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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Facebook is fine if you just want to look at train groups and buy second hand Lego on marketplace, I see very little idiocy although the usability is getting worse (stuff like comments being curated as ‘top comments’ by default rather than in a chronological order so you can follow conversations). But if you just use it solely to look at groups you’re interesting it doesn’t really resemble a cess pit,

Depends what topics you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in (no particular order) Ireland/representation/LGBT/film/film history/politics etc, all the ugly stuff comes up. And the algorithms suggests more like it.

Obviously, people are going to have different experiences and takes on the platform and what they see. Because I followed activists and suchlike on twitter, there was so much unpleasant shit to wade through or be exposed to - and as you say - all that was in place before Musk. It just got too much. May well eventually bail on FB...
stop the world...

Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence company xAI has closed a $6bn (£4.7bn) investment round that will make it among the best-funded challengers to OpenAI.

The startup is only a year old, but it has rapidly built its own large language model (LLM), the technology underpinning many of the recent advances in generative artificial intelligence capable of creating human-like text, pictures, video, and voices.

The funding round, one of the biggest yet in the burgeoning AI field, values the company at $18bn before taking into account the $6bn investment, Musk said on X, the social network he owns.

I wonder what they think they were trying to do with this. It's like they are actively trying to make things worse.
They even do it on posts where there’s like five comments, jumble them up so it makes no sense. I can see how on big groups with 500 comments they might do something like this to try and drive engagement, by pushing certain comments to the top, but on pages/groups with low traffic it’s just a pain in the arse and makes it unusable. I fucking hate the enshittification of everything.
Enron Skum receives some further schooling to go with the bullshit degree he received:


Where the fuck is he getting Tourette's from? LeCun didn't swear even once. "DKE" is most likely a reference to the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which is fucking amazing coming from Musk.
They even do it on posts where there’s like five comments, jumble them up so it makes no sense. I can see how on big groups with 500 comments they might do something like this to try and drive engagement, by pushing certain comments to the top, but on pages/groups with low traffic it’s just a pain in the arse and makes it unusable. I fucking hate the enshittification of everything.
You can select "all comments" which shows it in order, although it also shows the "hidden" spam comments etc.
Incredibly intelligent republican takes up the argument:

View attachment 426574
she's the qanon lunatic, the only research she values is when she's doing "her own research. "

I believe that's a "parody" MTG account, although I doubt that the responses from the real deal would be substantially different. Just goes to show how much of a pointless waste of time it is to parody these kind of people. Possibly worse than pointless, actually; when the parody is indistinguishable from the real deal, that's basically signal boosting. Can't help but wonder how many "satirical" accounts on social media are merely engaging in plausible deniability. That's why trolling is such a fucking awful disease of these times.

arguments on twitter are possibly the worst thing on the internet.

Wouldn't be so bad if the arguments were made in good faith, IMO. But even before Musk took over, something about the culture and/or structure of Twitter encourages blatant point-scoring instead of actual engagement. It's one of the big reasons why I permanently logged out of Twitter before Musk bought it.
Can't see it labeled as parody account, and the bloke seems to be responding to her. But indeed, worse than pointless if it is.
I believe that's a "parody" MTG account, although I doubt that the responses from the real deal would be substantially different. Just goes to show how much of a pointless waste of time it is to parody these kind of people. Possibly worse than pointless, actually; when the parody is indistinguishable from the real deal, that's basically signal boosting. Can't help but wonder how many "satirical" accounts on social media are merely engaging in plausible deniability. That's why trolling is such a fucking awful disease of these times.
a parody with a blue tick, lol
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