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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Total man child. So online that he is a 14 year old edge lord debate lord trapped in a 50 year old body. The horror of what happens when you become so involved, so unaware, in debord's The Spectacle . He is the biggest examples of what happens when conciousness itself is mediated, almost constantly, through monitised machines. I would bet some good money that the man doesn't have a moment's peace, so harrased he is by his own dopamine-fuelled inner hells.
Total man child. So online that he is a 14 year old edge lord debate lord trapped in a 50 year old body. The horror of what happens when you become so involved, so unaware, in debord's The Spectacle . He is the biggest examples of what happens when conciousness itself is mediated, almost constantly, through monitised machines. I would bet some good money that the man doesn't have a moment's peace, so harrased he is by his own dopamine-fuelled inner hells.
He's paid De Santis, hasn't he? For making his announcement an ad for this spaces thing.

Unless De Santis thinks being seen with Musk is payment enough.
well, they would to be fair... that's new media stealing something - a presidential running announcement or whatever you call it - that would have been a big deal for TV channels.
Oof, whistleblower in Germany releases thousands of serious Tesla autodrive malfunction reports, including a company policy of denying customers data and written feedback.

I thought this was interesting, too

Sorry for the screed - it looked ok before pasted up here. Anyway, he could take down nazi content if he wanted to. Last comment is interesting, too, says it's been admitted that he can't really ban nazis because the algorithm can't tell the difference between them and republican congressmen.
The DeSantis Twitter Spaces thing was the biggest crash since Starship

Impressive, there aren't many people who've had unsuccessful space-related launches both online and irl.
What a complete fool this man is:

Twitter has pulled out of the European Union's voluntary code to fight disinformation, the EU has said.
Thierry Breton, who is the EU's internal market commissioner, announced the news on Twitter - but warned the firm new laws would force compliance.
"Obligations remain. You can run but you can't hide," he said.
Twitter will be legally required to fight disinformation in the EU from 25 August, he said, adding: "Our teams will be ready for enforcement."
Twitter has not confirmed its stance on the code or responded to a request for comment....

Ignorance on the origins of a meme is one thing, but how does that make Musk anti-semtic?

And even given the origins of the meme, even if Musk knew those origins, if the meme points the fingers of blame away from Jews but towards the EU, how is that a problem?

The EU is a massive threat to everyone's freedom of speech if they get their way.

Misinformation isn't cool, but you know what? The best way to counter lies is the truth, a whole load of truth and to keep re-iterating the importance of critical thinking.

State censorship is bad news for everyone, including even the politicians that think it's such a wonderful thing.
Lol just on the face of it imagine thinking that real power is defined by caring whether powerless people talk shit about you. I mean I get it, common tic among narcissists and at a domestic level among dictators who need fear to function, but does anyone really think Carlos Slim or Bill Gates are spending their days worrying away at JoeRegular16's sarcastic quote Tweets?

Quotes and slogans really are the best way to fuck up critical thinking.
Lol just on the face of it imagine thinking that real power is defined by caring whether powerless people talk shit about you. I mean I get it, common tic among narcissists and at a domestic level among dictators who need fear to function, but does anyone really think Carlos Slim or Bill Gates are spending their days worrying away at JoeRegular16's sarcastic quote Tweets?

Quotes and slogans really are the best way to fuck up critical thinking.

It would depend on each quote or slogan I guess. Some can be counter-productive if they are too simplistic .. for example.
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