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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

it's still quite a big 'if' - two and a bit years of his stocks going up 110% pa. It's perfectly plausible, but its also perfectly plausible that they'll stall or fall depending on the extent to which his bullshit is called, China continues its EV & autonomous developments and who wins that election thingy.

I'm also a little surprised that it will have taken over a hundred years to go from the first billionaire to the first triliionaire
That report the Guardian cites seems pretty iffy - it's from some company that provides corporate training courses and they don't seem to have a lot of facts right

Tesla has a market cap of $669.28 B. However, its impressive growth rate, estimated to be growing annually at an average rate of 173.32%, means it should exceed $1 T in 2025.

Estimated by who? Tesla's stock is down 15% so far this year and it's down almost 50% from its peak in late 2021
They make it sound like Musk is getting richer every year on a path to inevitably becoming a trillionaire. The reality:

View attachment 441865
There's the problem of people whose majority of wealth comes from a very narrow stock profile - Musk can't sell off his stake in Tesla in a short span without cratering the value of it. I think $120B of that $175B is entirely Tesla stock.
This will be game over for a lot of individuals and also illegal in the EU to boot:

E2a very likely this is fake.

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Is it fake? Is there some way you can establish the truth of this?
I have him blocked but other ppl say they have searched his timeline and cannot find it. Others are very suspicious of the cropping so I think it's fairly safe to say at this point that it is fake.
Sometimes I feel like a bit of a pillock, but then folks like Musk help me put it in perspective :D

He's one of the richest men in the entire gods-damned world. He could do things with his limited span in this life that 99% of the world's population could only ever dream of. Yet he spends it acting like a basement-dwelling social incompetent straight from 4chan.

I don't think there's anything that could more effectively demonstrate just how fundamentally broken Musk is as a person. It's incredible.

Praising the latest of the car’s bleeding-edge features that felt like they came from the future, Cybertruck owner Anselm Hart bragged to friends Monday about its high-tech pedal that makes the vehicle accelerate when pressed. “It’s this bonkers, next-level thing that lets you go fast when push it down on it with your foot,” said the 36-year-old programmer, describing how he felt like “some sort cyberpunk bounty hunter” when he used his foot to apply pressure to a lever that increased the vehicle’s speed in proportion to how much he pressed the innovative device.
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