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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Twitter embedding should be disabled here. Just fuck it off.
The best compromise might be if whoever wants to post a Twitter link just quotes the post in full in plain text here, so there’s no need for others to try to click the “show more” button to expand the post, which then launches you into the evil site itself.

The tweet Boo Radley75 had a “show more…” link which I made the mistake of clicking, as I was curious what the text said. If posters quote the comment in full then no one would feel the need to click.

can you imagine someone like John major, Ian hislop, even nob heads like gove, Cameron, etc ~ acting in this slippery high dopamine based alt right shite.
No but I can see them being disgusted by it but crucially aware of its usefulness- traditional right wingers and the center can and have made accommodation with fascists before. Reluctantly, with an eye to controlling the excesses of the tiger. Deep regret expressed etc. But they'll fucking do it. As for gove, he's rabid about muslims. Foaming at the mouth. He's just polished in a way the boorish aristo adjacent ones have never had to cultivate
No but I can see them being disgusted by it but crucially aware of its usefulness- traditional right wingers and the center can and have made accommodation with fascists before. Reluctantly, with an eye to controlling the excesses of the tiger. Deep regret expressed etc. But they'll fucking do it. As for gove, he's rabid about muslims. Foaming at the mouth. He's just polished in a way the boorish aristo adjacent ones have never had to cultivate

yeh i know, i know. i can't quite put my finger on what i mean. i think there are some people you can actually talk with, no matter how repulsive their beliefs, on somewhat of a level, of a level of respect for a start, and it's far away from the dopamine laden existance that we all seem to be caught in. that list of twats was examples that i used of people where i associate that possibility far more than i would of meme-firing musk. and that is essentially a right wing horror show. a falling away of possibilities.
yeh i know, i know. i can't quite put my finger on what i mean. i think there are some people you can actually talk with, no matter how repulsive their beliefs, on somewhat of a level, of a level of respect for a start, and it's far away from the dopamine laden existance that we all seem to be caught in. that list of twats was examples that i used of people where i associate that possibility far more than i would of meme-firing musk. and that is essentially a right wing horror show. a falling away of possibilities.
I get what you're saying, but if you're someone directly affected by those repulsive beliefs it's not actually that straightforward. In some ways, those people are more dangerous because they can come across as perfectly reasonable to a broader audience.
yeh i know, i know. i can't quite put my finger on what i mean. i think there are some people you can actually talk with, no matter how repulsive their beliefs, on somewhat of a level, of a level of respect for a start, and it's far away from the dopamine laden existance that we all seem to be caught in. that list of twats was examples that i used of people where i associate that possibility far more than i would of meme-firing musk. and that is essentially a right wing horror show. a falling away of possibilities.
its a dangerous future, but the collapse of the "sensible centre right" seems to me to be a good thing...i would rather a showdown between a populist left and the batshit far/altright than the endless "centrist" blackhole of pretend-reasonableness
Dunno, accelerationism isn't really working out so well for anyone actually affected and itn in a lot of cases the centrists and even some of the far left end up going to the far right anyway
Dunno, accelerationism isn't really working out so well for anyone actually affected and itn in a lot of cases the centrists and even some of the far left end up going to the far right anyway
I find it all too complex to think about in a straight line. I think the acceleration thing has been happening for a while. It’s not something to undertake in the future. Interestingly it’s a theory co-opted on parts of the right too.
No but I can see them being disgusted by it but crucially aware of its usefulness- traditional right wingers and the center can and have made accommodation with fascists before. Reluctantly, with an eye to controlling the excesses of the tiger. Deep regret expressed etc. But they'll fucking do it. As for gove, he's rabid about muslims. Foaming at the mouth. He's just polished in a way the boorish aristo adjacent ones have never had to cultivate
Gove also went along with anti-Traveller sentiment in his constituency, rather than challenging it.
Byung Chul Han’s sentence “everything that once connected us is slowly disappearing” has truth. But I don’t make the step to say into something bad. Not necessarily. But he means it. It’s a glib sentence but he takes about ten books to describe why. The fragmentation and scattering to the wind of the psyche, the fragmentation of the social and the political. Neoliberal subjectivity. Extreme atomisation. The disappearance of rituals. Those old “sensible tories” remind me of the new fields of “discourse”, the new swarm in which they are no longer a dominant voice (but not power) on the right. But who knows what direction these things move in. No idea really.
Dunno, accelerationism isn't really working out so well for anyone actually affected and itn in a lot of cases the centrists and even some of the far left end up going to the far right anyway
I know what you mean but in GB we've had totally stability in the political governing class since Thatcher - hard to call it accelerationist - we're firmly in the center right blackhole for near fifty years now
Dunno, accelerationism isn't really working out so well for anyone actually affected and itn in a lot of cases the centrists and even some of the far left end up going to the far right anyway
if you "like" accelerationism, you might like this guy. similar bleak and terrifying :D

great over view:

I think there should be a new name for a certain brand of political outlook. “LOLism” or “Basementdwelltertism”. To clearly delineate it and then to mock and laugh at it easier. Something to clearly delineate it as the dustbin of western discourse.
I think there should be a new name for a certain brand of political outlook. “LOLism” or “Basementdwelltertism”. To clearly delineate it and then to mock and laugh at it easier. Something to clearly delineate it as the dustbin of western discourse.
Until it isn't basementdwellerism but has political power, and then we are in uncharted territory.

My favourite episode of Black Mirror is "The Waldo Moment", in which an anarchic and satirical cartoon character ends up becoming a totalitarian dictator. At the time I was surprised to see this was one of the lowest rated episodes of Black Mirror as I felt it said something important and insightful about the dangers of anti-political populist cynicism. I think it's become clear now how prescient it was though.
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