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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute, and consume material related to sexual themes as long as it is consensually produced and distributed. Sexual expression, visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,” X’s page on “adult content” policies reads.”

How the hell would that be moderated? It won’t be will it, unless reported.
All about the dollar. Would urban benefit from a ton of filth, probably not, and that wouldn’t detract at all from its generally sex positive attitudes.

Nothing also at all about the ethical dimensions of porn or whether it’s flat out exploitative, objectifying, just need more content to monitise.
Can see it being a haven for sex cases and nonces, tbh, even before the porn aforementioned

I always thought that pornographic content was already present on Twitter, since long before Musk took over. I know that quite a few erotic artists have/had an account there, although I'm not sure how open they were about it, since I prefer to find such content elsewhere.

I think the bigger problem with regards to sex cases and nonces is the fact that Musk, in his infinite lack of wisdom, has basically gutted the moderation and child safety teams that previously helped to keep a lid on things. Unsurprisingly, this has made the situation worse than it has ever been.

Remember also that Musk personally restored the account of a Qanon guy who posted a still from a notorious example of child sexual abuse material

He's literally a fucking nonce enabler. What a piece of shit.

“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute, and consume material related to sexual themes as long as it is consensually produced and distributed. Sexual expression, visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,” X’s page on “adult content” policies reads.”

How the hell would that be moderated? It won’t be will it, unless reported.

I doubt reporting posts/accounts would really do anything anyway. It's honestly crazy to me that more noise is not being made about what Musk has done to basically eliminate any meaningful content moderation on Xhitter. I think users would be better off trying to get the authorities involved.
I doubt reporting posts/accounts would really do anything anyway. It's honestly crazy to me that more noise is not being made about what Musk has done to basically eliminate any meaningful content moderation on Xhitter. I think users would be better off trying to get the authorities involved.

No one really cares too much about these things any more online, perhaps leaving aside noncery, outright racism, calls to violence, etc. Look at your average teen, consuming litlerally endless content of god know what nature. I don't mean this in an Amy Whitehouse way, I just mean the march of neoliberal capitalism as the market determines things like waht we see, what we desire, how we interact. Human civility, mores, rituals of behaviour, become largely incidental, especially when half the dynamic is just a human staring at a screen. It’s no wonder politeness and decency suddenly recede as stimulation and hyper attention foreground. We are all so used to it now. You could say that all those stuffy codefied thigns are left for "IRL" - but what's that? Most of our "real life" is spent on these machines. I haven't left this laptop alone since i got in from work, work where i was fully infused with Teams, whatsapp, emails, etc. Online and real life are truly indistinguishable now, i would say. Both are "real life". "Everything that once connected us is slowly disappearing", as my mate Byung Chul Han wrote. To be replaced with what? hopefully we can have somewhat of a say.
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We have entered into extremely weird and strange realms. It’s totally crazy how much the world has changed since say 1995 in terms of human attention, say. Breathtaking.
Another concept that’s been around for decades is “communication as command” - we are for some reason commanded in a strange way to communicate, constantly tempted into it, we are advised to tweet, share, message, share image etc. and if you don’t, it can feel weirdly cut off. Imagine going fully the other way, just maybe a phone call now and then and only face to face communication. Mark fisher puts it as you used to get a letter once or twice or year and that was fine. That was okay. Now we follow the postman round all day, nervous, waiting for things to be flung at us. It’s wEiRd lol. Maybe we are all truly closer together and bonded by it, but I’m not sure. I think a lot of human bonding comes about through silence and not knowing the other. It’s what draws you in. Two friends don’t need to endlessly communicate to feel bonded. Strange times.
This is why I have taken up fishing again, cos it affords a different kind of attention than what I pretty much live in. It will allow me to focus on one thing instead of the shifting from one thing to another online which is hyperattention. Fishing is the opposite of hyperactivity.
Another concept that’s been around for decades is “communication as command” - we are for some reason commanded in a strange way to communicate, constantly tempted into it, we are advised to tweet, share, message, share image etc. and if you don’t, it can feel weirdly cut off. Imagine going fully the other way, just maybe a phone call now and then and only face to face communication. Mark fisher puts it as you used to get a letter once or twice or year and that was fine. That was okay. Now we follow the postman round all day, nervous, waiting for things to be flung at us. It’s wEiRd lol. Maybe we are all truly closer together and bonded by it, but I’m not sure. I think a lot of human bonding comes about through silence and not knowing the other. It’s what draws you in. Two friends don’t need to endlessly communicate to feel bonded. Strange times.

I think that as a social species, the desire to communicate comes naturally to us. People have always wanted to speak and be heard by others.

It's like with food. We all need to eat, and our aeons-old evolutionary heritage has predisposed us to seek out sugar, salt, and the feeling of being satiated. It was key to our survival in the oft-straitened times of our pre-agricultural ancestors, when an indifferent natural world alternately blessed us with bounties and cursed us with desolation.

But now, most of us live beyond the ancestral wilderness that shaped our instincts. In a mere handful of millennia we have harnessed the cycles of nature to grow food by our command. In a relative eye-blink of less than a century, many of us now have access to more calories than our gut feelings know how to handle, to the point where obesity is now a bigger problem than hunger. An embarrassment of riches.

So it is with social media. Both the food industry and the tech giants have hooked into natural human urges, propelling them down channels of their design in order to drive their engines of capital generation. They use our very humanity to take advantage of us. That's why I find the pro-human posturing by the likes of Musk to be so incredibly grating. He's not interested in human flourishing. He just wants more bodies to chuck in the furnace. Yuck.
Apparently they have porn on the internet now, thanks to the Great Innovator

I for one am glad they're doing this, prominent labelling (presumably with a big sign saying "this is porn") will save so many people from watching it without realising. Ron Hayward will be so relieved.

This is why I have taken up fishing again, cos it affords a different kind of attention than what I pretty much live in. It will allow me to focus on one thing instead of the shifting from one thing to another online which is hyperattention. Fishing is the opposite of hyperactivity.
Not if you are on the other end of the hook.
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