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Is this a thing? Seizure by local councils of 'dj' equipment

what's happened to you people?
You don't rinse the same spot time and time again.

If my neighbours want to play their scratched Queen CD's at full blast at 3AM on a Tuesday night, on a really shitty distorted stereo and are too wrecked up to notice that it's been jumping for two hours, I'm fine. But if they're doing this a couple of times a week then I'm quite happy if they get black bagged and sent to an internment camp never to be seen again.
I know one of the people affected by this. He’s autistic and has effectively been tortured by his shithead neighbour at all hours of day and night for nearly a year. It’s taken months for him to get things to this stage with multiple complaints to the council and monitoring the noise. This is very much a last resort and I’m really pleased for him that he’s got a result at long last.
Thank fuck. If the wankers know that and carried on, they need more than their hifi confiscated
My (pensioner) neighbour plays happy hardcore really loud at all hours, I don't get het up about it, I just put in the earplugs and toast a true soldier.

So what. You gonna argue antisocial behaviour involving loud music isn't a thing?
I know one of the people affected by this. He’s autistic and has effectively been tortured by his shithead neighbour at all hours of day and night for nearly a year. It’s taken months for him to get things to this stage with multiple complaints to the council and monitoring the noise. This is very much a last resort and I’m really pleased for him that he’s got a result at long last.
I remember having to speak to a noisy tenant who was basically torturing her upstairs neighbours with music at all hours. I asked her why she had to play the music so loud , she said 'my music soothes me " , I told her that it didn't soothe her neighbours. We also had to put fences up in their very small shared garden as she kept being abusive to them. No idea what happened to this in the end as I moved to another job.
I do not support equipment confiscation by the police. And I am surprised to see others on here in favour it, to be honest.

I would prefer to have massive fines imposed upon the offenders, of which 50% would be redistributed directly among their neighbours. So then you can say "Ah but a fine means it's only really a law for poor people and the rich can get just keep doing it cos they don't give a shit about being fined". Well, given the situations here, I doubt anyone's rich enough to laughing off massive four-figure fines, and even if they did then the 50% going to the neighbours would be a nice form of wealth redistribution.
So what. You gonna argue antisocial behaviour involving loud music isn't a thing?
The rave is antisocial to people who don't rave but live next door to the ravers, or people who own large empty warehouses, or farmers who's fields have been raved on. There will always be casualties of one sort or another, but it's a price worth paying.
I do not support equipment confiscation by the police. And I am surprised to see others on here in favour it, to be honest.

I would prefer to have massive fines imposed upon the offenders, of which 50% would be redistributed directly among their neighbours. So then you can say "Ah but a fine means it's only really a law for poor people and the rich can get just keep doing it cos they don't give a shit about being fined". Well, given the situations here, I doubt anyone's rich enough to laughing off massive four-figure fines, and even if they did then the 50% going to the neighbours would be a nice form of wealth redistribution.

Seems very weird to favour fines over confiscation? And then if they don't or can't pay the fines, imprisonment? All the while the music goes on for months possibly? Just take their equipment, immediate problem and distress for their neighbors is then over.
I do not support equipment confiscation by the police. And I am surprised to see others on here in favour it, to be honest.

I would prefer to have massive fines imposed upon the offenders, of which 50% would be redistributed directly among their neighbours. So then you can say "Ah but a fine means it's only really a law for poor people and the rich can get just keep doing it cos they don't give a shit about being fined". Well, given the situations here, I doubt anyone's rich enough to laughing off massive four-figure fines, and even if they did then the 50% going to the neighbours would be a nice form of wealth redistribution.
It's the council, not the cops that sieze the equipment. The cops just turn up to stop the council people getting a kicking
The rave is antisocial to people who don't rave but live next door to the ravers, or people who own large empty warehouses, or farmers who's fields have been raved on. There will always be casualties of one sort or another, but it's a price worth paying.

I think the frequency of these events is the thing. Friday, Saturday then rave on but 3am on a Tuesday isn’t cool.
The rave is antisocial to people who don't rave but live next door to the ravers, or people who own large empty warehouses, or farmers who's fields have been raved on. There will always be casualties of one sort or another, but it's a price worth paying.
Do kids still say 'rave'? My dad, now 81, used to refer to parties as 'rave ups' long before 'raving' was a thing in youth culture. I wonder if 'rave' now sounds similarly dated.

Anyway, no one minds the odd party but I'm sure we've all lived near people who were just noisy inconsiderate cunts.
The rave is antisocial to people who don't rave but live next door to the ravers, or people who own large empty warehouses, or farmers who's fields have been raved on. There will always be casualties of one sort or another, but it's a price worth paying.
I’d say there’s rather a big difference between the owner of an empty warehouse being annoyed by a group of ravers, and someone trying to have some peace and quiet in their own home.
The rave is antisocial to people who don't rave but live next door to the ravers, or people who own large empty warehouses, or farmers who's fields have been raved on. There will always be casualties of one sort or another, but it's a price worth paying.

Raves at least have a logic to them. There's an end at some point If the attendees are just getting high and dancing. Shouldn't be done in residential areas though.

OTOH antisocial behaviour involving loud music can take other forms. For 18 months the cunts downstairs used to play full volume at random times of night, / early hours, any day. Lots of gobby kids coming and going, rotwiler off lead wandering about out the back. (it attacked my friend's guide dog in a nearby street.)

Yeah, that's not just about loud music but the randomness of it was quite... Difficult.

editted draft.
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Do kids still say 'rave'. My dad, now 81, used to refer to parties as 'rave ups' long before 'raving' was a thing in youth culture. I wonder if 'rave' now sounds similarly dated.
I dunno, I don't know any young people other than my kids and they're a bit young to rave.
I do not support equipment confiscation by the police. And I am surprised to see others on here in favour it, to be honest.
The police didn’t confiscate this equipment. That is made very clear in all of the posts. Where did you get the view that it was the old bill doing this and not the council? Rozzers have no powers to do so. Looks like you are aligned with the government who gave local authority the powers to do this.
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