Are you saying check MY privelege or yours? I guess that depends on whether we're going to consider being born NT or autistic to be the privileged position.
It ties in with what I've been saying on this thread but I've grown a bit sceptical of thinking of things in terms of 'spectrums'*, whether that be left/right, autistic/NT, psychopath/non-psychopath etc. - I think the tendency to group things in this way is down the human propensity to spot patterns, then name them, then ascribe meaning to the members of the traits that 'cluster' together and group people accordingly, and eventually arrange culture around these forms of understanding to the point where predictions can become self-fulfilling prophesies**. But that's a whole n'other thread and isn't much more than a musing, reallyy.
But anyway, I'm not convinced when looking at 'autism' that everything in that group is of the same 'kind'. I don't think I can be 'cured' personally any more than a cat can be 'cured' of not being like a dog. Plus, I wouldn't want to be, partly because my identity is now tied up with my upbringing and fumbling accomodations to the condition and partly because I think some of the ways in which I see and process things differently can have value both socially and personally. Some parts of it I would never want to give up, though it would be really interesting to really experience how life is for a 'normal' person (a 'dual boot' brain would be my ideal, which I'm told is something only an Aspie would say).
Where someone has deficits in communication I think that can probably be down to a lot of things once brains start going wrong, and when there is serious suffering or debilitation involved it's natural to want to 'fix' that, but there have been cases in the past where people who were thought to have no 'inner life' to speak of went on to write books, compose music etc. and we need to be careful about both what we're 'fixing' and what we're breaking in the process. In terms of our understanding it's incredibly recently that lobotomies were considered to be 'fixing' people in terms of the narrow criteria of the professionals making the judgments.
* - yeah, I know that should probably be 'spectra' but that might cause some unnecessary confusion
** - with end results as absurd as classifying kitchen implements in terms of the seating arrangements of the national assembly of another country over two hundred years ago.