the problem with your thinking is that, like the government, your thinking is polluted by the notions of deserving and undeserving. We can't have a benefit system for all, you believe, becuase there are people who exploit it; fraudsters, idlers and, ta da...'scroungers;!There needs to be a total rethink of the UK Benefit system. We need a system that doesn't penalise the thrifty and the responsible but which is there to give a hand up to those who have fallen on hard times through circumstances or illness.
At the moment the benefit system does none of this. It punishes those who are honest or who want to improve or who are sick and desparate but appears to give a free pass to the professionally idle, the antisocial and the crafty who play the system.
All blame for this cock up must rest with this and previous governments who haven't carried out root and branch reform but have just indulged in poltiically motivated tinkering round the edges.
Such people exist in all arenas of life, including paid employment and government (like those who claim vast expenses bills, Mr Purnell). Do we generalise to the detriment of all or take a compassionate view and create a safety net that helps everyone, regardless, without judgment? I say the latter.
And if johnny doley wants to claim his money and sit on his arse living a life of unconstructed idleness then, frankly, why should it bother you? Do you think such people 'ruin' it for everyone else? That's scarcity thinking - that these people are 'stealing' from the pot or some such bollocks. Why not foster an attitude of abundance and not this current embittered psyche we have that's been mediawashed into believing that it's under siege from every element the government deems undesirable and that such elements are taking directly frm their money.
Divide and conquer. They have won because people who think like you let them win. All for the sake of £60 a week.