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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

yes, every empty bit of space and time - scroll, scroll. made me feel intensley uncomfortable, which is why i fucked it off, not so much abotu teh content though. this was years ago. i can get in that habit with reddit too, so only go on that on a desk top and very occasionally.

For me the compulsive aspect of it was uncomfortably close to what cocaine feels like; "just one more line/just a few more scrolls". Except that coke actually gets you high, and also you will actually run out of it eventually. The compulsion to consume algorithmically-driven corporate social media is much easier to feed on a daily basis and is completely legal, which I believe makes it far more insidious than cocaine.

I feel like wider society is not paying enough attention to the dark patterns of psychology embedded into the mechanisms of corporate social media.
Who the fuck does he think he is?

Obviously nonsensical comparisons to BLM UK aside, the two tier thing is particularly baffling as this is the first major unrest the police have had to respond since Labour took over after 14 years of Toryism. There's literally only enough data for one tier.
Holy fuck, I’ve just seen that the Tesla Cybertruck exists! :facepalm: You can tell that piece of junk is based on the personal hand drawings of Musk after he watched some shit, unimaginative sci-fi movie/kids cartoon.

Have you only just discovered that the Cybertruck is real? People have been ripping the piss out of that shitbox for months now.
Holy fuck, I’ve just seen that the Tesla Cybertruck exists! :facepalm: You can tell that piece of junk is based on the personal hand drawings of Musk after he watched some shit, unimaginative sci-fi movie/kids cartoon.
The best take on it is that raccoons are mistaking them for dumpsters. I don't care if it's actually happening or not, like Cameron fucking a pig it's true because it just is.
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