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Is this a thing? Seizure by local councils of 'dj' equipment

But so many people suffer in silence until they crack up. Are you suggesting my mate should have just sucked it up or moved out of his council flat? If so then that’s a bit fucked tbh.
Thankfully for your friend, the law is on his side. My opinion doesn't really matter.

I am sympathetic to your friend tbh, but find the views expressed on this thread by people who themselves spent most of their youth trawling from antisocial houseparty to antisocial houseparty every weekend a bit rich.
We've all been to parties at regular party houses, and had a great time. Suck it up unless you've left in solidarity with their neighbours I reckon.

But this isn't a house party. Occasional noisy parties are fine, if someone's generally decent they'd let their neighbors know too, maybe even invite them. This and lost of similar things isn't that. It's ongoing anti-social noise causing massive problems to people nearby. People get given loads of warnings over a significant period of time, yet chose to ignore them and continue to ruin people's lives. It's utterly selfish and cuntish behaviour and attitudes, and often blights poorer areas and housing.
Thankfully for your friend, the law is on his side. My opinion doesn't really matter.

I am sympathetic to your friend tbh, but find the views expressed on this thread by people who themselves spent most of their youth trawling from antisocial houseparty to antisocial houseparty every weekend a bit rich.

I'm sure there's plenty of things people did in their youth and now look back think they were being selfish and behaved really badly though. It's not always a sign of just getting older and maybe more conservative being against this stuff later in life, it's partly due to being less selfish and more aware of people around you and the problems shit behaviour can cause for others. That's a good thing, not a bad thing.
Thankfully for your friend, the law is on his side. My opinion doesn't really matter.

I am sympathetic to your friend tbh, but find the views expressed on this thread by people who themselves spent most of their youth trawling from antisocial houseparty to antisocial houseparty every weekend a bit rich.
Nobody here - as far as I can tell anyway - is complaining about one off house parties. They happen, things can be noisy for an evening, everybody says sorry afterwards, no harm done.

But that’s not what’s happened here, is it? Constant, unrelenting noise - of the sort that actually gets a council off their arses to the point where equipment is confiscated - can make people’s lives a misery. You’re seriously coming down on that side?
The police didn’t confiscate this equipment. That is made very clear in all of the posts. Where did you get the view that it was the old bill doing this and not the council? Rozzers have no powers to do so. Looks like you are aligned with the government who gave local authority the powers to do this.

Okay, let me rephrase: I'm not in favour of equipment confiscation, full stop.
As a noisy neighbour that had had the odd complaint I think you have to be particularly bad to get to this point.

Generally we keep it to weekends, though not every weekend, and music is off or on smaller speaker by 11 or we are out. It seems to work alright as our neighbour who initially complained later said we were really considerate.

It took me a bit of time to learn the boundaries and actually getting a good speaker set up meant I didn't feel the need to turn it up so loud. I'd really love to get a sub but until we can afford somewhere that's not a flat then it's not possible. :(

I always thought my mate was a bit of a twat. She likes a party at hers after and they play music fairly loud. After they'd finsihed their new years party she went around a neighbours house and banged on their door because they were still going telling them to turn it off in the day. "I've had my fun, now you must stop too."

Don't really want to see people get their equipment taken but I imagine it had to have been bad.
Okay, let me rephrase: I'm not in favour of equipment confiscation, full stop.
Well you could go and make that clear as part of the UK’s culture of debate. At Speakers’ Corner...
Thankfully for your friend, the law is on his side. My opinion doesn't really matter.

I am sympathetic to your friend tbh, but find the views expressed on this thread by people who themselves spent most of their youth trawling from antisocial houseparty to antisocial houseparty every weekend a bit rich.

I’m not against parties and indeed used to do what you say but these were held in largely student areas with the street generally in broad agreement with what was going on (& I was 30 years younger 🙂). What I also recall is that, when I’d had enough, I had the option of going home somewhere quieter to put my head back together - unlike the shift worker or family living next door to the party. There has to be a happy medium and mutual respect that doesn’t rob people of their sleep and sanity in the process. One person’s champion fighting for the right to party whenever is another person’s inconsiderate antisocial cunt.
But this isn't a house party. Occasional noisy parties are fine, if someone's generally decent they'd let their neighbors know too, maybe even invite them. This and lost of similar things isn't that. It's ongoing anti-social noise causing massive problems to people nearby. People get given loads of warnings over a significant period of time, yet chose to ignore them and continue to ruin people's lives. It's utterly selfish and cuntish behaviour and attitudes, and often blights poorer areas and housing.
I'm surprised to have to tell you that having parties all weekend every weekend and sometimes on weeknights is pretty normal for shared households of people in their teenage years and early 20s. It might not have been the case for your shared student house, but I bet it was for most of the great houseparties you visited when you were that age. It certainly was for mine, and with bigger speakers too.
It doesn't seem to bother them, probably 'cause they've grown up with me playing music too loud downstairs after they've gone to bed.

Well fair enough, but not all kids are like that...

It's certainly interesting how polarised this discussion has become.
I'm surprised to have to tell you that having parties all weekend every weekend and sometimes on weeknights is pretty normal for shared households of people in their teenage years and early 20s. It might not have been the case for your shared student house, but I bet it was for most of the great houseparties you visited when you were that age. It certainly was for mine, and with bigger speakers too.

I've never lived in any student house of any sort. And if people are doing the above that's shit if it impacts negatively on the other people around them and they should stop it. But again, ASB is generally much much worse than that, especially for it to come to this confiscation.
The more serious point is the enclosure of any public space that people can party in, the cost of going out to clubs etc., the shit standard of cramped housing lots of folks live in, and the way landlords and universities pack students into areas with no consideration for the longer term residents.

It's a bit similar to the cyclist/pedestrian conflict; push atomised people together into a stressful enclosed space and watch them all implode at each other.
The more serious point is the enclosure of any public space that people can party in, and the shit standard of cramped housing lots of folks live in, and the way landlords and universities pack students into areas with no consideration for the longer term residents.

It's a bit similar to the cyclist/pedestrian conflict; push atomised people together into a stressful enclosed space and watch them all implode at each other.

Also consider that clubs are aggressively managed, expensive, oversold, shut to early and sometimes are just dangerous it's not a surprise that people prefer to party at home with their mates if they can get away with it.
Also consider that clubs are aggressively managed, expensive, oversold, shut to early and sometimes are just dangerous it's not a surprise that people prefer to party at home with their mates if they can get away with it.

Snap, I added a bit in about that before you wrote this. Yeah the price of going out totally encourages this.
Nobody here - as far as I can tell anyway - is complaining about one off house parties. They happen, things can be noisy for an evening, everybody says sorry afterwards, no harm done.

But that’s not what’s happened here, is it? Constant, unrelenting noise - of the sort that actually gets a council off their arses to the point where equipment is confiscated - can make people’s lives a misery. You’re seriously coming down on that side?
Did you ever check as you went into a houseparty how regularly they have 'em? I'm guessing not.
Nobody in my social circle was ever having parties every weekend, they were just one off things. You’d move around from week to week, or more likely be out at things in the aforementioned abandoned warehouse end of town.
sure sure. come on, we were all disgusting to live next door to. And I'd be disgusting all over again if I had my time again.
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