krtek a houby
Merry Xmas!
Facebook is fine if you just want to look at train groups and buy second hand Lego on marketplace, I see very little idiocy although the usability is getting worse (stuff like comments being curated as ‘top comments’ by default rather than in a chronological order so you can follow conversations). But if you just use it solely to look at groups you’re interesting it doesn’t really resemble a cess pit,
Depends what topics you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in (no particular order) Ireland/representation/LGBT/film/film history/politics etc, all the ugly stuff comes up. And the algorithms suggests more like it.
Obviously, people are going to have different experiences and takes on the platform and what they see. Because I followed activists and suchlike on twitter, there was so much unpleasant shit to wade through or be exposed to - and as you say - all that was in place before Musk. It just got too much. May well eventually bail on FB...