.
I don't know any Irish people who had similar conversations with their manual-working parents. I'm sure I would have been told 'cos it does' had I asked any of the adults I grew up around. Had my father (who would have been of the same generation as Feynman) had the cheek to ask an adult so bold a question he would probably have got a skelp. That's what his father would have learned at school... and in life... shut the fuck up and don't ask questions.
(with apologies for last night's ill-thought out thread... which was a pile of pish tbh)
This article was posted on my FB this week by a female Muslim friend. (I don't know what point exactly she was making, although I suspect it was that while she is an avowed opponent of Israeli violence and oppression, she is an admirer of intellect and is also keen to not be seen as anti-Jewish - so this would balance out her frequent posts about the vilification of Muslims and about Israeli brutality).
The article raises some interesting questions. which I feel are worthy of proper discussion, as to how such a small percentage of the world's population have been/are so prominent in so many fields, especially those of intellectual endeavour. Not least of which would be the whole nature vs nurture debate and the nature of triumph through adversity (how the exclusion of one generation of Jews rippled out positively for future generations).
Some of it is very simplistic. Some profound.
To be clear. My intention is to discuss social phenomena not conspiracy theories. I believe much of the same discussion could take place around the rise of the children of poor 1960's/70's south asian immigrants in Britain to positions of prominence in 'the professions'.
A similar 'takeover' of the professions is in full swing in the north of Ireland - where previously untermensch Catholics are increasingly prevalent in what were once bastions of Unionism. This is what is really driving the Fleg protests IMO.
Thoughts? I will start off with a few below.
1. Your father would be the exception rather than the rule then. Shame he raised such a spiteful little brat, really.
2. I appointed myself the spokesperson for no-one.
I don't know any Irish people
Then tell me about how they are so widely known and celebrated by Irish people - unlike the writers, musicians, sports people,
singers etc.
I can't even think of the name of yer man the mathematician who wrote down the equation on the bridge under the Grand Canal that apparently CGI is based on. Nor could most people.
Who is Kelvin? Stop the next 20 Irish people you meet and ask them.
I take it he was/is an Irish scientist from a protestant, free-thinking background? Horray for you.
Now tell me about how every Irish child is taught about him at their grannies knee and how proud we all are of him.
Are you seriously suggesting that there was a widespread culture of engagement with Science, engineering and philosophy amongst Irish manual workers? Is there one even now? Show me your evidence.
I never referred to the anti-intellectualism of my childhood as 'proud'. It was ignorant. But it was widespread. I didn't say it was right. I just said it was there. It is still fairly common today, but much less so.
Here in the north, the descendants of the civil-rights generation are much more inclined to academic endeavour and the anti-intellectualism is however still firmly entrenched in Loyalist communities in the north. That is why one of the reasons they are so outraged at the taigs 'taking over' the universities and the professions, whilst the Unionist brain-drain continues unabated.
No. It's about you giving orders. Have a nice day.Which is everything to do with you and nothing to do with me. Have a nice day.
i thought better of you liam.
Look at any anti-Semitic propaganda poster, and the reason is there. It's our hunchbacks (caused by too much cuddling of sacks of money).
fuck this
i can't be fucked with this shit.
this is meant to be the politics forum, not the "post up some old bollocks" forum.
As long as the answer is to do with 'cultural and social factors' and not 'bloodlines' then it's definitely not racist.Before discussing any of that you need to do something the article writer does not do at all, which is to analyse what IQ tests are and why different groups perform differently at them. You then end up with a rather more prosaic answer to the question.
Are you really this stupid. Or are you just being a deliberately disingenuous prick?
As long as the answer is to do with 'cultural and social factors' and not 'bloodlines' then it's definitely not racist.
You started a thread called Jewish Intellectualism and you're calling other people pricks